Sacred Devil

Chapter 4

In the early morning, there was a bustling scene in the market. Some disciples of the sect were looking for things they wanted. More importantly, they were farmers around the clan who sold the herbs and rare treasures they had picked.

Juling pill is the most common pill in the world of practice.

High level monks use it to supplement their spiritual power when they fight. However, for the monks below the foundation period, the spirit gathering pill has the effect of improving their accomplishments and is regarded as a treasure.

Therefore, it is not easy to find the materials for refining the elixir. After all, they are from the spiritual world. It is difficult for rural farmers to pick these materials. Jiang Hao traveled around the East and west sides of the market, but he did not find the herbs he needed.

Immediately, he set his eyes on the six storeyed treasure Pavilion in the center of the market, which is the miraculous medicine Pavilion of the zongmen. On a plaque, the characters are flying and the wind is dancing, which contains some artistic conception. But in Jiang Hao's eyes, it was a little crude.

Jiang Hao stepped into the hall on the first floor of the miraculous medicine Pavilion, where many monks were buying pills and medicinal herbs, accompanied by shop assistants.

But at this time, no one paid attention to Jiang Hao, because his clothes were too obvious. Anyone knew that it was the dress up of the students of the trial school.

In this regard, Jiang Hao did not take the initiative to come to the counter to ask: "please show me these herbs, whether you have goods in your cabinet?"

The clerk at the counter was a girl. He took Jiang Hao's prescription and looked at it carefully. It took a long time to check the bill of lading and confirm the result.

As a matter of fact, this girl is a new person in the miraculous medicine Pavilion. Otherwise, anyone else will recognize it immediately after taking the prescription. This is what is needed to refine the elixir. Juling pill is a common pill. How can the refined materials be out of stock?

"Yes, how much do you need?" The girl showed a faint smile, and did not because of Jiang Hao's dress, but expressed contempt.

Jiang Hao weighed his stone bag and hesitated. I don't know if the money is enough to buy a material, so I can only say, "you can calculate the price of a medicinal material for me first. I have to see if the spirit stone I bring is enough."

The girl was slightly stunned, and a slight teasing appeared in her eyebrows and eyes. It seemed that she was laughing at Jiang Hao for having no money to buy things.

However, with goodwill, she just laughed it off and began to calculate for Jiang Hao.

Soon, the result came out: "a total of 103 spirit stones, you take enough?"

Jiang Hao looked at the girl's expression, slightly embarrassed: "it's really not enough, can I get credit?"

Asked about this, Jiang Hao had some regrets. He thought he was Jiang Zhenren, who was admired by thousands of people in his last life. When he went to the big treasure houses and auction houses, the owners would treat him kindly and would like to put them upside down.

But now, he is just a student who has not yet built a foundation.

The girl was startled by Jiang Hao and laughed bitterly: "definitely not, otherwise Shall I ask for you? "

Jiang Hao quickly waved his hand to stop her. The girl is also a low-level man, so don't be difficult for her.

However, just as Jiang Hao was about to leave, he found a notice posted by the door of the exit. He just glanced at it. He was very happy and immediately turned his head and asked --

"the miraculous medicine Pavilion is recruiting pharmacists?"

"Not a pharmacist, but a pharmacist. If he is qualified, he can become a pharmacist's assistant." "You can make medicine? If you can, you can try it and become a pharmacist. When you buy medicinal materials, the price is half price. "

Half price?!

As soon as he heard this, Jiang Hao was overjoyed. No matter whether he was a pharmacist or a pharmacist, he was bound to catch him.

"I'd like to have a try."

But just then, a clerk at the counter nearby suddenly said, "just you? A disciple of the trial school, still want to be a medicine refiner? How many herbs do you know? "

When the man opened his mouth, he was rude, which made Jiang Hao frown: "is the pharmacist still demanding his identity? I've never heard of it. "

"Arrogant." The guy couldn't say anything but Jiang Hao, so he could only snort coldly.

At this time, the girl did not want to let the quarrel go on. She immediately said, "there is no identity requirement, but it has to pass a test. If you want to do it, you can go to the backyard with me."

After that, the girl walked out of the counter and took Jiang Hao to the backyard of Lingbao Pavilion.

In this regard, the clerk looked scornful, and happened to meet the shopkeeper downstairs. He rushed up and said, "shopkeeper, the new fellow has brought a student of the test school to apply for a medicine refiner. I want to stop it. People won't listen to me. Go and manage it."

As soon as the shopkeeper heard this, the corner of his eyes leaped: "are the students of the trial school applying for medicine refiners? Isn't this nonsense? Waste medicine

As soon as the shopkeeper put on his long sleeves, he went to the backyard angrily. But when he arrived, there was a young man sitting in front of the only fire control battle. He was wearing the clothes of the trial school.

The girl was still watching. She didn't notice the arrival of the shopkeeper. Until the shopkeeper made a voice, she was startled: "nonsense. It's a waste of effort to ask a student of the trial school to apply for a medicine refiner."

