Sacred Devil

Chapter 339

Jiang Haoyan walked along the Bank of the lake. He wanted to know what kind of lake it was and how powerful it was.

Unfortunately, Jiang Hao walked along the bank for a long time, but he didn't find any doubts, and there was no way to know the origin of the lake.

However, just when Jiang Hao was depressed, he saw the end of the lake.

At the end of the lake, there was a wooden boat. When Jiang Hao looked at the boat, his eyes showed a ray of joy.

If there is a boat, then he can cross the lake. Although he can't fly in the lake and can't walk by force, the boat can row in the lake.

Jiang Hao walked to the wooden boat, but there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

This wooden boat is indeed a wooden boat, but the wooden boat is bottomless, and beside the wooden boat, there is a stone tablet.

Jiang Hao looked at the handwriting on the stone tablet, but the characters on it were all ancient handwriting. If Jiang Hao had not studied the ancient handwriting, he would not have known the characters on it.

"Yang Qinglian, the sword immortal of Qinglian, led the weak water of Tianhe River and imprisoned Tianyin god Buddha for thousands of years, and took his sacrifice, hoping that he could survive the disaster of heaven and earth safely."

Under this stone tablet, Jiang Hao also found an ancient book. Jiang Hao picked up the ancient book. On the yellowing ancient book, there were five big characters: "to heaven, seal God and Buddha.".

Jiang Hao opened the ancient books, which wrote the relationship between Qinglian sword immortal and Tianyin god Buddha, as well as the introduction of Tianyin god Buddha.

Tianyin god Buddha is a famous god Buddha in the heaven, and the green lotus sword immortal is the beauty of Tianyin god Buddha. However, the Tianyin god Buddha is extremely powerful and arrogant, which offends many people in the heaven.

After that, when the catastrophe of heaven and earth was approaching, the green lotus Sword Fairy took Tianyin god Buddha to the place where he had known each other, and used his great immortal power to imprison the Tianyin god Buddha by drawing the weak water of the Tianhe river. Later, he took the Buddhist relic of Tianyin God Buddha and made him lose his Buddhist power.

The Tianyin god Buddha, as a famous God in the heaven, will not shrink back. It is precisely because the green lotus sword immortal knows the terrible disaster of heaven and earth that he is not willing to let Tianyin god Buddha participate.

Without the relic, the tianyinshen Buddha will lose its Buddhist power. Even if the disaster of heaven and earth is approaching, the Tianyin god Buddha will not be in any danger.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath. Looking at the records in ancient books, his eyes were full of bitterness.

Qinglian sword immortal is not afraid to be misunderstood by Tianyin god Buddha. She is only afraid that Tianyin god Buddha will be killed in the disaster of heaven and earth.

Jiang Hao collected the ancient books, and all the contents behind were sealed up, apparently reserved for Tianyin god Buddha.

Jiang Hao pulled the wooden boat over and stepped on the bottomless boat without hesitation.

Tianhe weak water, hair does not float, immortal god Buddha can not cross. The bottomless boat is the only tool that can cross the weak water of Tianhe river.

In Jiang Hao rowing bottomless boat, his eyes do not have a trace of emotion, he looked at the front of the stone gate, a face indifferent.

In front of the stone gate is the once famous god Buddha of Tianyin.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, his eyes also showed a trace of indifference, the speed of rowing is more rapid.

He doesn't know whether xuanci and others have arrived, but he knows very well that no matter whether xuanci and others have arrived, he can't let Tianyin god Buddha come into the world. Otherwise, with the character of Tianyin god Buddha, whether it is the eastern regions or the remains of this God, it will be a disaster.

When Jiang Hao rowed the bottomless boat in half, he found that on the other side, xuanci and others were also rowing the bottomless boat, approaching the stone gate.

Jiang Hao found xuanci, xuanci also found Jiang Hao. They looked at each other, and there was no hidden intention in their eyes.

Their relationship has reached such a point, naturally, there is no need to hide the intention of killing in their hearts. Moreover, both of them are about to reach their destination, and their killing intentions will not be hidden.

However, originally, there were six people who escaped from Jiang Hao's immortal Buddha Jingtian seal. Now, there are only three of them.

In addition to xuanci and the high priest, there is also a seriously injured kydenver monk. Obviously, they are also in the same danger.

The purpose of the high priest and others is the same as Jiang Hao, but their purpose is different.

The purpose of the high priest and others is to let the Buddha take the house and release the Buddha, but Jiang Hao just wanted to stop them. Of course, he originally held a life-threatening attitude towards this time, but now he has got the handwriting of Qinglian sword immortal. He also has absolute confidence in stopping the high priest and others.

"Jiang Hao, I didn't expect that you could come here, but even so, you can't escape the final fall." In cihao's eyes, he was disdainful.

The closer he was to the stone gate, the more excited xuanci was. He was a believer of the Buddha, but he had never seen the Buddha, but there was a Buddha behind the stone gate.

Xuanci and the high priest rowed the bottomless boat faster and faster, but Jiang Hao, without any anxiety, just padded across the lake.

It is recorded in the handwriting of Qinglian sword immortal that if Tianyin Buddha wants to break the stone gate, he only needs one punch. However, he does not blow up the stone gate. He is waiting for the answer from Qinglian sword immortal.Since Tianyin Buddha has not yet broken the stone gate, it shows that there is a shadow of green lotus sword immortal in the heart of Tianyin Buddha.

He still believed that the green lotus sword immortal would give him a reply, and give him a reply why he would imprison him and take his serf. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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