Sacred Devil

Chapter 762

The emperor placed the two in a palace. They had been practicing, regardless of black and white.

In a flash, three days have passed.

There are many people gathered in the main hall of the palace. They are the elite friars selected from the millions of friars of the emperor. They will be eligible to take part in the competition for the nature of Mingxuan cave. Those who come out of it will be infinite glory. If they can survive, they will fly into the sky and be worshipped by later generations.

A large group of people set out from the palace.

"After that, you will be my elder brother. As brothers, we can take care of you." In the team, Hu San's voice came out and said to Jiang Hao that those who were not familiar with the place of life would only take care of Jiang Hao. Moreover, Hu San also saw Jiang Hao's means. He was very delicate and had a sense of security around him.

Jiang Hao nodded, a little helpless: "don't worry, I won't ignore you."

It's really thanks to the discovery of Hu San. If you don't tell Jiang Hao about the murals, I'm afraid I can't come to this place.

Speaking of it, it's really fantastic enough to say that crossing is through.

Jiang Hao meditated in the carriage with his eyes closed. The blood mass inside his body was shaking all the time. It was the egg of the undead. Now, the undead did not follow, but his intuition told him that he could call on the undead at any time as long as he needed the help of the undead.

After five days of continuous walking, the team finally arrived. Many people gathered at the entrance of Mingxuan cave, which was closed and had a faint array.

Jiang Hao looked ahead and then squeezed into the crowd.

Countless eyes are focused on the entrance of the cave. This array is quite strange. There is a faint roar from the dragon, as if there is a dragon spirit guarding it.

In the crowd, someone took a step, and then the fierce sword light came out. The sword light touched the huge stone, and the sound echoed, but the huge stone was indifferent and undamaged.

The man put up the skill, his eyes were full of reluctance, and finally he sighed and went back to his original position.

Jiang Hao's vision has been on the boulder. He thinks that the boulder does not need to be broken, but should be connected with the Dragon roar. If the array is broken, the boulder is vulnerable.

Jiang Hao stepped out and landed on the boulder.

The sudden scene attracted many people's attention. Seeing that it was a teenager, they all shook their heads slightly and had no confidence in Jiang Hao.

"I didn't expect that the entrance of Mingxuan cave is difficult for everyone, and I'm afraid it's hard for us to get all the fruits of this creation." People's mentality is not very good, a little frustrated.

Jiang Hao sat cross legged, and there were mantras coming out of his mouth, which seemed to be enlightened. Suddenly, the roar of the dragon in the array became louder, and the sound changed, as if he wanted to break free from the shackles.

People can only see that Jiang Hao is chanting a spell, but no one knows. At this moment, Jiang Hao's mind and the array are fighting.

Hu San is aware of this. He glances at the people, and when he sees their expressions, he sneers in his heart. It seems that the strong men of a million years ago were still not good. They were just mediocre guys who didn't even know the battlefield of their ideas.

As time went by, sweat appeared on Jiang Hao's forehead. After a moment, his eyebrows expanded.

"It worked." Jiang Hao opened his eyes and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He stood up, stretched out his hand to the boulder under his feet, and immediately the boulder was smashed.

Tiger three surprised: staring at Jiang Hao, a little speechless.

"The young man is not old enough to dissolve the huge stone?"

All eyes looked at Jiang Hao. There were various emotions in his eyes, including anger, envy and shock.

They didn't know Jiang Hao's real identity, only regarded him as an ordinary person like them.

After Jiang Hao broke the stone, he walked in, not caring about the eyes. He had a proud attitude.


This made many people feel blocked, especially the one who released the sword light. He had intended to take the opportunity to show his ability, but was dissolved by Jiang Hao. This is undoubtedly a slap in public.

However, after all, this young man has the ability. If he doesn't show off, no one can get in. Thinking of this, people are calmer, and they are not so disgusted with the youth's madness.

After all, they have this qualification!

"Let's settle accounts after autumn!" The man looked at Jiang Hao's back and bit his teeth. He was not willing to do so.

Hu San followed him and walked into the cave side by side with Jiang Hao.

Everyone is separated. No one is familiar with this place. If the Xuandong cave is opened once every ten thousand years, the familiar people will either become immortals or return to the West.

Different paths will encounter different nature, which depends on the arrangement of fate.

Jiang Hao walked into the cave, looked around, and then said, "follow me closely. I'm afraid this is not a good place."

He felt a kind of danger. He had the experience of Xianhe River Valley. He knew that the land of nature mostly contained crisis, and he still understood the truth of seeking wealth and wealth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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