Sacred Devil

Chapter 709

Jiang Hao said that no one knows how many cards he has. First, he has three heads and six arms like a demon, and then he is three strong players in the state of void state. Now he has hundreds of fierce beasts in the period of transforming gods. Who can match this strength?

"Damn it, he has hundreds of ferocious beasts The eyes of the Lord of ghosts became dignified. Originally, he wanted to kill Jiang Hao and others, but now it seems that it is impossible.

Although he has many corpses, his strength is too low to compare with Jiang Hao's monster army.

"Now, it's time for our demon clan to be silent for countless years. Don't show mercy to me and kill as much as you can!" The king of lion and camel looked at the demons in the stage of transforming gods, and his tone was full of blood.

They have lived in the fourth floor of Tongtian tower for countless years. They have been fed up with those days. Although they know that they are waiting to walk out of the tower again, they wait too long for them to forget the time.

Now, they are born again, they want to show the world their strength!

The lion camel King took the lead in rushing out, and the demons in the God transforming period behind him also rushed out with great momentum.

However, Jiang Hao took a deep breath and took the shadow back to the beast house. If it was not for the last moment, he would not have done so.

"Are these all fierce beasts in the tower? It seems that Jiang Hao has been approved by Tongtian tower. " Ye Ling looked at these monsters and was shocked.

"Jiang Hao boy, what are you doing now, can you control so many monsters?" In Jiang Hao's spirit, the voice of Tongtian tower's Spirit gave out strong questions.

Jiang Hao doesn't pay attention to the words of Tongtian tower. In Jiang Hao's heart, he is the master of Tongtian tower, and the spirit of Tongtian tower can only listen to him.

"If I don't try, how can I know if I can?" Jiang Hao looks calm and walks towards Ali and Feng Yaoyao step by step.

In the air, Li Man and the ghost Lord are fighting madly. Below, the lion camel King leads these demons to kill continuously.

He controls these monsters, while the master of ghosts controls the corpse demons below. Although the realm of these corpse demons is not as good as these monsters, but they are more powerful.

"Let's go. The next fight is enough for them." Jiang Hao walked to a Li and Feng Yaoyao and said with a smile.

A Li and Feng Yaoyao both took a deep breath, and their eyes were full of dignified color.

"Elder martial brother, you have exposed all your cards. What if you encounter any danger?" A Li looks at Jiang Hao with a worried face.

Feng Yaoyao also looked at Jiang Hao with worry, but she didn't make a sound.

"If I encounter this kind of danger, you can even ignore your life. What if I play these cards ahead of time?" Jiang Hao laughed, looked at Ye Ling and Feng Yaoyao and said, "as long as you are safe and sound, I don't care about the rest."

A Li and Feng Yaoyao both took a deep breath. They both knew that what Jiang Hao said was true. He could give up everything for them, including life. Of course, they could give up everything for Jiang Hao, including their own life.

"Let's go. There's almost no suspense about the war." Jiang Hao smiles and looks at Feng Yaoyao and a Li.

This war, as long as there is no accident, they have won. After all, with the participation of these monsters, their attack speed is much faster. Even those corpse demons have the blessing of the nine day corpse array, so they can only forcibly kill these corpse demons.

Ouyang Zhentian looks at Jiang Hao, who is extremely powerful. His heart is full of bitterness. He recalls that when he came back with Ouyang Yanran, he took the initiative to ban Ouyang Yanran in Ouyang family. Even after that, Jiang Zhen was strong enough to kill him, but he did not do anything. The three elders wanted to abolish Jiang Zhen's accomplishments, which was what he tried to protect.

Now, Jiang Hao came. He thought that Jiang Hao would also fail, but no one thought that Jiang Hao's strength was so strong that he could almost destroy the whole Ouyang family.


In the air, the Lord of ghosts vomited out a mouthful of blood, and Li Man's clothes were also in tatters.

"You're very good. You're the first person who can break open a corpse. At the same time, you're the one I remember for hundreds of years." The Lord of ghosts looked at li man with a gloomy cold in his eyes.

"Master Liman, can I help you?" Jiang Hao looked at Li Man and asked calmly.

Li man turned around and stabbed again. He said with high momentum: "it still takes some time to kill him, but if you want to suppress him, you can still do it easily."

Li Man's voice is full of confidence, obviously very confident of his own strength.

Jiang Hao looks at Li Man's appearance, he breathes deeply, his face is also thick smile.

"Cousin, who is he? It's so powerful. " Ouyang Ziyu looked at Jiang Hao's return and asked in a puzzled way.

Li Man's strength is too strong, strong to let her feel incomparably powerful."He is the God of war in our eastern regions and the first man in our eastern regions." Jiang Hao smiles and looks at Ouyang Ziyu and says.

Ouyang Ziyu tilted his head and asked, "is he more powerful than you?"

"He's better than me, because I don't know what cards he's got, and I've never seen him go all out." Jiang Hao thought about it, nodded and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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