Sacred Devil

Chapter 509

"Now is the second auction item. This is a top-grade defensive aura. There are two Vajra masks. The base price is 50000 high-quality spirit stones. The higher the price is, the lowest increase is not less than 1000 top-grade spirit stones!" Milan looked down, his face full of laughter.

Today's auction was a success, especially the contradiction between Jiang Hao and Ouyang Zimo, which made the auction very successful.

"It's a top-grade defense spirit tool diamond bracelet. It's not too expensive for 50000 top-grade spirit stones. It's also very good to take them to ling'er or Yao Yao." Jiang Hao murmured in his heart.

"Fifty thousand." Someone has already started bidding.

"In case of five!"

"Fifty two thousand!"

"Fifty five thousand!"

After that, the friars kept raising their prices. Obviously, this diamond bracelet is more charming and practical than that one thousand year old ethereal grass.

Most of the people who can take part in the Qixuan Pavilion auction are extremely powerful forces in the wasteland, or some monks hiding in the wasteland. As long as they think it is worth selling, everyone will not be stingy.

Every time he heard someone yelling at the price, Jiang Hao could not help looking at those who were bidding.

Jiang Hao has never participated in such a grand auction as Qixuan Pavilion in his life. Moreover, hearing from Nanmen feirong, Qixuan pavilion has been preparing for this auction for nearly ten years.

Therefore, this time, Qixuan pavilion has almost gathered the treasures that have been searched for for several years, and there are also some treasures provided by sellers.

I don't know if there will be any bidding competition for this diamond bracelet. I think he just raised the price for Ouyang Zimo. He certainly won't miss the opportunity to raise the price?

A Li sees Jiang Hao always looking down, also don't know what she wants to do? When the price was sixty-three thousand, Jiang Hao suddenly called out: "seventy thousand."

A Li couldn't help but be a little stunned. He wanted to ask Jiang Hao what he wanted to do.

Jiang Hao's defense is very strong. Even the monk who will be able to break through Jiang Hao's defense is very difficult. However, Jiang Hao bid for the diamond bracelet.

After all, this is the man who has just competed with Ouyang Zimo for the ethereal grass.

Milan's eyes lit up, then waved, with a trace of charm on his face, and called out: "the first VIP box bid 70000, do you have any price increase?"

Milan also paid more attention to Jiang Hao, especially when Jiang Hao made an offer. The kind of people who regard spirit stone like dung, Taodu, made Milan very favorable.

Jiang Hao's strength is so strong that he has much gold. If there are more buyers like this, Qixuan Pavilion must be rich!

"Seven in one!"

"Seventy two thousand!"

"Seventy three thousand!"

There are still some people who continue to increase the price. For such top-grade spirit tools, it is the thing that can save life at a critical moment.

What's more, it's equivalent to at least two lives. The price is acceptable.

But after being offered by Jiang Hao, the price yelling voice suddenly reduced by half. Some people have already scolded in their hearts. They have never seen anything like this.

If it wasn't for the reputation of Qixuan Pavilion, even these monks would have thought that Jiang Hao was a trust of Qixuan Pavilion.


When the price reached 80000, all the people turned their eyes to the box No. 1, which stopped talking after a shout. No one knows whether Jiang Hao will go crazy.

Jiang Hao did not let everyone down. He stood in front of the window and then slowly called out, "160000!"

If Jiang Hao does not bid, he will be astonished.

Just now someone else just offered 80000 high-quality spirit stone, but Jiang Hao doubled it directly and blocked many monks out of the door.

The 160000 high-quality spirit stone is not what ordinary monks can take out.

"Damn it! If you have the ability, take pictures of all the things today... "

Some people can't help scolding.

Milan didn't care. She patted her high chest with some excitement, and then her voice was also a little excited: "160000! The VIP in box 1 has already offered 160000 RMB! Is there any increase? "

They all shook their heads in their minds. Although this pair of diamond bracelets is a life-saving thing, it is only a top-grade spirit tool.

Of course, if you meet a monk with a higher level of cultivation than he wears, even if the diamond bracelet is a top-grade aura, it will be vulnerable to a blow. Therefore, the price of a top-grade spirit stone is the highest price in the world.

After all, with the price of 100000 high-quality spirit stones, you can ask a famous craftsman to refine another pair. If you add it up, it will be unwise.

"I'll give you two hundred thousand!" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

"Are there any bids?"

People were surprised at the auction house, with a trace of surprise in their eyes.

Everyone looked to the place where the sound was made, but when they looked at the box of Ouyang family, there was a trace of relief on their faces.Then, everyone looked at Jiang Hao's box again. Jiang Hao stood in front of the window, closed his eyes, and there was no sound. Ali stood beside Jiang Hao and said nothing.

"The VIP in box 4 has already offered 200000 yuan! Is there any increase? " Milan looked around and said with a smile. Seeing no response, she looked at Jiang Hao's box and asked, "VIP No.1, would you like to increase the price?"

Jiang Hao couldn't help being a little stunned, with a trace of bitterness in his eyes.

It is obviously true that there are 200000 high-quality spirit stones. Jiang Hao was wronged.

However, Jiang Hao is not a big wrongdoer. He is more shrewd than these friars. I don't know how many times.

Although Jiang Hao was not good at refining weapons, he was a strong man in the period of crossing the loot in his previous life, so he still had these horizons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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