Sacred Devil

Chapter 837

The leaves have no vitality in the past, the veins are disordered, and there are many black spots of different sizes on them. The atmosphere is oppressive, there is no monster activity, lifeless.

Jiang Hao slowed down a lot. Every time he took three or four steps, he scanned his surroundings with divine consciousness. The evil Qi became more and more intense, so that after each inspection, the back of the head was slightly painful. But for Jiang Hao, who has the power of the immortal bird, it is not a big problem.

He and Chu Yue adjusted the respiratory rate and coordinated with the change of black gas to hide himself.

"Little Lord, these trees have become so strange." Chu Yue did not speak, but used lip language.

The trees became very thick, and there were many lines on the roots, with different rules. But Jiang Hao is recognized, in "the devil's journey" about, this is the character of the demon clan.

With their tacit understanding, a few simple facial expressions can understand each other's meaning.

Jiang Hao nodded and made a gesture, indicating that Chu Yue should be careful. He grasped Chu Yue's hand and let her follow him.

Chu Yue's face was slightly red, and her mouth was smiling, and her body was close to Jiang Hao.

The closer you are to the central area, the stronger the magic Qi is.

Ye Ling and Jiang Hao looked at the familiar figure, and their hearts were filled with joy, sweeping away the depression before.

Urge the power of the undead bird, swept past, burning several demonized creatures nearby. Today's red lotus industry fire has been completely controlled by Jiang Hao, and its power is much stronger. The shadow of fire snake has some substance.

"Sister Ye Ling." Chu Yue's heart is sour, so she grabs Jiang Hao's hand and dare not let go. After a deep breath, he sent Jiang Hao's hand open and killed him to fight with the demonized creatures.

Demonized creatures were originally demons in the forest, which were infected with evil Qi.

Monsters are ferocious in nature, and even more fierce after being infected by evil Qi. See Chu month forward, a strange cry, like meteorite hit Chu Yue.

But where they were Chu Yue's opponents, after a few rounds, they were killed.

Beautiful shadow, floating like a fairy, extremely beautiful.

Jiang Hao has the flame of the immortal bird. Although the demonized creatures lose their senses, they instinctively feel afraid and dare not approach Jiang Hao.

Most of them choose to demonize Chu.

One step,

two steps,

three steps.

Jiang Hao walks to Ye Ling, but he feels a trace of fear. The undead makes a scream. Ye Ling turns into a mass of black air, and the huge vine throws at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao rolled back to avoid the attack of the vines, and the industrial fire erupted, burning the vines.

It's not Ye Ling, but an illusion created by a drop of Ye Ling's blood.

It has to be said that this illusion is so lifelike that even Jiang Hao was cheated in the past.

"Let's go. There's something weird here!" Jiang Hao yelled, the fire moved to the limit and surrounded his body.

The terrible temperature evaporated the water vapor around him and incinerated the evil gas, but it had no effect on Jiang Hao's clothes.

After the last out of control, Jiang Hao's fire control ability has reached a very high level.

The silent forest became lively. The leaves shook and rubbed violently, making strange sounds. The lines were shining brightly, and the trees began to grow rapidly. The overgrown vines surrounded Jiang Hao and Chu Yue.

The vines join together and cover Jiang Hao. They just want to get close to Jiang Hao, but they are burned to ashes.

However, the vine does not have the slightest intention of retreat, black light big, growing faster and faster, constantly impacting the red lotus shield.

Every time the vines grow out, they are burned out by Jiang Hao's red lotus industry.

But each time the vines can move forward a little, and they're constantly adapting.

Finally, Jiang Hao's red lotus shield was punctured, and the vines penetrated into the flesh and blood. The roots are covered with the whole body and grow rapidly with Jiang Hao's flesh and blood as nutrition.


Strange sounds appeared in the forest.

This is magic.

Jiang Hao calmed down and used the power of the undead to repair his body, but the situation was not good. If he had not the power of an immortal bird, he would have died.

Chu Yue's condition is not good either, but these demonized plants seem to be more interested in Jiang Hao, so her pressure is not great.

"Jiang Hao!" Chu Yue yelled, trying to save Jiang Hao, but was blocked by the green leaves all over the sky. The weak green leaves in the past are extremely sharp at the moment. If the skin is scratched, it will soon be infected by evil Qi and become a demonized creature.

"I'm fine!" Jiang Hao vomited blood and tried to calm himself down. He knew that these demons were interested in the power of his undead bird and wanted to absorb it. However, with Chu Yue's strength, it was very difficult for him to escape, let alone rescue him.

Therefore, he tried to pretend to be calm and didn't want to let Chu Yue travel in danger. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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