Sacred Devil

Chapter 620

"What if I force you? I'd like to see what you can do to me The wolf beast looked at the unicorn scorpion, the corners of his mouth were disdainful, and his pupils were full of bloody blood.

The unicorn scorpion looked at the wolf beast. It didn't say a word. There was a trace of cold in the dark and cold eyes.

Although the wolf beast has the upper hand, he does not dare to underestimate it. After all, the strength of Unicorn scorpion is not comparable to that of ordinary fierce beasts.

Jiang Hao stood on the towering ancient tree and watched the scene through the gap.

See wolf beast whole body tight, at the same time, the whole body issued a "peel than peel" sound.

At the same time, the wolf beast's muscles began to bulge slowly. At the same time, its muscles and bones also made a "crack" sound. Originally, the wolf beast was only 10 meters tall, but it was just two meters tall and twelve meters tall, which made its body look very handsome and full of explosive force.

"Will, die!"

The scorpion's tail roared fiercely to the ground.

With the help of rebound force, the whole body moved sideways, and the sharp claws of one meter were pounding fiercely at the original position of the unicorn scorpion.

"Boom With the sharp claw of the wolf beast as the center, the stone ground within the range of three meters was completely turned into powder and fell into half a meter deep, while within tens of meters around it, there were seven or eight terrible holes. Even some towering ancient trees are destroyed by this claw and may fall at any time.

"The power of terror, even if it is I can not safely accept this claw attack?" Jiang Hao took a deep breath, his eyes showed a trace of horror, even his throat felt a little dry.

The wolf beast suddenly turned its head, and the eerie and incomparable eyes of that oil green were staring at the unicorn scorpion.

The scorpion is still staring at the other side's eyes.

"Will, you are afraid, but even if you are, it's no use!" The wolf beast smiles with pride, and then the whole body has a green light flow.


The wolf once again suddenly stepped on the ground, and its whole body soared to the sky, and then slipped through a strange curve and fell down. The cold and ferocious head down, directly to the scorpion to kill.

The unicorn scorpion Sen cold eyes fixed on the wolf beast, and then the pair of scorpion tail like a steel whip suddenly pulled out, without any mercy.


Jiang Hao's ears were hurt by a piercing sound of piercing air.

"The tail of the one horned scorpion is much more powerful than that of the winged snake. It is estimated that the blue turtle may not be able to resist it with all its strength." Jiang Hao sighed incomparably in his heart. He had a high opinion of the unicorn scorpion and the wolf beast.

The surface of the right claw of the wolf beast has a black light flow. It directly uses this claw to grasp the tail of the unicorn scorpion. The wolf's claws are the most terrifying. Of course, they are also very sharp, and their defense is also very strong.


The scorpion's tail directly collided with the wolf's claw. There was only a low impact, and the wolf's claws trembled slightly, and the unicorn's tail shrank back.

At the moment of the attack, the wolf's body shape turned into a shadow again, and then the claws of its forelimbs were in front of the scorpion. Instead of avoiding it, I bowed, and suddenly a row of sharp spines sprang up on my back, and then I met him.

Wolf beast and unicorn scorpion are old opponents. Naturally, they know how powerful unicorn is.

The scorpion is not only strong in defense, but also very resilient. The opponent slaps down, the unicorn scorpion can absolutely twist the body, which palm force will be scattered to the whole body.

"Will, I've already found the way to crack it, or I won't choose to attack you!" There is a trace of coldness in the wolf's eyes. At the same time, the sharp claw surface gives people a chilling black light. Moreover, the wolf beast's claws beat the sharp spines of the unicorn scorpion from its back with faster speed and greater strength.


The whole body of the Scorpion was directly smashed into the ground, and the stone ground with a radius of more than 100 meters was completely cracked.

On the back of one horned scorpion, there are a row of dense spines, and one of the spines is directly snapped apart. There is also a mouth of blood gushing out from the corner of the scorpion's mouth, which is extremely ferocious.

"Ha ha ~ ~"

the wolf's mouth burst into a roar of laughter. At the same time, its body actually soared several feet high, suddenly jumped up more than one meter high, and with the power of Wanjun, it fell down fiercely towards the unicorn scorpion.

Take advantage of his illness, kill him!


A huge bang, only to see the scorpion as the center of the ground directly appeared a huge pit, and the unicorn scorpion extremely embarrassed lying in the pit, covered with blood."Will, you're rebellious. You're coming. Didn't you tell me not to force you?" The wolf beast looked at the unicorn and kept shouting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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