Sacred Devil

Chapter 51

"Well, don't talk about it. Let's go back first. Now it's so late that the Lord will have a rest." Luo Feng looked at Jiang Hao and Feng Yaoyao and said directly.

Jiang Hao and Feng Yaoyao nodded, followed Luo Feng and left directly outside the hall.

Outside the hall, mozak and Wang Shiyan are standing in front of the hall, looking at Jiang Hao walking out of the hall with a trace of strange expression in their eyes.

Mozak burning a strong sense of war, for Wang Shiyan but a look at Jiang Hao.

They have very different eyes, so they have different ideas.

"Jiang Hao, do you dare to fight a war?" Mozak from the storage bag out of his long knife, a face of war.

"My young master is seriously injured. How could he be your opponent? You obviously want to defeat our young master. " Feng Yaoyao looked at mozak and said with dissatisfaction.

Mozak was stunned and looked at Jiang Hao with a trace of embarrassment. He is now a monk in the PYU period, and Jiang Hao is still a monk in the middle period of foundation construction. Moreover, Jiang Hao is still seriously injured. It is a shame to challenge him now.

"Well... I'm excited too. Sorry brother Jiang, I just think you are a good opponent." Mozak felt his head a little embarrassed and looked at Jiang Hao and said.

Jiang Hao looked at mozak. He just laughed and didn't say anything.

He can understand that if he meets a good opponent, he will not miss any chance to learn, even if it is a trace, he will seize it.

A good opponent, especially one who is suitable for himself, can show him many weaknesses that he has never discovered.

Mozak is very strong, even compared with Fangjia, there is a little stronger.

Although he didn't know why he had this feeling, it was very strong, very strong.

"When I get well, I'm looking forward to fighting you." Jiang Hao looked at mozak and said in silence.

"Well, I'll wait for you." Mozak laughed, looking at Jiang Hao's eyes also burst into light.

He is looking forward to a war with Jiang Hao, because he is the same as Jiang Hao. Besides, Jiang Hao's strength is not inferior to him.

Wang Shiyan looked at mozak and Jiang Hao, her face also showed a smile, for mozak felt heartfelt happy.

Mozak's strength she is very clear, even if it is Fang Jia, also may not be able to defeat mozak, and, in the courtyard small test, he is a breakthrough.

Mozak is eager for opponents, eager for someone to fight with him, but he is arrogant. In his eyes, the only one who can fight with him is Fang Jia, but after he breaks through, he knows that Fangjia is not qualified at all!

Mozak's sword is destruction, as if it can destroy all things. His sword is full of evil spirit, which can't be resisted. But Jiang Hao, his knife is domineering, absolutely incomparable.

The two people's swords are very similar, and the two people's road is also very similar, so mozak is incomparably eager to fight Jiang Hao.

Luo Feng takes Jiang Hao and Feng Yaoyao directly away from the main hall. As soon as he returns to the courtyard, old man Feng comes up and looks at Jiang Hao with worry.

It is now late at night. When Jiang Hao was carried to the summit by Feng Yaoyao, his talent was just dark. Now it has been several hours. Although Jiang Hao and them have come back, Jiang Hao still looks pale.

"Young master, are you all right?" Feng looked at Jiang Hao with a worried question and answer.

"It's no big problem, just a few days of cultivation." Jiang Hao looked at the worried old man Feng and said with a smile.

Wan Jian has recovered all his injuries. Now he only needs to rest for a few days. However, he does not intend to recuperate in lingyunfeng. He is now the chief disciple of the outer courtyard, so he is ready to return to the outer courtyard.

"Hao'er, you and Yao Yao will stay in Lingyun peak for a while, so don't go back to the outer courtyard." All of a sudden, Luo Feng stopped and looked at Jiang Hao and Feng Yaoyao.

Jiang Hao shook his head, then looked at Luo Feng and said, "I will go back to the outer courtyard tomorrow morning. Now I am the chief of the hospital, it will inevitably make people uncomfortable to stay here."

"You can't go to the outer courtyard these two days. If I'm right, the people from the Fang and Liu families have already arrived at Lingyun Zong. Tomorrow morning, they will ask Lingyun Zong for an explanation and even ask the zongmen to hand you over." Luo Feng looked at Jiang Hao, his eyes calm and said slowly.

Jiang Hao smiles. He is not afraid that these people will come. He is afraid that these people will not come. If they come, Jiang Hao will not have any scruples. If they have not come, then Jiang Hao will be in a more dangerous situation.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to see how zongmen will make a decision." Jiang Hao said to Luo Feng with a smile.

Luo Feng a Leng, immediately nodded, did not say what.

He knew Jiang Hao's purpose. Jiang Hao wanted to test zongmen's attitude and see if zongmen would hand him over.



Commandment hall!Ouyang Jie and an old man with silver hair and a hook nose sit in opposition. Behind the old man, there is a middle-aged and a young man.

The young man's face was pale as if he had been seriously injured, while the middle-aged man's face was gloomy and full of frost.

