Sacred Devil

Chapter 626

"I haven't been out for more than a thousand years. Tell me about the current situation." Jiang Hao looked at Heilu and asked in a faint way.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Heilu was shocked. He had suspected that Jiang Hao might have lived for thousands of years, but now Jiang Hao says he hasn't come out for more than a thousand years!

"My Lord, there are six king of beasts in the fourth layer, and each king of beasts has incomparable strength." Heilu looked at Jiang Hao and replied respectfully.

Jiang Hao nodded quietly, then looked at Heilu, took out a soft sword from the storage belt and threw it to Heilu.

"Take this soft sword as a gift for you as a new king of beasts." Jiang Hao looked at some stupefied Heilu and said with a light smile.

Heilu was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed. He had just reached the kingdom of the king of beasts. He did not have enough strength or weapons to take advantage of. Moreover, he could not compare with those old king of beasts. Now, Jiang Hao gave him a soft sword, which is no doubt a timely help.

"My Lord, I want to follow you." Heilu suddenly stepped forward and looked at Jiang Hao with respect.

Jiang Hao can easily take out a soft sword. In the fourth layer, no one can do it.

"You want to follow me? Do you know who I am Jiang Hao looked at Heilu with a smile on his face.

Originally, he just wanted to frighten Helu, but he didn't expect that Helu wanted to follow him.

"It doesn't matter. Adults are very powerful, so I think, I think, I'm not wrong to follow adults." Heilu looked at Jiang Hao, and his voice was full of respect.

It's enough to make Jiaolong surrender and have so many monsters that he doesn't know. All these are enough to show Jiang Hao's strength.

"If you want to follow me, kill the lion camel king." Jiang Hao smiles, then turns to leave directly.

He didn't dare to stay. If he went on like this, he believed that before long, Helu would probably see through.

Heilu looked at Jiang Hao leaving, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Jiang Hao's strength is very strong, and his identity is very mysterious. He really wanted to follow Jiang Hao. After all, he attached himself to a strong man, which was not a shame.

However, Jiang Hao asked him to kill the lion camel king, which made him hesitant. After all, the lion camel king was famous and had been famous for a long time.

If you want to kill the lion camel king, you will certainly encounter a lot of danger, and you may even be killed by the lion camel king. Therefore, he needs to consider whether it is worth it.

Heilu is just a new king of beasts. In the eyes of the six king of beasts, who have been nicknamed for a long time, he has no threat at all. If he can't stand firm at this time, he is likely to be killed by other king of beasts.

Helu took a deep breath, then looked around, silent for a moment, and directly issued a roar.

All of a sudden, a very strong pressure from around, and then, several other places also issued a howl.

In the fourth layer, the monsters who did not reach the realm of the king of beasts fell on the ground, shivering.

This is the roar of the king of beasts, this is the authority of the king of beasts!

Some of them are very powerful, but they dare not challenge the authority of the king of beasts.

Jiang haogang left not long ago, then heard this roar, heart also can not help some worry.

He has been seen by Heilu, although he is only a new king of beasts, but his strength can not be underestimated.

Beyond the existence of the deification period, this is not comparable to him.

"Boy, I have to say that you just dressed up as a pig eating a tiger is very useful. In the tower of heaven, no one can see through your strength." Just when Jiang Hao was a little worried, the voice of Tongtian tower spirit sounded in Jiang Hao's brain.

Jiang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. He had just been very careful to hide his momentum, for fear that his realm would be seen through by Heilu. Now the spirit of Tongtian tower told him that his worry was unnecessary, because no one could see through his strength in the tower.

"Why no one here can see through my strength?" Although Jiang Hao was relieved, he was still curious.

"Don't forget who I am! I am the spirit of Tongtian tower, the only one from ancient times to the present The voice of the spirit of Tongtian tower suddenly went off, obviously feeling very angry at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao couldn't help but skim his mouth, and then whispered: "I see you are a rogue."

"I am the spirit of the heaven!"

"But it looks like a rogue, and an old rascal

"Boy, you are questioning the spirit of Tongtian tool!"


Jiang Hao did not know what words should be used to describe the spirit of Tongtian tower. In Jiang Hao's mind, the spirit of Tongtian tower was a rogue and an old rogue!

After the spirit of Tongtian tower entered his own spirit, he did not want to leave. It seemed that he was ready to live in Jiang Hao's spirit all the time.

"Boy, I have to remind you that if you want to find the passage of the fourth floor and enter the fifth layer, it is absolutely impossible to rely on your strength alone!" The spirit of Tongtian tower looked at Jiang Hao, who was silent, and his voice became dignified.He is the spirit of Tongtian tower, so he knows very well how dangerous the fourth layer is and how much threat it is to Jiang Hao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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