Sacred Devil

Chapter 667

In the past life, Jiang Hao was a strong man in the period of plunder, and he was also a very strong spiritual cultivator. In this life, he seldom used the means of spiritual practitioners. Now, he is preparing to use the means of previous life.

He has countless skills, and some of them have supernatural powers. After all, they are all the skills he got from the relics of ancient immortals.

"Jiang Hao, they have surrounded you. What are you going to do?" The voice of the spirit of Tongtian tower is a little angry. Jiang Hao is the future master of Tongtian tower, and he will assist him in the future. But now, Jiang Hao's personality is very strange, and he likes to do some crazy things, which makes the spirit of Tongtian tower extremely worried.

"I'm trying to get into the fifth floor." Jiang Hao's face was calm, and he answered calmly.

"Earth wind, water, fire and thunder!" Jiang Hao's hands were stamped, and his whole body momentum suddenly stagnated, and then he suddenly drank.

All of a sudden, hurricanes came around like steel knives. In the sky, thunder and lightning fell around Jiang Hao. Then, the energy in the air turned into flames, burning wildly, and even stabbing on the ground.

Of course, this did not end. Originally, the blood from the wounded monster turned into blood and began to corrode the living monsters.

"What kind of martial arts is this? How can you be so overbearing? " The Dragon mastiff's face was shocked, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

He was extremely uneasy in his heart. He even felt that he would die under this extremely strange martial art.

"Monkey, what should we do now?" Big beast king was also a little alarmed. He had been king of beasts for so many years and had never seen such a battle. It was impossible to say that he did not panic.

King monkey's face suddenly turned pale. He thought that he could kill Jiang Hao by using many monsters and using the sea of men tactics. But now, there is no solution to Jiang Hao's move.

"I didn't expect that you have the ancient immortal skill, but next time you don't be so willful. If you don't have enough time to seal, you may be drowned by these monsters." The spirit of Tongtian tower also breathed a sigh of relief and said to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the spirit of Tongtian tower still knew the ancient immortal technique.

"The ancient immortals lived in my time. I know they are normal. However, the ancient immortals also have great disadvantages, that is, it takes a long time and is not conducive to single combat." The spirit of Tongtian tower explained.

"What kind of existence is the ancient immortal?" Jiang Hao was also curious when he thought of those vague records in ancient books.

"I'll tell you later. Now you should get into the fifth floor as soon as possible." Tongtian tower spirit urged.

Jiang Hao nodded. Although this move was domineering, it could not last long. Even the king of golden monkey and the king of powerful beasts might not die under his own move.

Jiang Hao rushed to the desert quickly, which used too much energy. If he waited for these monsters to slow down, he might not be able to enter the fifth layer.

"Terran boy, do you think your move can kill us? I tell you, it's impossible at all! " The king of golden monkey looked at Jiang Hao, who was facing away. His face suddenly changed. His eyes were full of evil spirit.

"In the name of the king of beasts, I order my subjects to prevent this Terran boy from entering the fifth floor." The king of golden monkey exudes a very powerful majesty.

The monsters around heard the king's words, first slightly stunned, and then a trace of thick evil spirit twinkled in their eyes, and killed Jiang Hao crazily.

Although Jiang Hao's ancient immortal technique is extremely powerful, it is absolutely impossible to kill all these monsters.

Jiang Hao looked at these crazy monsters. His pupils were cold, his hands began to print again, and at the same time, he kept running towards the desert.

"Dragon mastiff, orangutan help you get rid of the desert is your territory, you try to stop him." The king of golden monkey looked at the Dragon mastiff in the air and yelled.

Long mastiff nodded. His eyes were dignified, and he began to chase Jiang Hao. When long mastiff chased Jiang Hao, the Golden Monkey King also chased Jiang Hao, without any hesitation.

Energetically beast king's whole body energy crazy gushes out, also moves toward the outside step by step, although his movement speed is not as fast as the Dragon mastiff and the Golden Monkey King, but he alone suffered too many attacks.

"Long ear fixed light shield!" Jiang Hao saw that many monsters had already escaped from their attack range. His hands were once again stamped, and he directly threw out a magic technique again.

All of a sudden, a very powerful energy gushed out, and then a ray of light burst out behind Jiang Hao, forming an energy shield to stop these chasing monsters.

Jiang Hao's speed was also very fast. It took only a few minutes to reach the edge of the desert. Just when Jiang Hao just entered the desert, Jiang Hao's technique ended, and countless monsters chased him crazy.

"Yellow sand storm!" The Dragon mastiff has just entered the desert, its momentum is also rising, and then control the yellow sand before entering the fifth channel, forming a desert storm.Jiang Hao took a deep breath and looked at the scene with a dignified face. He did not dare to underestimate it. Although the yellow sand storm looks ordinary, who knows its power?

"Terran boy, how can you break through my sand storm?" Long mastiff is also full of confidence in himself, looking at Jiang Hao's eyes are very proud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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