Sacred Devil

Chapter 624

"We will be lion Camel Mountain, I would like to see how they give me a satisfactory account." The young man waved and went straight to the East.

When the youth left, the monsters behind him also left.

This young man is not an ordinary character. He is one of the four king of beasts.

There are six king of beasts in the fourth layer. Each king of beasts has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth, and this young man is the lion camel king of lion Camel Mountain!

Originally, the orc King war was just on the verge of outbreak, but now, the death of will and Ramses has pushed this war forward a lot.

"Boy, this fourth floor is not the same as the first few floors. There are several channels in the first few floors, but this one has only one passageway and is full of danger." Jiang Hao is constantly shuttling through the forest, but the spirit of Tongtian tower is in Jiang Hao's spirit, constantly reciting.

Without being reminded by the spirit of Tongtian tower, he also knows that this place is not comparable to the previous layers. After all, from the battle between the unicorn scorpion and the wolf beast, he knows that it is several times more dangerous than the front.

Jiang Hao has been walking on the fourth floor for half a month.

For half a month, Jiang Hao's eyes were wide open. He could see monsters fighting at any time, and sometimes even some monsters with half human and half beast.

However, after half a month, he probably knew about the fourth floor. There were six king of beasts in the fourth floor. Each king of beasts occupied one side and had countless demon beasts under his command.

"Helu, I'm a lion camel King's man, you dare to chase and kill me!" All of a sudden, a roar of anger rang out not far away.

"What about the lion camel king? As long as I do it quietly, who knows I killed you? " Helu's voice was very disdainful.

Jiang Hao, who was still looking for a passage, was stunned when he heard the two voices. Then he jumped onto an ancient tree.

See a black leopard and a green yak are confrontation, the black leopard is looking at the green cattle scornfully.

"Helu, don't bully people too much!" Green consumption cattle angry looking at the black leopard, the expression is full of rage.

"Silly cow, go back and tell you all that I, Helu, will be the seventh king of beasts on the fourth floor!" Say, that black leopard whole body sends out a black energy.

This energy is very majestic, almost covering its whole body. Then, Heilu directly turns into a middle-aged strong man and looks at the green cattle with contempt.

"This It can't be... " Green consumption cattle is also very shocked to look at Heilu, eyes are full of shock color.

Although Helu is also a strong Lord, but the strength is not comparable to will and Ramses, but now, Helu has reached the realm of beast king.

"There is nothing impossible. I have reached the level of king of beasts, so the king of lion and camel will give me some thin noodles." Heilu looked at a shocked green cattle, incomparably excited.

That's what he wanted, to make everyone incredible, to fear him, to respect him.

"Lord Helu, as long as you don't kill me, I can submit to you." Green consumption cattle direct forelimb bending, bending down on the ground, incomparable respect.

Heilu is already the king of beasts, so it is not a shame that the green cattle choose to surrender.

This is the world. The strong are respected. The powerful can dominate everything.

"No, no, no, I like your two horns more than you surrender to me." Heilu shook his head and looked at the green consumption cow with blood on his face.

The two horns of the consumptive cow are like two knives, extremely sharp and sharp. As Heilu has just become the king of beasts, he has no suitable weapons in his hands, so he also focuses on the green consumptive cow.

"Lord Helu, please don't kill me. I can submit to you. I can do things for you." The green cattle looked at Heilu, and his voice was full of pleading.

As long as he can live, he can give up everything, including its dignity.

Hei Lu shook his head and looked solemnly at the green consumption cattle. Other king beasts had their own weapons.

The lion camel king has the lion camel bell, and the golden winged eagle king has demon claws. Every king of beasts has his own weapons, so he should have his own weapons.

It has to be said that this pair of cattle horns is very suitable. He was originally a leopard monster with extremely fast speed, and the horn of the cattle was extremely sharp, which was very suitable for him.

"Helu, don't go too far. Even if you have reached the realm of king of beasts, you are still just a new king of beasts. In the end, I will make you regret my death!" Blue consumption of cattle in the twinkling pupil of a trace of blood, looking at the black Lu angry cry.

Black Lu's eyes also suddenly cold down, in his expression becomes cold, the air around him is also cold a lot.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Hao, who was hiding in the towering ancient trees, was also shocked.

He felt the strength of heiru, and he felt it clearly.

This is the existence beyond the realm of deification!

"Are you threatening me?" Heilu looked at the green consumption of cattle, sound like ice.Green consumption of cattle did not answer, he also looked at Heilu, a look like death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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