Sacred Devil

Chapter 845

The law of heaven and earth has no consciousness, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, and constantly bombards Jiang Hao. More than half of Jiang Hao's body was damaged. His internal organs were clearly visible. The outer edge of his bones had been scorched and stinky. The whole body was covered with evil Qi, with dense lines and twisted body.

If there are people who don't know about it, they think Jiang Hao is possessed.

The door of the demon world began to break away from the analysis, violent vibration, may explode at any time.

"Anacido! Gregory! Motobayeva

Not far away came a voice, this is a very pure language of the demon world, only the nobility of the demon world is qualified to learn.

A crystal appeared in the door of the demon world, which broke Jiang Hao's chest, smashed the alveoli and broke the ribs. Jiang Hao spat blood heavily, and the flame began to weaken.

The crystals roar past and fly to the source of the sound.

Chu Yue caught Jiang Hao and said in a trembling voice, "fool, how can you be so desperate?"

Then she hugged Jiang Hao and left at the fastest speed.

But it's too late.

The gate of the demon world has reached the critical point, and it will burst. The sky returned to normal, black mountain white clouds, the last few flashes of lightning lost their target and attacked the Chu moon.

Chu Yue quickly turned the body, but could not avoid, shoulder was hit. Fortunately, in the half breath time of hitting, the law of heaven and earth senses the disappearance of the door of the demon world, and the power of lightning also rapidly disappears.

Chu Yue looks pale and shakes Jiang Hao aside. Her moving eyes flashed a little firmness. She bit her lips and fought with the demons.

Jiang Hao's body was badly damaged, but he could not feel the pain. As if there was a force to pull him to the earth and return to heaven and earth again.

"Don't sleep, son of a bitch! When you fall asleep, you really have nothing. " Qi Ling is anxious.

This old ginger devil is cruel to others. Who knows he is more cruel to himself and fights with his life.

Living in his spirit, the spirit always felt that he might die at any time.

Jiang Hao's head was very heavy, and he heard the voice of the spirit, but the divine consciousness could not make any response. He felt at the moment that everything in the world had nothing to do with him. He just wanted to have a good sleep.

Even if only for a while, sleep for a while, are extremely happy things.

The earth is calling him, touching his soul and making him comfortable. The invisible hand pulled him, trying to pull him down, back to the earth, back to the law.

The blood continuously flowed out, dyed the earth red, and was assimilated by the evil Qi. The blood clotted and formed into a small man the size of a finger, with sharp teeth and biting on Jiang Hao.

But Jiang Hao did not feel at all.

God flame still has the residual power, a roll and pass, smash those blood villains.

Qi Ling is knowledgeable, but at the moment, he is helpless. He can only curse his mother with anger. If Jiang Hao really died, he would die with him.

"Don't sleep! Stinky boy, if you really sleep, I'll hang up with the old man The spirit burned the power of soul and bombarded Jiang Hao's body.

Jiang Hao finally regained his sanity. Looking at the wounded Chu Yue, he had more will to survive in his heart. I don't know why, subconsciously always want to sleep, always want to return to that warm big bed.

From the moment of human birth, there are two tendencies. One is to love death, and the other is to love life. They are contradictory, but they have the same point.

Jiang Hao urged more than ten times and found that the connection between the undead and him was cut off, and his body was not manipulated by him.

Chu Yue fought with blood, but she was exhausted and retreated one after another. Her feet are inserted into the ground, and behind her is Jiang Hao's "body.".

No, no more.

"He protected me, and I will protect him."

But the one in front killed more demons. The monsters were furious and excited to scream, as if they had been able to eat the power of the undead.

"You are such a coward, Jiang Hao."

Jiang Hao had a strong will in his heart, which awakened the power of the undead bird again and again.

Once, twice, three times Eighty one times.

Finally, his body moved, and his body absorbed the aura around him. The power of the undead begins to recover, the shadow is rebuilt, and the flow of fire surrounds his body.

The musculoskeletal growth is fast and visible to the naked eye, and it is soon repaired. But internal injuries need further conditioning.

The evil spirit was squeezed out of the pores, and the smell was incomparable.

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