"If he doesn't succeed, I will deduct the damaged herbs from your monthly salary."The girl trembled and did not dare to speak. At this moment, she only hoped that the young man could succeed and be exempted from her punishment.

How could the shopkeeper not see the girl's expression? He sneered in his heart, but he also stopped to have a look.

In the whole backyard, there are ten fire control arrays, nine of which have already been owned. They are new medicine refiners in Lingbao Pavilion, refining low-grade pills for the pavilion.

The remaining fire control array was used by Jiang Hao.

Before the fire control.

Jiang Hao drives the array and ignites the fire. It is only at the moment of the fire that the fire suddenly surges. If there is no barrier, the fire will surely overflow.

Just at this glance, the shopkeeper concluded the result: "hum! I can't even master the simplest fire control array, but I still have the delusion to apply for the medicine refiner in my elixir pavilion? "

"What kind of pig's head do you look like that you let a student of the test school come here to apply?"

"This month's salary will not only be deducted, but also you will be responsible for cleaning the backyard. I will find someone else to look after the front counter."

With this sentence, the shopkeeper glared at the girl and left with his sleeve.

The girl was completely frightened. She could work in the elixir Pavilion, thanks to gifts and flattery from her family. A 200 year old ginseng paid in this way. I thought that in a few months' time, I could invest in my family, earn back and improve my life.

But who thought, now even the counter work can not be done, is demoted to the sweeper, the monthly salary must also be greatly reduced.

The girl's tears could not help but overflow her eyes. She looked at the backyard of nuota. The residue produced after refining medicine was waiting for her to clean up. A kind of powerless pain leaped to her heart.

For this scene, Jiang Hao was totally unaware, because he had been paying attention to the situation of the fire control array.

"How could the fire control array arranged in the miraculous medicine Pavilion of a clan be so crude?"

"Is it amusing to fall to the ground?"

Jiang Hao was dumbfounded. This kind of fire control array could not bear his own precise control, otherwise the fire would not be suddenly fierce.

Without saying a word, Jiang Hao could only take out his own spirit stone bag and take out the spirit stone from it: "I thought it was no cost to apply for the recruitment, but now it's better. I have to pay for improving the array. This miraculous medicine pavilion has taken a big advantage of me."

At this point.

Jiang Hao made a sudden move, and his fingers were nimble. He drew an array on the fire control array. A dozen spirit stones were reintroduced into the fire control array to replace the core. In the array, he engraved profound French that only he could understand.

At this moment, the whole fire control array is completely new, simple and profound, as if containing mystery.

When he did it again, the original red flame suddenly shot out a trace of blue flame, which seemed to be introverted, but in fact the temperature was terrible.

However, no one else noticed such a scene


Elixir Pavilion, lobby.

The shopkeeper was still in love with the medicine which was about to be discarded. At this time, an old man in a Chinese robe came in the door.

The old man looked at the absent-minded look of the shopkeeper, and he was curious: "shopkeeper Qian, why is there no one in mind?"

The shopkeeper was startled by the sound, looked up at the man, and quickly bowed down to salute: "master ye, how did you come?"

Old man ha ha a smile: "you are in the heart have ghost, I came for a long time, also did not see you to discover."

The shopkeeper quickly wryly explained: "how dare villains neglect master ye? It's just Well, the man under my hand is not doing a good job today. I'm really distressed. "

"What's going on?"

Seeing the old man's question, the shopkeeper had to tell the truth: "we still need a medicine refiner in the elixir Pavilion. As a result, I happened to be absent. A new assistant under my hand took a disciple from the trial school to apply for the position."

"I'm afraid that those tested medicinal materials will be wasted in vain."

"The students of the trial school came to apply for the medicine refiner?" The old man also felt incredible and frowned slightly: "go, take me to have a look."

When the two came to the backyard, the shopkeeper pointed to Jiang Hao's direction, and he would open a voice to testify.

But at this time, the shopkeeper's eyes suddenly froze.

In the fire control array, the herbs which he thought would be in vain were completely quenched into liquid medicine by the flame. The liquid appeared suddenly, turned and converged in the array, and gradually began to take shape.

As a shopkeeper of the elixir Pavilion, he can recognize that the liquid medicine is rolling, which is the first step of becoming a pill. As long as this step is completed, you can almost expect Dan Cheng to fail.

The old man also happened to see this scene. He didn't expect that a disciple of the school of trial learning could do this.

Just when the old man wanted to open his mouth to praise, an unexpected scene happened.

The young man took out the liquid medicine, gathered it in his palm and suspended it. The flame that had been extinguished was urged by him again. Suddenly, the flame began to jump in the fire control array.

At the time when they didn't know why, the young man threw the medicine directly from the fire!!

The look on the face of the old man and the shopkeeper changed suddenly——What is he going to do? Burn the liquid?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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