Sacred Devil

Chapter 754

Jiang Hao's pressure soon unfolded. He not only had to confront Chen Gong head-on, but also completely overwhelmed each other with his ideas.

He wanted to convince Chen Gong to lose.

Ouyang Zhentian and a Li's eyes are dull, which is unprecedented.

"The mind of the cave!"

Jiang Hao looked directly at Chen Gong, and his thoughts flowed. The moment came. When he wanted to invade Chen Gong's mind, Chen Gong immediately closed his eyes, and his divine sense was revealed. The two ideas began to fight in an invisible way.

As time goes on, both of them are calm in appearance, but Ouyang Zhentian and Ali are aware of it. I'm afraid that some people will be unable to resist and will be disabled physically and mentally soon.

Those who snatched Xiancao came one after another, and could not find the location of Xiancao for a long time. I'm afraid it was a vain trip. When they saw Jiang Hao and Chen Gong, they began to feel curious. Everyone could feel that their mind control was very strong, which was many times stronger than they did not know.

Those people stopped to join in,.

A Li stood beside her, clear eyes swept those people, looking at them did not mean to her hand, also did not cause too much antipathy.

The scene is dead and silent. Some people close their eyes and make it easier to see the current situation.

"The boy is really good indeed!" An old man praised that his eyes were clear and had no sense of vicissitudes.

After hearing this, Ali immediately asked, "master, how are you?"

"Now it seems that the boy has the upper hand."

Ali looked along the old man's eyes and said it was Jiang Hao.

"Almost." The scene was silent for a moment again, and the old man said.

Sure enough, after the old man's voice dropped, not long after, Chen Gong spewed out a big mouthful of blood. He covered his chest and frowned tightly. It looked as if his internal organs had been injured.

"Sure enough!" Chen Gong stabilizes the mood, hateful voice says.

"Flattering." Jiang Hao looked as if he had not been hurt, and his expression was indifferent.

Chen Gong put down his hand covering his chest. Suddenly, his figure flashed again. This time, he did not rush to Jiang Hao, but flew behind him.

He was running away.

Chen Gong is very scared now. He has to take the overall situation into consideration. For the sake of Tiangong and even more for himself, he must not fall into the hands of Jiang Hao today. There are countless treasures in the palace that have not been used. There is a long way to go.

Chen Gong was so fast that he arrived at the mouth of the valley in a blink of an eye.

Nan Tian feirong is waiting here for a long time. Ouyang Zhentian has already seen that Chen Gong is not Jiang Hao's opponent. So the whisper just now is actually telling Nantian feirong to ambush.

Nan Tian feirong jumped out and directly blocked Chen Gong's retreat. His body was already ready to go. The light of his sword flashed by and went straight to Chen Gong.

The appearance of Nan Tian Fei Rong was completely beyond Chen Gong's expectation. Therefore, this sword light directly hit him and made him fall to the ground and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"This is not the Lord of the heavenly palace! How to make this young man so embarrassed A left side, some people in the crowd recognized Chen Gong, exclaimed.

I didn't expect that the Chen palace, which was once proud of nine days, is actually like this today. It's really 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi.

Jiang Hao's body also flew from the rear and fell behind the Chen palace, which has been attacked on both sides.

"You have something else to say." Jiang Hao's face was calm, without any pity.

"Kill me, the people of Tiangong can't spare you!" Chen Gong looks ferocious and seems to be burning with anger. He is not willing to fall here, let alone fall in the hands of Jiang Hao.

All this is a great shame to him.

Chen Gong suddenly raised his hand and wiped the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth with his thumb. When he pressed it toward the earth, the smoke and dust were rampant. An array was formed in an instant, and the golden lines spread around him, forming a solid and incomparable mask.

"Still want to escape!" Jiang Hao saw through the array at a glance. It didn't hurt much, but its power lies in transmitting. He could make people disappear and appear in any corner.

"Read the sword, go!"

Jiang Hao controls the saber and rushes out quickly, directly breaking through the light shield. The light shield is fragmented, and the Nianqing sword crosses.


One of Chen Gong's arms was cut off, and he was in great distress.

His formation dissipated and eventually failed.

When Ouyang Zhentian came here, Jiang Hao looked at the dying Chen Gong and said, "I'll give it to you."

Ouyang Zhentian heard the speech and stepped to the side of the Chen palace. He squatted down and grabbed the collar of the Chen Palace: "the blood feud is coming to an end today."

His palms hit Chen Gong's head hard.

One palm, Chen Gong's last breath, finally disappeared completely.

Ouyang Zhentian stood up, looked at the dead Chen Gong, and sighed heavily. His heart was inexplicably happy. This hatred, like a stone in his heart, was finally completely shamed today.Four people no longer stay. Xianhe River Valley has given them too much fortune. Jiang Hao, in particular, has won the greatest creation here, which is the blood inheritance of Xianhe river.

Before leaving, Jiang Hao paid a deep homage to the Xianhe River Valley. Jiang Haoming remembered this kindness in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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