Sacred Devil

Chapter 752

The color of the fairy grass changed, and the light became scarlet, as if it was about to spit out blood.


After a burst of violent vibration, the flower bud of Xiancao blooms directly, just like blood crystal.

"Take it down!"

Someone flew out of the direction of Tiangong again, this time straight to the fairy grass.

Jiang Hao's body also moved and flew out in the direction of Xiancao.

After seeing Jiang Hao's figure, the people in Tiangong found that there were people ambushing on the cliff opposite.

"Jiang Hao?"

After Jiang Hao's figure rushed out, someone immediately recognized him in the direction of Tiangong and called out. All Tiangong disciples knew Jiang Hao because of the influence of Chen Gong.

"Read the sword, go!"

Beside Jiang Hao, the sword came out and went straight to the figure in front.


The blood was flying, and the sword flew over his shoulder and pierced his body directly.

Just at the moment when Jiang Hao was about to seize Xiancao, two fists came. As Jiang Hao looked up, a pair of fists quickly enlarged in his pupils.


A Li's voice came out, and her sword rushed to stop two fists.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Hao got it, but he didn't want to fight. He roared and decided to leave quickly.

"Xiancao was taken away by Jiang Hao, and they were chased by me collectively!"

On the cliff, the people of Tiangong gave Jiang Hao no affection at all. They called out his name and ordered him.

Those who are in the process of fighting immediately stop their hands and fly away in the direction of Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's four returned along the original road.

Sure enough, Chen Gong had been blocked on the way and was hit by Jiang Hao head-on.

"Long time no see! Where are you going in such a hurry? "

Chen Gong, with his hands on his back, looked at Jiang Hao contemptuously and said with a light smile.

"Now that we've all met, let's go." Jiang Hao stares at Chen Gong and is ready to move at any time.

Ouyang Zhentian takes a step first. He reaches out his right hand, blocks Jiang Hao's body, looks at Chen Gong and says, "this is my private affair. He wants to die, and he must die under my hands."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Chen Gong laughed a few times and then said, "mole ants dare to speak out."

He raised his finger, snorted coldly, looked at the Xiancao in Jiang Hao's hand, and then ordered, "pay attention, don't hurt the Xiancao in your hand."

Chen Gong's fingers slightly curved, behind him, countless figures soared to the sky, straight to Jiang Hao.

Through the inheritance of Xianhe's blood, his body is stronger and more sensitive than before, and it flies directly. The fire of Honglian industry explodes in his hands, exploding countless sparks and sweeping away towards the people who come.

Suddenly there was a shrill roar, the first arrived at the people did not have time to dodge, directly burned to fly ash.

"All to death!"

Jiang Hao's red lotus industry fire did not weaken, but rose rapidly and expanded again. The temperature was extremely hot, and the space seemed to be boiling.

"It's a red lotus fire that even the master of ghosts is afraid of. It's really extraordinary!"

All people who come into contact with the fire of Honglian industry ignite the fire and are burned to ashes, and there are no bones left.

"It's freezing!"

Chen Gong hands, the palm of the hand has blue cold air, the towering cold air is not weaker than the Xiancao's cold air just now, all the blazing heat is swallowed up by the cold air.

Jiang Hao knew that the fire of Honglian industry was useless, so he took it back immediately.

At this time, the rear Tiangong disciples arrived one after another, which was also mixed with people from all walks of life who came to rob Xiancao.

When he saw the fairy grass in Jiang Hao's hand, someone immediately put out his hand and chopped it.

He was a monk in the early stage of transforming the spirit realm. Jiang Hao didn't take a look at it. With a wave of his sleeve robe, a streamer flew out, directly hitting the man's eyebrow, and his whole head exploded.

When the rest of the monks saw this scene, they were shocked. The people in front of them were really terrible. Just a streamer of light, they easily killed the monks in Huashen state, and did not dare to go forward.

The effect of killing one as an example has already been achieved. Now, Jiang Hao and his colleagues should only face the men and horses of the heavenly palace.

"Take him!" Jiang Hao handed over the Xiancao to Ali, and then said to Ouyang Zhentian, "if you can't fight, I will help."

"Well!" Ouyang Zhentian nodded and said nothing more. He shot out of his body and went straight to the Chen palace.

The rest of the Tiangong also all joined hands, and their target was Jiang Hao.

Their purpose is only one, that is, Xiancao. As long as Jiang Hao is killed, it will be easy to capture Xiancao.

Jiang Hao saw that all the people were attacking him. He did not attack directly, but ran away immediately.

He wants to lure them out of here so Ali is safe.

Nantian feirong resolutely follows Ali and protects Ali. After all, she takes Xiancao and may be attacked by others at any time."Tianyang boxing!"

As soon as he was near the cave entrance, Jiang Hao suddenly turned around and threw a fist at the crowd. His fist turned into a virtual shadow and quickly enlarged in the air, directly covering all the people.

Some friars were hit and spit blood directly. Most of the high-level monks broke through the fist shadow and were not affected.

After Jiang Hao's death, a magic weapon suddenly flies out. The magic weapon contains endless power. When it shoots at Jiang Hao, the sound of howling is constant.

"What a nuisance Hearing the sound, Jiang Hao no longer ran away, but turned to fight.

The endless sword idea is inspired, and around his body, countless sword lights appear, whistling, stabbing at the crowd.

The light of the sword is so fast that there is no time to dodge. All of a sudden, the screams continued.

"We need to hold on." Jiang Hao said to himself that he is a little worried about Ouyang Zhentian. After all, he is not Chen Gong's opponent.

Jiang Hao didn't intend to entangle him, and released his killing moves. Nianqing's sword was pushed to the extreme by him, and the sword was so bright that it made heaven and earth shaking.

"A group of evil and vicious people, go to death!"

While Jiang Hao was drinking, he cut out countless knife marks, dense and dense, like a large net interwoven together, and flew toward the group of people.

Where I pass by, inch grass is afraid of breaking, and there is no corner to avoid.

Those people spew blood, were slashed by the scar, there is still a breath.

"Save your breath and go back to be a new man." Jiang Hao dropped a word, left here and went straight to the inner part of Xianhe River Valley. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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