Sacred Devil

Chapter 739

At the moment, even the master of ghosts could not help but gush out a bloody smell in his mouth. His brow was tight and he was staring at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao is also a little embarrassed, the master of ghosts this move, a little let him wrong can not prevent.

"I didn't expect it. This is my card. The array just now is just a cover up." The head of the ten thousand ghosts suddenly curved a deliberate arc.

Although the Lord of ghosts was also severely damaged, he felt that he had won.

"In fact, this battle is not for the sake of the heavenly palace. The enmity between you and me will be settled if you die today." Wangui Zunzhu's expression is indifferent, the sharp corners of his mouth seem to be a little proud.

"It's a little early to say that." Jiang Hao shed blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the master of ghosts in front of him, and suddenly laughed.

The original proud face of the Lord Wangui shrank in an instant, because he read an ominous premonition from Jiang Hao's expression.


The sound of a broken leather armor came out.

The Lord of ghosts only felt that his abdomen was abnormal. Suddenly, he felt strange. His expression was unbelievable. He slowly lowered his head and saw the blood flowing from his abdomen.

And in that wound, at the moment, there is a bone, a dagger like bone.

That bone is actually Jiang Hao's elbow.

Jiang Hao's elbow has no flesh and blood, showing the bone. He even used his own bone as a dagger and inserted it into the body of the Lord of ghosts.

"This The Lord of ghosts was shocked and speechless.

"Blindfold, hum, it happens that my sacrificial knife is also a cover up!" Jiang Hao hums coldly and smiles at the corners of his mouth. His trick is so easy to succeed.

"You! You are cruel The Lord of ghosts only felt that his strength was rapidly losing, as if absorbed by something. His vitality was also losing. Even when he raised his arm, he needed to expend his great strength.

"This battle is not over yet, but with your good words, it seems that our friendship and resentment are indeed over here." Jiang Hao is smiling on the surface. He has exhausted all his strength, but fortunately, he has won.

Now he just wants to sleep with his eyes closed. He can't fight any more. Even a monster can easily defeat him.


Before he pulled his elbow out of the master's body, Jiang Hao fell into a coma and fell from the air.

A Li sees, flies out quickly, flies to Jiang Hao's side, stretches out his arms, and holds Jiang Hao into his arms.

"Great! You're all right. Have a good sleep. The next fight will be left to us. " Ali weeps with joy. Tears fall from her pretty face and drips onto Jiang Hao's cheek. It is fragrant and gentle.

"Ah, Li!" Jiang Hao tried hard to open his eyes. In his blurred vision, he saw Ali's clear eyes, which was suffused with water. "Ali, don't worry about me. I'll be fine soon. Let's go back to the eastern region together and never leave."

"Well!" Ali nodded firmly. Jiang Hao's words made her feel incomparably warm.

"Take me to a safe place first, and I'll see the battle end with my own eyes." Jiang Hao tried his best to say this.

"Well." A Li nodded and showed a sweet smile on her face. As long as Jiang Hao had nothing to do, she would feel happy.


"me! Is this my destiny? I don't like it! How could I die in Jiang Hao's hands! " The Lord of ghosts roared loudly. The roar was like thunder. It reverberated in all directions, and the great anger of the frustrated was in his heart.

However, only this cavity of anger, he can feel his body, the vitality and strength of life is rapidly disappearing.

No one can save him, and the deeper he resents, the worse his wound will be.

In the heavenly palace, all the people were speechless. This scene was really shocking. I didn't expect that the once illustrious master of ghosts died in Jiang Hao's hands.

Chen Gong was gnashing his teeth, and his face was extremely ferocious. The biggest card of the heavenly palace made by the Lord of ghosts fell in this battle.

Not to mention that the reputation of the Lord of ghosts is not protected, I am afraid that the majesty of their heavenly palace will no longer exist.

Reputation is the core of a sect. Without reputation, a sect seems to have no foundation.

The cost of this war is too high. I don't know how many gratitude and resentments will be involved in the future. I'm afraid the heavenly palace will also be doomed.


however, on Jiang Hao's side, morale suddenly became active. Jiang Hao, as the leader, created great motivation for them. As the leader, he had incomparably strong fighting capacity and could improve the fighting spirit of the whole team.

Ouyang Zhentian and Nantian feirong resisted the pain and got up from the ground. Their eyes were firmly fixed on every move in the direction of Tiangong. For them, the war still did not stop.

Their goal is to be the head of the Chen palace. Only by taking the head on the neck of the Chen palace can their hatred be solved.Blood feud, will also use blood to repay! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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