Sacred Devil

Chapter 851

On the mountain somewhere in Jiangguo.

There were two stout men and an old man on crutches.

"Wizard, does this work?" The man in white doubted.

"Hey, you doubt the ability of my great wizard. Even among the trolls, no one dares to talk to me like that. " The little old man said angrily, and the snake head on his crutch spat out a message, expressing his strong dissatisfaction.

"No, how dare I question you The man in white quickly explained.

"Hum! I'll explain it to you. " The great wizard coughed, his voice was hoarse and incomparable, "I let the people of gale country disguise as the people of Jiang state, and sprinkle black powder in the key places. These black powders are specially made by me, and it took a lot of energy to refine them. "

"Mountains have spirits, rivers have gods. In a way, these rivers and mountains are another form of writing, another form of inscription. Normal operation, in line with the law of the road, tends to be calm. But as long as we make rational use of them, they will turn into big killers. "

"My black powder is the introduction to reconstruct the law of the road and summon ancient trolls. At that time, Jiang's country is just a small place, and it can be smashed easily. "

"So it is." The man in white finally understood a little.

The man in black was disdainful in his eyes and said in a low voice: "a rustic village man."

"Yes, yes, yes." Although the man in white had a high status in the gale country, he did not dare to have any wrong with them.

"Do you dare to question me now?" The great wizard asked deliberately, his green eyes fixed on the man in white, and made the latter sweating.

The man in white quickly explained, "no, no, no, how dare you question the great wizard? I don't have much insight. I hope the great wizard doesn't take it seriously. "

"You mean I'm mean!" The great wizard is looking for trouble.

The man in white felt cold on his back. When he heard the words behind the wizard, he reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief: "those who dare to question me are dead. But for the sake of gale country, I don't care about you. But I'll tell you, it's only once. "

Thank you very much The man in white quickly said thanks. The great wizard had just left, and felt a sharp pain all over his body. Worms emerge from the skin, with sharp little teeth, and constantly devour his flesh and blood. The voodoo in his teeth was paralyzing, and soon he felt no pain.

At the moment before he died, he said, "don't you say you don't care about me?"

"Ha ha, just because the wizard doesn't care about you doesn't mean I don't care about you." The man in black put on his veil and fled into the darkness.

As for the man in white, he was eaten away by worms and had no hair left.

At midnight.

The moon comes to the earth and shines on everything.

The great wizard saw that only the man in black came back. He said, "it's time."

They drew circles, inscribed inscriptions, and lit a campfire.

The great wizard took off his clothes and stood in the middle of the circle, dancing. He chanted and sang unknown ballads. Every move he made was in accordance with the terrain of Jiang state.


Boom! Boom!

The earth shook, up and down, left and right. Many of the houses collapsed in succession. Fortunately, with the help of the guards in the city, there were not too many casualties.

Many poisonous insects appeared in the mountains, attacking villagers, cooperating with giant monsters and destroying towns.

The river is like boiling water, rolling, and soon spray out, spread the land.

In the palace of Jiang state.

Jiang Zhen summoned his ministers to discuss the matter urgently.

"King, if there is a natural disaster in the state of Jiang, we should arrange the army to go to the disaster relief and save the people from the flood." A Minister stood up and said.

"Ai Qing, the area of Jiang country is so large. Have you ever seen natural disasters covering the whole country? I'm afraid there's something strange about it. There has been no news from gale country for a long time. It is likely that they did it. " Jiang Zhen Lang Lang said.

Only then did the minister who spoke understood it and flattered him: "the king's heart is like a mirror, and his insight is like watching fire. What he said is reasonable."

"The king is wise The other ministers cried out at the same time.

"King, how can we prove that it was the gale country that caused it? Maybe it's just an ordinary natural disaster? " Another old minister said that he didn't want to go along with others and put forward his own opinions bravely.

The man behind pulled his sleeve, indicating that he should step back to avoid disaster.

Jiang Zhen, however, was not a faint monarch. On the contrary, he appreciated the opinions that such people could put forward without being humble or arrogant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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