Sacred Devil

Chapter 371

Jiang Hao heard the words of Tianyin god Buddha, and did not say anything more.

After all, once he returns to the eastern regions, he will face too many dangers. He has too many enemies and too many things to do. When he does, he needs strong strength.

"Master, when do we start?" Jiang Hao looked at tianyinshen Buddha and asked.

"It's not urgent now. You just came out of my pressure, so you have to rest for half a month. In this half month, you can drink more of this spirit liquid. It is absolutely good for your cultivation." Tianyin god Buddha took out a bottle of spirit liquid from his own space ring and handed it to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was not polite. He took the spirit liquid, and his eyes were full of thick calm.

The spirit liquid is very precious for the monks like Jiang Hao, but it is very common for Tianyin god Buddha, and even has no use at all.

The spirit liquid in the eyes of the monks who have not entered the fairies is a strange thing to enhance their strength, but in the eyes of the fairies, it is just water containing some aura, which is not different from ordinary water.

"Ali, what is your state now?" Tianyin god Buddha looked at Ali and asked with a trace of calm on his face.

Ali was his apprentice instead of Qinglian Jianxian, and Qinglian Jianxian was the beauty of tianyinshen Buddha, so he also attached great importance to Ali.

"Master, I have now reached the late stage of Zifu, which is only one step away from the breakthrough." Ali looked at the Tianyin god Buddha and said with respect.

She knew very well that if there was no Tianyin god Buddha, she would still be an ordinary girl, because her life would be changed.

She still remembers that she wandered around and was so hungry that she didn't even know when she would die. At that time, she met Tianyin god Buddha, who said that he would take her as a disciple for Qinglian Jianxian. She just wanted to have a good meal, so she went to the door of Qinglian Jianxian.

She did not expect that, in two years, her life has been greatly changed.

"You are a swordsman, so when you gather Yuanying together, you need to understand your own kendo. What your elder martial brother understands is the way of life and death. Therefore, you should also go out to experience. Remember, you must realize your own kendo." Tianyin god Buddha looked at Ali and said solemnly.

Everyone's Tao is different. Even if Tianyin god Buddha takes over the Apprenticeship of Qinglian sword immortal, he will not force Ali to practice the sword skill of Qinglian sword immortal. After all, only the sword skill that he realizes is the most suitable one for him.

"Master, I want to accompany my elder martial brother for another half month." Ah Li was silent for a moment and looked at the god Buddha.

Every day, Yinshen Buddha smiles and nods without saying anything.

A Li has been with Jiang Hao for a year. Now she just wants to stay with him for half a month. Naturally, he won't say anything.

Half a month's time is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, and just as Jiang Hao is preparing for the next practice, Ali also needs to go out to experience.

Jiang Hao knew that Ali also went out for training, and he didn't say anything. He just silently sent Ali out of the Wuwang iceberg, and then took a deep breath: "if you encounter danger outside, tell them that you are my younger martial sister. If they dare to attack you, remember them, and when I finish my cultivation, I will personally avenge you."

A Li heard Jiang Hao's words, her eyes slightly red, eyes are full of thick do not give up.

This is his senior brother, who has been with him for a year.

"Thank you, elder martial brother. You are so kind to me." A Li looked at Jiang Hao. His face, which had always been cold, became tender.

"You are my younger martial sister, you have been wronged, I should be able to stand for you." Jiang Hao didn't think about it, so he waved.

A Li heard Jiang Hao's words, can't help but some lost, and then whispered: "younger martial sister?"

However, immediately, Ali put the loss away, looked at Jiang Hao and said, "elder martial brother, you go back to practice, I will certainly understand my own kendo."

Jiang Hao nodded and watched Ali leave. Then he turned to the Wuwang ice waterfall.

As soon as he returned to the waterfall, Tianyin god Buddha appeared beside him, and then sealed Jiang Hao's elixir field directly, so that Jiang Hao could absorb energy, but could not use it.

"Well, I'll show up when you can break the waterfall next." Tianyin god Buddha looked at Jiang Hao and said slowly.

"Master, if I break the waterfall, can I practice three heads and six arms?" Jiang Hao looked at the Tianyin god Buddha and asked in a puzzled way.

"If you can break the waterfall, you can not only cultivate three heads and six arms, but also leave the ruins, and even the combat effectiveness can be comparable to that of yuanyingqi." Tianyin Buddha replied with a smile.

When Jiang Hao heard the words of Tianyin god Buddha, his eyes were filled with a strong color of firmness. Whether it was practicing three heads and six arms or leaving the ruins, it was a fatal temptation for Jiang Hao.

Three heads and six arms can improve his strength, and there are beauties waiting for him to go back, so in any case, he must break the water of the waterfall as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao jumped directly to the waterfall without hesitation. Under the waterfall, there is a smooth Boulder, which has been impacted by the water flow of the waterfall all the year round, and most people are not able to stand still.And in the sky, he looked at Jiang Hao's appearance, and his face also showed a smile.

Jiang Hao's talent is very good, but if he wants to improve his strength rapidly, he needs to stimulate him with his innermost things or people, and then he will crazy improve his own strength. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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