Sacred Devil

Chapter 397

In front of the ancestral gate, Luo Feng and WAN Jian all looked anxious. The mountain guarding disciples told them that Jiang Hao left the zongmen with Han Li and others.

Maybe the disciples of Lingyun sect don't know what Jiang Hao is going to do, but Luo Feng knows it clearly.

Jiang Hao is going to the Fang family. He is going to destroy the Fang family!

However, Luo Feng and others did not go to help because they believed in Jiang Hao and believed that Jiang Hao could come back victoriously.

They waited for a few hours, Luo Feng saw Jiang Hao coming back with Han Li and others in the distance.

"They are back!" Luo Feng rises from the sky and looks at several people, such as Wan Jian. Yuan Yingqi, the friar, answers.

"I've met my master, Lord!" Jiang Hao also saw Luo Feng and WAN Jian, and so on. He directly let the five phase fierce beast fall in front of the sect, jumped down the five phase fierce beast, and saluted Luo Feng and WAN Jian.

"Are you all right?" Luo Feng ignored Jiang Hao's salute directly and asked with concern on his face.

He is very clear about the strength of the Fang family. The two strong men in the later period of Yuanying, and the ark is also infinitely close to the latter stage of Yuanying. As for the other three monks of Yuanying period, they do not know what the realm is, but they are also the existence of the monks of Yuanying period.

In contrast, Jiang Hao and others, only a Li and winged snake exist in their infancy. How can Luo Feng not be worried.

Jiang Hao lowered his head and did not answer.

Although they won the war completely, in Jiang Hao's mind, they were defeated, and still defeated.

Looking at Jiang Hao's appearance, Wan Jian was silent for a moment and comforted him: "Jiang Hao, the strength of the Fang family today is very difficult to be destroyed even if it is our lingyunzong's all-out effort. As long as you are OK."

"The fangs have been destroyed by us, and they are still in pieces." Jiang Hao said slowly.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then his eyes were full of disbelief. No one could believe that Jiang Hao could send the Fang family with two yuan babies to the end.

"Although the Fang family was defeated by us, I think that we have lost the war." Jiang Hao's voice is a little bitter, even some deep.

In this war, Nie Kuang died and Han Li lost his most important partner.

All of this is because his knife has restrained his power. If Jiang Hao did not restrain his power, elder Lu would be killed, and all this would not happen.

Therefore, Jiang Hao thought that they had lost the war, and the reason for the failure was because of him.

"You have already destroyed the Fang family. Shouldn't this be victory?" Luo Feng some doubt, looking at Jiang Hao's eyes also with a puzzled.

"Nie Kuang is dead, and Han Li's king of the earth is also dead. Therefore, we are defeated in this battle. "Jiang Hao shook his head and said bitterly.

When Wan Jian heard Jiang Hao's words, his expression remained unchanged. Even as the leader of Lingyun sect, he didn't know how to answer. Luo Feng was silent for a moment. He stepped forward, then gently patted Jiang Hao on the shoulder and said slowly, "I would die more if I were you."

Jiang Hao raised his head. He looked at Luo Feng and said solemnly, "Shizu, if I had no mercy on my knife, if I let Zhanlan xuangui defend them, then Nie Kuang and Han Li's pet animals would not die."

Luo Feng raised his head, then looked at Jiang Hao and said slowly, "since they have chosen to go to Fang's house with you, they are all ready for the last time. This also shows that they are not afraid of death at all."

"Jiang Hao, do you know what Nie Kuang said last Li Qingshan was silent for a moment, looked at Jiang Hao and asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head. He didn't know what Nie Kuang's last words were.

"He is a disciple of Lingyun. He is proud to be a disciple of Lingyun." Li Qingshan looked at Jiang Hao and said slowly.

When Jiang Hao heard this sentence, his eyes were full of bitterness and bitterness. He knew exactly what it meant.

Today's Lingyun sect is no longer the original Lingyun sect. No matter who bullies Lingyun's disciples, no matter how powerful the other party is, all of them will not shrink back and seek justice for him.

This time, mozak was seriously injured by the Fang family. Although the zongmen had not yet moved out, Jiang Hao's action this time did not tell them that no matter who they were, it was impossible to hurt the disciples of Lingyun sect!

Therefore, Nie Kuang felt proud to be a disciple of Lingyun sect.

When Wan Jian heard Li Qingshan's words, he was also very ashamed. After all, as the leader of Lingyun sect, he chose silence when mozak was seriously injured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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