Sacred Devil

Chapter 869

Jiang Hao has not used juejiedao for a long time. This time, if the knife has a spirit, it sends out a buzzing sound, which seems to express his dissatisfaction.


The knife fell on the gun.

Jiang Miao's arm aches and shrinks for a moment. He says secretly, "how can this guy be so powerful?"

Jiang Hao's cut into a knife, like a tiger down the mountain, unstoppable, strength and a few points.

The strength of the knife is getting stronger and stronger.

Jiang Miao resists tenaciously. He finds a gap in the attack and stabs Jiang Hao in the wrist.

Jiang Hao can't let him succeed. He is in a hurry to avoid it.

"Thousand dragon strike!" Jiang Miao shouts loudly. The whole person rises into the air, and the sound of the Dragon chant of the spear is louder. In that moment, Jiang Miao stabbed a thousand attacks, but he did not see the gun head, only saw thousands of shadows.

The shadow of the gun is dense, and it is Ying Long's head. At this moment, Ying Long opened his eyes and swept to Jiang Hao with a blazing breath of dragon breath.

Jiang Hao clenched the heartless sword, and decisively put out the knife. With a force of 100000 Jin, he directly cut off Yinglong Xuying's head.


The big knife hit the gun, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted, and a fierce fight was launched.

Jiang Miao has noticed Jiang Hao's great strength and is ready to let the gun dance. With the help of inertia, he wandered around and used his rifle to stab Jiang Hao's abdomen.

Jiang Hao returns to defense and cleaves to the spear. His weapon is too short to get close to Jiang Miao, but Jiang Miao's long gun can easily hit him.

So he can only be defensive.

However, Jiang Miao's spear is in a flash, changing its position and turning to Jiang Hao's throat. The speed of the gun was so fast that thousands of phantoms reappeared, forming the head of Ying Long and biting Jiang Hao's throat.

Jiang Hao side body, trying to avoid. His avoidance is not to avoid and avoid, to avoid is to better attack, although a bit passive, but in the disadvantage is the best way.

The spear stabbed Jiang Hao's shoulder and got stuck in his joint.

Never be outdone, he pounces on Jiang Miao's wrist and sees that he is about to cut off his whole palm.

Jiang Miao quickly takes the gun and pulls it out of Jiang Hao's shoulder. Blood gushes out like a fountain.


The roar of the tiger reappears. Jue asks the knife to hit the gun. The spirit revolts. The power of the fire shows. Jiang Miao only feels the pain in his hand. He instinctively wanted to let go, but he held back.

Jiang Hao is very resolute. He lifts juejiedao upward, and his aura wanders around the blade. Jiang Miao's aura defense is broken and his skin is in great pain.

The knife is across Jiang Miao's neck.

Jiang Hao won!

There was silence.

The eight character Hu Mu gaped.

All of a sudden, there was a cheer on the field. They did not dare to look down on Jiang Hao any more, or look down on this thin and poor young man.

He, with his strength, has won people's respect.

Jiang Miao, more powerful than Jiang Sen, is the strong one in the early stage of Wei Dan city's concentration period. It is not the strongest, but it is not weak.

However, he was defeated by Jiang Hao.

If Jiang Hao was lucky, he won Jiangsen by chance. But now no one dares to say that Jiang Hao is lucky.

It was a wonderful match.

"Announce the result of the game." Jiang Hao said impatiently.

The mustache came to his senses and announced in a loud voice: "this competition is, ginger, what's your name? Cough, I declare that Jiang Hao won the game. "

Jiang Hao also did not refuse, this 1000 Amethyst is his labor income originally.

But a thousand Amethyst doesn't work at all.

One or two more pills are just a drop in the bucket for Jiang Hao's physique.

He was ready to start the third game without a break.

"Don't you need a rest?" The mustache asked, there is no previous neglect.

"No Jiang Hao replied that he has the power of the undead bird, and the power in his body is endless.

He didn't do his best in that game.

After all, only by keeping your cards can you guarantee your own safety.

If you let others know you thoroughly, it means one thing, you are not far away from death.

Old ANN has come to the VIP seat, looking at Jiang Hao, his fingers constantly tapping the armrest. The other hand was tucked into the secret part of the maid, but it did not move. It was obviously in the process of thinking.

He whispered a few words next to the maid's ear. The maid ordered, quickly tidied up her clothes and went out.

"Surnamed Jiang, I challenge you. Do you dare to fight?"

The blue monk under the stage said in a loud voice.

The monk, named Li San, is a famous figure in Weidan city. He has reached the middle period of concentration.

The strength is terrible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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