Sacred Devil

Chapter 901

"Unqualified?" Jiang Hao was surprised, but soon calmed down.

He had already felt that the young man in front of him had a deep hostility to him. He never wanted to avoid.

If his aura is not up to standard, then no one present can be qualified.

Today, although he is only the strength in the middle of the concentration period, he can fight against the hijacking period. The original qualified monk of concentration period can't fight over the level like him.

What a joke!

Wei Shui sneered in his heart. The muscles on his face squeezed together and showed a friendly smile. He patted Jiang Hao on the shoulder and said, "don't lose heart! Now you are just concentrating on the strength of the middle period, and you still have the opportunity to practice. When it comes to the later stage of concentration, you can also continue to participate in the test

Jiang Hao frowned slightly, guessing the real intention of Weishui. After a few Shenwen calculations, the brain's speed increased many times, only in a flash, he understood.

So it is!

When he came to Zhongzhou, only the tree god and Wei Tian of Weidan city became enemies.

The tree God has a peaceful personality and pays more attention to love. He is a rare good man. This can be seen from his care for the offspring of his friends, and even if Jiang Hao somehow beat him up, he didn't care.

In Jiang Hao's impression, the tree god's face is always with a smile, a look detached from things.

Therefore, it is impossible for the tree god to attack him.

Only Wei Tian, the treacherous villain, repeatedly sent people to harm him.

At the beginning, he refused to give in, so Wei Shui thought that he was impetuous and impulsive. He specially stimulated him and wanted him to have an attack on the spot.

If you know who the enemy is, it will be easier to deal with later.

The most terrible enemy is hiding in the dark, you can't know, naturally can't guard against.

People can't always be vigilant, there are always times to relax. So enemies in the dark are the most dangerous.

When they just came, the three men had been killed by Jiang Hao, and their souls were destroyed together. Naturally, they were not considered.

Thank you very much Jiang Hao lowered his head and looked listless.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Meng ran also comforted him by saying: "the selection of talents in the Dragon Palace only depends on the strength. As long as the aura is pure to a certain extent, he can join in. You're young, and you'll be able to get in later

Jiang Hao's face improved a little, arched his hand and said, "thank you for your comfort. I'm in a better mood."

Wei water is anxious, isn't this guy grumpy?

Do you like to fight back?

Why did he quit like this? It's not in line with his expected plan.

Now he is going to recruit disciples in the capital city. When the time comes, Jiang Hao runs away. Where can he find him. At that time, Wei Tian searched Jiang Hao for so long, but found no clue.

Jiang Hao had a kind of feeling of getting a chestnut out of the fire. He slowed down a little and looked dejected.

If you miss this time, it will take 30 years.

He felt like he was playing with fire.

One step,

two steps,

three steps.

Finally, Wei Shui couldn't help but shout: "wait a minute!"

"What's the matter? Can I help you? " There was no color in Jiang Hao's eyes, as if he had just woken up.

"I want to apologize to this Jiang Hao. I just checked that elder brother Jiang's aura is extremely pure, which is many times higher than me. So I was jealous and didn't want to admit this fact. I deliberately said that Jiang Hao's aura was not pure. " Wei Shui said sincerely.

After hearing this, his disciples suddenly realized: "elder martial brother Weishui can admit his mistakes so frankly that I admire him. He is an example for younger martial brother to learn from."

His name is Ma Dong. He is a disciple of the Dragon Palace. Wei Shui is the inner disciple of the Dragon Palace, so he naturally wants to flatter him.

This time, there is such a good opportunity to add favor, of course, he can not let go.

The square began to be lively, and people were talking about it.

"It's disgusting that Wei Shui was jealous and cheated. It is suggested that the Dragon Palace expel this disciple, otherwise, it will bring shame to the Dragon Palace. "

"How miserable! Did you see the lost look of the boy? I thought he was too young, but I didn't expect that he was deliberately framed. "

"Oh! How can the Dragon Palace let such a disciple recruit disciples? If he talks casually, then I will be dead. "

People and Jiang Hao have empathy, are contemptuous acts of guarding water, to Jiang Hao in return for sympathy. In fact, what they are more worried about is that Weishui will make decisions at will, which will make them lose the opportunity to enter the Dragon Palace.

This time, with Jiang Hao as the guide, the people united as a group, trying to make a scene.

"Quiet! Be quiet for me Ma Dong coughed hard, and the aura reverberated, and the audience suddenly became quiet. "Our Dragon Palace is absolutely fair and just, and everyone here is treated equally. We are also human beings, and sometimes we make mistakes, so it's hard to avoid mistakes.

"Do you have people who have never made mistakes, and if so, I hope you can stand up and never make mistakes. Well, no, so it's no fault that people always make mistakes. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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