Sacred Devil

Chapter 361

If you do not advance, you will retreat.

The stronger the ancient moon, the greater the pressure on Jiang Hao. In this way, Jiang Haodi's potential will explode with the pressure.

"Come on, I want to know how strong you can be Jiang Hao's eyes were filled with a strong sense of war. He saw the immortal knife in his hand, and his spiritual power and Buddhist power poured out in an instant.

However, there is no fusion between spiritual power and Buddhist power, which also shows that Jiang Hao is not the immortal Buddha energy in the golden elixir for controlling animals.

Gu Yue watched Jiang Hao's spiritual power and Buddhist power flow at the same time. He was not surprised. Three years ago, he had a war with Jiang Hao, and naturally he knew that there were spiritual power and Buddha power in Jiang Hao's body.

"It's no use. You haven't even reached the purple mansion, or even you haven't realized the fur of destroying the avenue. You're not worthy of being my opponent." Gu Yue showed no mercy to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao had no emotion at all. His eyes closed slightly, and the three golden elixirs in his body began to riot. The spiritual power and Buddha power also covered Jiang Hao's whole elixir field.

Jiang Hao felt the long sword of Qingming stabbed by the ancient moon. On the sword, there was a strong sense of killing.

Destruction is killing!

The end of killing is death!

Death is rebirth!

Jiang Hao was immersed in the sword of the ancient moon, which made his perception of the road of destruction clear.

What is destruction?

Death is destruction!

However, Jiang Hao did not think that death was the end of destruction!

The end of destruction is not death, so what is the end of destruction?

The end of destruction is rebirth. Only by destroying those who should be destroyed can we have new life!


When Jiang Hao raised his knife, he felt the changes around him.

"Epiphany?" Gu Yue looks at Jiang Hao suddenly brandishing his knife, and his eyes also show a trace of astonishment.

He was able to understand the culture, Confucianism and swordsmanship because of his sudden enlightenment. Now, Jiang Hao suddenly realized. Although Gu Yue did not know what he realized, he knew that once Jiang Hao's epiphany was successful, Jiang Hao's strength would definitely soar.

"You can't let him have an epiphany of success!" Gu Yue took a deep breath and her eyes were full of cold color.

"Confucians and martial arts fight for the front!" The green hell sword in Gu Yue's hand was waved. Suddenly, a strong force rolled down directly and rushed to Jiang Hao.

However, Jiang Hao fell into a wonderful state. He felt that what he realized was not the road of destruction, or even had nothing to do with it.

Death! New life!

These two words lingered in Jiang Hao's brain for a long time.

"Yes, my way is not the road of destruction. I should go out of my own way. The road that the predecessors have taken is of no use to me. I am an unprecedented fellow practitioner of immortals and Buddhas. I want the Tao and should be the unprecedented way!" Jiang Hao's eyes suddenly opened and laughed!

Over the past three years, he has challenged 123 strong relics to understand the world. However, he has only touched the edge of the road of destruction, and has never reached the entrance.

Now, he already knew that he was wrong, and his way was not the road of destruction at all!

"One knife divides life and death!" Jiang Hao suddenly raised his knife and met him directly.

This knife, Jiang Hao did not hesitate to use the power of the immortal Buddha, of course, this knife, there is just Jiang Hao's understanding of his own way.

The end of destruction is death, and death is rebirth. Therefore, Jiang Hao realized the way of life and death!

A thought of the sky, a knife of the universe!



All of a sudden, the immortal chopping knife and Qingming sword collided together. Two powerful forces collide, two people momentum like a rainbow, like a god of war, unstoppable!

However, although the two people's speed is constantly superimposed, but Jiang Hao's chopping knife in his hands is cracking.


Suddenly, the chopping knife broke, and Jiang Hao was also hit and flew out. The powerful sword directly cut through Jiang Hao's whole body, and all over Jiang Hao's body was covered with bright red blood.

His knife is really strong, but his knife is broken!

Without the knife, Jiang Hao's strength was much weaker.

Of course, Gu Yue didn't feel well under this knife. His internal organs were severely damaged, but he was much better than Jiang Hao.

"Jiang Hao, it's useless. Your talent is really strong, but now you don't have a knife. What else do you have?" Gu Yue pointed at Jiang Hao and asked calmly.

He was not in a hurry to kill Jiang Hao. Three years ago, he played tricks on Jiang Hao and let him flee. Three years later, when Jiang Hao thought his strength was comparable to him, he still played tricks on Jiang Hao and let him die in despair!

Jiang Hao had a light smile on his face. He stood up with some difficulty. His eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Gu Yue, even if I lost my sword, my life and death are still not your control!" Jiang Hao said word by word.What Jiang Hao understands now is the way of life and death. If he can't control his own life and death, how can he understand the way of life and death?

"Is it? How can you compete with me without a knife Gu Yue also looks at Jiang Hao with disdain on his face, and the green hell sword in his hand stabs Jiang Hao's neck directly.

Jiang Hao did not fear, he took a deep breath, his eyes showed a thick chill.

Without it, he still had zhenshanzhu. Although zhenshanzhu was not used as frequently as Jianxian Dao, Jiang Hao refined zhenshanzhu completely and became his second weapon in the past three years.

Of course, the power of zhenshanzhu is not comparable to that of Xiandao. After all, zhenshanzhu is a magic weapon! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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