Sacred Devil

Chapter 879

Bang bang bang!

The arrow of the black shadow collides with the prohibition, sending out a yellow spark, and then calms down. It has to be said that this Mo Zhu Nong's prohibitive defense is amazing, and it can last so long.

Today, Jiang Hao constantly throws out fire lotus, reducing the number of paper people.

"It's no use. You can't kill them all. They are inexhaustible. In the past, Weidan city sent out people to exterminate them, but they didn't come to a good end. I suggest you don't kill them. Don't pull up some hatred. Maybe they can leave you a whole corpse. " Mo Zhu said.

"Can they let go if I don't kill them?" Jiang Hao has no good airway.

"But it's useless for you to save your strength and run away." Mo Zhu spread out his hand and threw out a seal script, "you and I met once. This divine rune is a gift. But I have a condition that you don't run with me when I run

Jiang Hao thought this guy was loyal, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he immediately understood that this guy was afraid of his drag. Forget it, it's better to have something than nothing.

He also does not affectation, picked up the seal script and put it in his arms.

Jiang Hao said, "do you think I'm doing useless work? The reason why I throw out the flame lotus is to reduce their number to some extent. You see, at a certain moment when I dropped it, the paper man outside couldn't supplement it, and the impact force on the prohibition was much smaller. "

Mo Zhu realized that although he resented Jiang Hao for pit him, he also agreed with him. To his surprise, this guy seems to have unlimited energy.

In fact, Jiang Hao is in control of the rhythm, not to let his energy loss too much. Otherwise, it is really the same as Mo Zhu said, running has no strength to run.

However, he has the power of the undead bird, many times stronger than ordinary people, and his recovery ability is also strong, which gives people an endless illusion.

As long as he quickens the speed of throwing Yanlian, his physical strength will be reduced by more than half before long.

The entire arena has been a sea of fire, red flames dancing wildly, devouring everything.

If it is not for the power is too small, even the stone arena bricks will be ignited.

After being destroyed by the flame lotus, it condenses into a dark shadow and drills into a dark corner.

There was a constant explosion.

It's hard to imagine how many shadows can be hidden in such a small corner.

The prohibition was constantly impacted, and the light of the inscriptions became dim one after another, and the power of prohibition became weaker and weaker.


a key inscription disappeared.

The whole ban was lifted.

"Run!" Mo Zhu had been preparing for a long time, and immediately called out, sticking the magic symbol on his legs and running at the fastest speed.

However, Jiang Hao did not retreat. The power of the fire rolled around his body surface. The shadow of the immortal bird appeared and fell into the paper man knight. The red lotus fire shows great power and burns fiercely. The surroundings are like day, and the darkness in the corner is swept away.

The whole arena or a sea of fire.

After Jiang Haochong killed for a while, he rushed to the city Lord's house.

"The flame of God shakes the wings of the sky!"

The flame was condensed on Jiang Hao's back, rolling and flowing. The flame was divine, just like a bird's feather.

He flies very fast, like the undead bird, soaring in the sky.

Some bold city residents poked holes in the windows, looked at the flame wings, and couldn't help feeling.

After Mo Zhu left, he was watched by several paper men, but he had the help of the divine line talisman. After a few circles, he returned to his residence. Although the prohibition of his residence is weak, it is enough to resist the paperman.

At that time, Jiang Hao killed the paper man, which caused the impact of the paper man army.

He looked back at the red flame in the night and sighed, "this guy is really strong! It would be a pity if he did die

At that time, we could not blame Jiang Hao. If Jiang Hao did not kill the two paper men, there would be no way.

Ink bamboo lit the lamp, took out a green gem, injected a lot of aura.

The gem gives off dazzling light, appears the human contour, gradually increases, turns into the old-age appearance.


The light condenses into substance, and an Lao stands in the same place.

"Old man, I've already paid you back the favor. Let's go! Wei Tian's side should have sensed your identity. I know him. He seems to have a good face, but in fact, he is cruel. You go! It's too late to wait until dawn. " Mo Zhu said.

Thank you very much Said Ann.

"Don't say thank you. I don't want to help you. I just owe you a favor. Now that it's paid back, you and I don't matter. I don't know you, and you don't know me, that's it. " Mo Zhu said.

"Well! I didn't expect it was because of this exposure. " Ann sighed.

"That guy, you'd better not trouble him. I've seen his strength. Unless the strong man comes during the robbery period, he can't be restrained. Even if he can beat him, he has the means to escape. " Mo Zhu said."Well." An old nodded and said, but in the eye actually flashed to kill the idea, how can so calculate.

If it's not for practicing the unique secret arts of Lei Jing people, otherwise, he will be killed by Jiang Hao.

This kind of hatred, how can say a word to be able to forget.

Seeing him so, Mo Zhu didn't say much. He waved and said, "you go! You should have Shenxing rune. You can leave with your strength , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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