Sacred Devil

Chapter 569

Three people through the town, eye is a tower, a tower into the sky.

"Young master, what is this?" Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao with some doubts and asks.

Jiang Hao was silent for a moment, then looked to the left and right. There were two tall towers standing on both sides, which also penetrated into the sky.

At this point, they have only one choice, either to enter the tower or to leave.


At this time, the whole land trembled, and then the tower, which had been straight into the sky, was exposed.

All of a sudden, the monks of the whole wasteland all saw the tower high into the sky, and their eyes were full of joy.

Those big family monks all know what the origin of the tower is, of course, those ordinary casual repair do not understand the origin of the tower.

Originally very bloody to kill the king to enter the ruins of the sky, at this time to see the tower, eyes are full of thick crazy color.

He had seen a complete mirror of the heaven, so he knew very well what the tower was.

This is the tower of Tongtian, and it is also the most important place of Tongtian relics.

According to the records of Tongtian Shenjian, Tongtian pagoda is left by gods, among which there may be supernatural powers. Of course, there are many crises in Tongtian tower, which may disappear at any time.

However, the blood killed the king, and he didn't care about his body disappearing. At this time, he was attracted by the treasures in the Tongtian tower, and he would like to enter the tower to collect and scrape it now.

"Young master, shall we go in or leave now?" Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao and asks in some doubt.

"Now that we are here, let's go in and have a look." Jiang Hao laughed and said directly.

He was also curious about what was in the sky.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a roar came from outside the tower.

Jiang Hao, Ali and Feng Yaoyao all looked at the roaring place and saw a beast three feet high in front of them.


This is a king level eight grade beast mammoth!

"Brother, is this mammoth?" A Li looks at Jiang Hao with some uncertainty and asks.

Jiang Hao nodded solemnly on his face. Mammoths are not ordinary fierce animals. Mammoths are wild beasts. Their strength is far beyond ordinary fierce beasts. Even if it's the five phase beast, it's hard to beat the mammoth.

Mammoths are not only good at attacking, but also very good at defense. Most importantly, mammoths are extremely powerful.

"Trouble." A Li's tone showed a trace of worry.

Mammoth is known as the wild beast, its strength can not be described by words. Of course, although mammoth is fierce, its speed is its weakness.

However, although its speed is much slower than the ordinary fierce beast, but its defense is very difficult to break, which also makes the mammoth extremely difficult to entangle.

Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao and a li with a dignified face. She doesn't understand how a fierce beast like a bloody boar can attract Jiang Hao and Ali's attention.

"What are you talking about, mammoth?" Feng Yaoyao looks at Jiang Hao and asks.

Mammoth is a wild beast. In Jiang Hao's previous life, many powerful worshippers worshipped mammoth instead.

"Roar!" The mammoth roared up to the sky, and then looked at Jiang Hao's eyes, which were full of ferocious color.

"Outsiders, leave or die!" Mammoth looked at Jiang Hao, and his tone showed a strong sense of killing.

It has existed here for millions of years and has been guarding here. Anyone who wants to get close to the tower will not hesitate to kill.

Jiang Hao took a deep breath, his eyes showed a trace of solemnity, and then raised his head, one hand clenched the Nianqing sword.

Although mammoth is a wild beast, Jiang Hao has no fear at all. In his previous life, he has killed countless enemies. Even the fierce beast that is even more powerful than mammoth has not been killed.

"Cut the emperor!" Jiang Hao angrily drinks, in the hand reads the sentiment sword suddenly to cut off, does not have the slightest compassion.

He was also curious about what was in the remains of the sky, which could be protected by mammoths.

"A little bit of work!" The mammoth looked at Jiang Hao, who had killed him. He opened his mouth and bit directly at Jiang Hao's neck.


Nianqing sword and mammoth's sharp teeth collide together. At the moment of collision, Nianqing's sword trembles slightly, and Jiang Hao steps back.

"What a tough defense." Jiang Hao's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, the mind of the sword in his hand turned again, and a sharp sword came to his face.

"Elder martial brother, can I help you?" Ali looked at Jiang Hao and asked.

Jiang Hao shook his head, his face calm said: "although mammoth strong, but its speed is very slow, so it can not threaten me."

After hearing Jiang Hao's words, Ali and Feng Yaoyao also nodded and watched the scene silently.

Since Jiang Hao doesn't need help, they won't do it, because they all know that Jiang Hao is a very proud man. When he doesn't need help, he won't allow anyone to intervene in his fight.On the other hand, blood to kill the king also encountered a lot of trouble.

He has a lot of termites on him, which can't be counted.

The strength of termites is not high, only king level second class realm, but the number of termites is very large, too many to count.

A single termite or hundreds of termites can't be a threat to the killing of a king by blood. However, it seems that millions of termites are not enough to describe them.

He did not dare to kill the whole body of these termites. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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