Sacred Devil

Chapter 335

Unfortunately, there are too many snow wolves in these wolves. Even if they look for the wolf king very carefully, it is very difficult.

"Woo ~"

all of a sudden, a wolf howled, and then, the original snow wolves all flocked.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes. He waved silently, then drew out the chopping knife directly. Then he looked at Ding Yi and said, "kill!"

Ding Yi's three eyes congealed, and then the three directly formed an ice and snow battle array, and then rushed madly toward these snow wolves and killed them.

Jiang Hao was indifferent, and his knife was waving wildly. However, Jiang Hao did not use any spiritual power. In this case, he must preserve his strength, or no one knows what danger will come next.

Now it's a pack of snow wolves. Will it be snow lions below?

No one knows, so it is always right to preserve some strength.

They did not hide their own strength, just crazy attack, in their surrounding, is a mountain of corpses, a river of blood.

Jiang Hao was indifferent and stepped forward step by step. All the snow wolves around him fell under his knife.

Unfortunately, there are so many snow wolves that Jiang Hao can't kill them all.

Kill a snow wolf, immediately have a make-up, unconsciously, half an hour passed, Jiang Hao only moved about ten meters.

"Ding Yi, you three are careful. Now I'm going to find wolf king." Jiang Hao looked at Ding Yi, took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"Under the Buddha's crown, you should be careful, we can still persist." Ding Yi replied.

Jiang Hao's chopping knife coagulates, and then on the chopping knife, there is a tremendous energy. Then, Jiang Hao cuts down, and all the snow wolves three meters in front of Jiang Hao fall to the ground and die.

After killing these snow wolves, Jiang Hao rushed forward quickly, and his body suddenly soared. Unfortunately, when Jiang Hao advanced two meters, those snow wolves made up for it.

Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo ~

suddenly, three wolf howls came. Suddenly, countless snow wolves began to come towards Jiang Hao, and Jiang Hao's eyes changed with each passing day, and his eyes were full of ferocious color.

"Looking for death!" Jiang Hao roared and waved his hands. Suddenly, all the snow wolves who kept approaching Jiang Hao were killed by Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao killed the snow wolves while walking slowly, but it was too slow.

"Xiang Jiu, come out to kill!" Jiang Hao took a deep breath and summoned the five phase fierce beast directly.

Five phase fierce beast appeared, suddenly a majestic killing intention soared to the sky, and the five phase fierce beast looked at these snow wolves, the eyes were full of blood.

It is the killing beast, so it likes killing more than any fierce beast.

"Boss, you sit on my back." Five phase fierce beast looked at Jiang Hao, his eyes showed a strong sense of killing.

Jiang Hao nodded, jumped directly, and then sat directly on the back of the five phase fierce beast.

And the five phase fierce beast wings crazy fan, suddenly a wind blade constantly condense out, and then, these snow wolves constantly fall.

Ding Yi's three men look at the fierce five phase beast, and their eyes are full of shock.

They have seen five fierce beasts fighting with three dragon beasts. Naturally, they are very aware of their power. However, they did not expect that they could be as powerful as these thousands of snow wolves.

Unknowingly, there were corpses everywhere, and Jiang Hao was indifferent, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes. However, whenever these snow wolves approached, either Jiang Hao or the five phase fierce beasts would not show mercy.

Slowly, perhaps it is afraid of the five phase fierce beast's divine power, close to the five phase fierce beast's snow wolf also less.

"Xiang Jiu, northeast, kill the snow wolf king!" Jiang Hao suddenly found that in the northeast direction, the Three Snow Wolf kings stood proudly, looking at Jiang Hao and the five phase fierce beast, they were all full of blood.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, the five phase fierce beast also flapped its wings and went directly to the northeast.

However, just as they were heading northeast, the snow wolves, who were not willing to approach the five phase fierce beasts, rushed to the five phase fierce beasts again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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