"Elder Ouyang, thank you for sending me a message. I have recorded this in the ark." He said to Ouyang Jie.

"What elder Fang said, the younger generation long to see him." Ouyang Jie quickly waved his hand, looked at the ark and said.

Fang Zhou is the former owner of the Fang family, whose strength has already reached the late stage of Zifu and is well-known in the eastern regions. There are even rumors that Shun Fangzhou has reached the full circle of Zifu, and it is only one step away from breaking through to reach Yuanying period.

"Elder Ouyang, Lingyun sect has been closed for 16 years. Would you like to join us At this time, the middle-aged man standing behind the ark said.

This middle-aged man, named Fang Tian, is the current owner of the Fang family. His strength has reached the early stage of the purple mansion. He is also the only son of Fang Zhou. He is also well-known in the eastern regions.

"Although I want to join the Fang family very much, but now I am the elder of lingyunzong. How can I join the Fang family?" Ouyang Jie is a little moved and looks at Fang Tian and asks.

"Tomorrow, I will force Lingyun Zong to hand over Jiang Hao. As long as Lingyun Zong has handed in someone, you will have a reason to leave the sect, and you won't fall into trouble." Fang Tian looks at Ouyang Jie with a cool face.

When Ouyang Jie heard Fang Tian's words, the whole person suddenly became surprised. Lingyunzong has been closed for 16 years. In the past 16 years, he has not stepped out of the range of Lingyun sect.

He's bored, very upset!

He didn't know when it would end.

Fortunately, Fang Tian woke him up just now. Once the Zong clan handed over Jiang Hao, he could leave the sect for the reason that even his disciples could not keep it, and no one stopped him.

"Master, if lingyunzong doesn't make friends at last?" All of a sudden, Ouyang Jie looked at Fang Tian and the ark and said, "now the ten thousand swords have broken through, and he has reached the yuan infant period."

Fang Zhou frowned, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. Then he looked at Ouyang Jie with a smile and said, "even if Wan Jian had to keep him, this time lingyunzong would be worthy of its name."

Ouyang Jie looked at the ark and asked, "master, don't know what you mean?"

"There are 238 outer court disciples, 109 inner court disciples, 68 ordinary elders and 21 Lingyun Feng elders." Fang Zhou looked at Ouyang Jie and said: "among these people, in addition to the elders of Lingyun peak, more than half of these people have joined our Fang family, and have also made an oath."

Ouyang Jie was stunned. A smile appeared on his face. He looked at the ark directly and said, "elder, younger Ouyang Jie, I would like to join the fangs. The fangs will go through fire and water. If I do anything sorry to the fangs, I would like to be eroded by thin heart demons, and I will never be immortal."

Fang Tian saw Ouyang Jie's surrender, and with a smile on his face, he said to Ouyang Jie: "elder Ouyang is only one step away from the purple mansion. When you return to the Fang family and practice in our Fang family's trial tower for a period of time, your chances of breakthrough will be greater."

When Ouyang Jie heard this, his face showed a color of ecstasy, and quickly said to Fang Tian: "thank you for your great kindness. If I can break through, it must be from the owner."

"Since you have joined the Fang family, we will not treat you unfairly. If we can help you, we will certainly do our best to help you." Fang Tian looks at Ouyang Jie with a smile.


The other side!

Wang Jiang elder courtyard!

Several burly middle-aged people sit opposite each other. They are all from the Liu family in Nanling, and they are also the strongest members of the Liu family.

"Elder Wang, tomorrow I am going to force lingyunzong to hand over Jiang Hao to avenge Xiaobin and Xiaofeng." One of the middle-aged looked at Wang Jiang and said viciously.

"Brother Liu Hong, don't forget that wanjian has reached the period of Yuanying!" Wang Jiang looked at these people and said.

"So what? Now our Liu family's influence in lingyunzong can't be underestimated. If he doesn't want to, then I will take these people away and let Lingyun Zong become the last force. " Liu Hong looks at Wang Jiang with a calm face.

Liu Hong, the leader of the Liu family, also reached the early stage of Zifu a few years ago. Although he was not well-known in the eastern region, he was still famous in Nanling area.

"Elder Wang, you have been taking care of Xiaobin for us for so long in Lingyun Zong. I would like to invite you to join our Liu family as our chief elder of guest Qing." At this time, Liu Hong took a deep breath, looked at Wang Jiang and said.

Wang Jiang was silent for a moment, then raised his head, looked at Liu Hong and said, "didn't I belong to the Liu family before?"

Liu Hong was stunned, with a smile in his eyes.

He and Wang Jiang have known each other for decades. At that time, their relationship was very good, and even they made an agreement. If the two later have children, the boy will become a brother and the girl will be a golden orchid. This is enough to show the relationship between them.

"Elder Wang is not only the elder of Lingyun sect, but also my elder brother, my elder brother forever!" Liu Hong looked at Wang Jiang and said solemnly.

Wang Jiang smiles. He looks at Liu Hong and nods , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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