Sacred Devil

Chapter 897

"Map..." Jiang Hao felt his chin and thought of something. He quickly asked, "what is the map like? How did you know that? Is the news unreliable? "

When I first came to Zhongzhou, I got a map about Shenwen by accident, so I began to pay attention to these news.

Seeing Jiang Hao anxious, the tree god was holding his beard, and the old God was there.

"Don't procrastinate, say it!" Jiang Hao grabbed the tree god's shoulder, and the tree god was shaken by more than ten thousand jin.

Looking at Jiang Hao, the tree God felt the bruise on his face and said quickly, "let go of your hand quickly. How can I tell you if you do this to me?"

Jiang Hao found that he was a bit out of tune. He was just too excited and lost his reason. Thinking of this, he felt remorse in his heart. Fortunately, the tree god was not a bad man. Otherwise, he would be taken advantage of by others.

Shendu is his pursuit all along.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to. " Jiang Hao apologized and bowed.

He soon calmed down, suppressed his emotions, reason returned to its original position and became the master of the body.

Seeing that he had free will, the tree god was also surprised, but he saw Jiang Hao's analysis of Shenyuan for a long time. The young man in front of him is stronger than the young Phoenix, and all of them are terrible.

Although he has not seen actual combat, he can speculate on Jiang Hao's strength with years of experience.

I'm afraid Jiang Hao's combat effectiveness is only strong but not weak.

"It's OK." The tree God said, tidy up his beard, take out the unknown liquid medicine to wipe again.

After a long time, he began to explain: "this map is what I heard when I was studying in the Dragon Palace. But don't worry, the news is absolutely true, because it is well known to the people in the Dragon Palace. "

"You do a good business. If the people in the Dragon Palace know the news, sell it to me. Let me help you to analyze Shenyuan. Is it unreasonable?" Jiang Hao was not happy.

"You are not from Zhongzhou. It takes a lot of time to get the relevant information. This time is also a very important cost to you. " Said the tree god.

Jiang Hao didn't want to argue with him. Today, he analyzed Shenyuan and gained the power of the Phoenix. It was also a great harvest. He said, "you know something else. This is really what I want."

"Happy!" Seeing that he didn't stick to the details, the tree god was happy to tell Jiang Hao the information, "the map fragment is in the depth of the forbidden area. The restricted area has been guarded for a long time, and there are many dangers. I know a route which is safer. "

"Oh." Jiang Hao was moved.

The tree God said, "there are many spirit grass in that route, which is also my compensation to you."

"What is your real strength Jiang Hao asked. Since it is an important herb for the concentration period, the tree god can give up, that is, the state of the tree god is very high.

He was really curious about how high he was.

The most important thing is that he just beat the tree god. If the other party is really strong, he can't bear the Revenge of the other party.

Therefore, he began to be vigilant, the aura condensed in his hands, ready to detonate the mark of Shenyuan at any time.

No matter how strong the tree god is, now only the strength of concentration period can not resist the explosion of Shenyuan.

He felt the position of Shenyuan, calculated the wave path of Shenyuan explosion, and moved slightly to reduce the impact on himself.

At least, you can't let your vital part be impacted by Shenyuan. With the power of the undead to repair, he is still a little confident that he can recover.

Moreover, he has the power of Phoenix, the ability to repair a higher level. However, he is only 30% sure that he will survive the explosion.

The tree God has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the soul has grown to a certain strength. Although he didn't find the abnormality of Jiang Hao's expression and action, he realized the fear of Jiang Hao's spirit and gave a proud smile in his heart.

So he said, "don't worry! The meal you just beat me is included in the reward. My original strength is the fairyland period. As long as I integrate Shenyuan again this time, I can reach the realm of fairy king. "

"Fairies, no wonder they have the title of God." Jiang Hao said that fairies can indeed be called gods in this piece of heaven and earth.

Looking at the tree god's appearance is not deception, and he has no intention to detonate Shenyuan. But he did not intend to eliminate the mark of Shenyuan. Even if the tree God did not harm his heart, he wanted to stay behind.

There is no harm, no defense.

He would do so even if he would later offend the tree god.

"I know you have done something in Shenyuan, but I don't care. I understand your practice. If you don't do anything, it makes me look down on you. " Said the tree god.

Jiang Hao blushed and changed the topic: "what's the relationship between the people in this village and you? Why do you have to guard here all the time? "

"This is the descendant of a good friend who is no longer in the world to save me. I have to take care of his offspring until I always see that I owe him There was a melancholy in the eyes of the tree god, staring at the horizon blankly.The moon is bright and cold; the cold wind is dancing and penetrating into people's hearts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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