Sacred Devil

Chapter 318

"Young master, will the ice and snow tribe really destroy the tengshe tribe?" Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao with some doubts and asks.

In their hearts, the ice and snow tribe is always indigenous, and it is impossible to help them destroy the tengshe tribe.

"Will you, wait and see? Besides, it is not harmful to us, is it? " Jiang Hao smiles and looks at Feng Yaoyao.

All of them were slightly stunned and then reacted.

"Come on, let's follow them and have a look." Jiang Hao looked at the monks and said slowly.

Everyone nodded, and the winged snake flew slowly towards the Teng snake tribe.

All the people of the Teng snake tribe are very alert to look around, and many friars do not belong to the Teng snake tribe. The vine appears in the Teng snake tribe just to resist Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao said that he would personally destroy the tengshe tribe in five days. Now that five days have passed, today is the time for Jiang Hao to destroy the tengshe tribe.

However, it is noon now, and Jiang Hao is still in the future. Many people regard Jiang Hao's words left when he destroyed the tiger tribe as a joke.

"Look, there's someone coming. Keep an eye out!" All of a sudden, someone looked at the distance, and his expression was a little heavy.

All the people looked at the front and saw that the friars of the ice and snow tribe were fierce and unstoppable.

"Teng snake Shao Kun can be here, come out and die!" Ding Yi yelled angrily, with a thick cold color in his eyes.

All of a sudden, all the people of the Teng snake tribe looked at the ice and snow tribe with a trace of surprise in their eyes.

Naturally, they can see that the ice and snow tribe is an indigenous force, but since it is an indigenous force, why would the ice and snow tribe provoke them in the current time of the tengshe tribe?

"Sir, we Teng snake tribe is facing a big enemy today. We still need your excellency not to meddle in this matter." At this time, the head of the Teng snake tribe came out and looked at Jiang Hao and said slowly.

"Is it?" Ding Yi looked at the people on guard and chuckled.

Ding Yi looks at the rear and claps his hands gently. Ding Buyu and Ding Feixue come out slowly with the friars from the ice and snow tribe.

All the friars looked at this scene, took a deep breath, and then looked at Jiang Hao suspiciously.

They don't know what Ding Yi means, but they know that the monks of the ice and snow tribe are not good.

"The five-day appointment has arrived. We are just here to keep it." Ding Yi looks at the clan leader of the Teng snake tribe and says with a face of indifference.

Everyone was surprised. The tengshe tribe and Jiang Hao had a five-day appointment, but Jiang Hao didn't come. Now, although Jiang Hao has not come, the words of the ice and snow tribe surprise everyone.

"Are you Jiang Hao's helper? But you are monks of the city of God. Why do you want to help these outsiders The Teng snake tribe looked at Jiang Hao in shock and asked.

Ding Yi and others look at the Teng snake tribe. They take their weapons in their hands, and then look at the monks of the tribe with a gloomy face.

If the Teng snake tribe is slaughtered, they will be trusted by Jiang Hao.

"You don't need to know so much, but you have to be destroyed." Ding Bu language a face indifferent, calm said.

"Ding Buyu, do you think the ice and snow tribe is too much?" At this time, Shao Kun, the first strongman of the Teng snake tribe, came out and said slowly.

All people can not help but slightly surprised, eyes also with a thick color of shock.

They may not have heard of Ding Buyu or Ding Yi's name, but they have heard of the ice and snow tribe and the tribe living in the harsh environment of Wuwang iceberg.

"We are only acting according to instructions, so there is no need for the existence of Teng she tribe." Ding Feixue stands out and looks at Shaokun's eyes with a trace of war spirit.

They are waiting for Shao Kun before they start. If it is said that the Teng snake tribe, who they fear most, they will not hesitate to tell them that it must be Shao Kun.

"To be told?" Shao Kun frowns tightly, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

"You didn't come to help Jiang Hao destroy our tribe?" Shao Kun is silent for a moment, looking at Ding Feixue and asking.

"Jiang Hao is under the Buddha's crown of the ice and snow tribe. We came to the Teng snake tribe to obey the decree of the Buddha's crown." Ding Yi looks at Shao Kun and says calmly.

Shao Kun is slightly stunned, full of incredible color.

Jiang Hao was actually called the Buddha's crown by the ice and snow tribe. It can be seen that what position the ice and snow tribe put Jiang Hao in?

"Ding Yi, we are a subordinate force of Li Rong tribe. Do you really want to destroy us?" Shao Kun seems to be asking, but in fact it contains a threat.

"Even if Li Rong tribe comes, you must be destroyed." Ding Yi's face is calm, and his eyes are still full of cold color.

If they want to win Jiang Hao's trust, they must destroy the tengshe tribe. Even if the monks of the Lirong tribe come, they will not step back.

Jiang Hao is the Buddha in the Buddha's Oracle and the inheritor of the Buddha. They will naturally complete Jiang Hao's decrees.Shao Kun's eyes gradually became cold. He took a deep breath, and then slowly took out his weapons. Looking at the monks of the ice and snow tribe, he said slowly, "if you want to fight, then the war will be!"

Ice and snow tribes rarely leave the Wuwei iceberg, and now, the three major battles of the ice and snow tribe will all come out, which shows how important Jiang Hao is to them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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