Sacred Devil

Chapter 910

Outside the elemental forest.

Wei Shui looked at the eastern element forest, and raised the huge water column on it. He sighed, "boy, what are you doing? This is my site. I has the final say."

At the thought of what had happened last night, he turned blue with anger, his chest fluctuated, and his breath became very short. Soon, he returned to his original appearance and sighed, "Alas! What a pity! I've arranged so many things for you to see how you get out of your life. "

Element forest.

Next to the cliff.

As soon as the tall man gritted his teeth and raised his arms, more than ten strong men appeared and attacked Jiang Hao. All of a sudden, he called out to kill the sky, which was full of murderous spirit.

Colorful aura appeared, all kinds of weapons showed up and attacked Jiang Hao.

"Kill him, and his points will be ours." Cried the little fat man. The reason for this kind of momentum is to clear the suspense. After all, in the element forest, such things often happen.

In his opinion, Jiang Haoning's strength in the middle of the divine period could not block so many people's attacks.

He cherished talents and couldn't bear to die. For the Dragon Palace, it was also a great loss.

"No Cold heart said.

"Why?" Zhengchu asked.

"The strong have the pride of the strong." Cold heart says, finish saying then continue to be silent. In the cold eyes, looking at what happened, the light flickered and wavered.

Zhengchu knew her temperament and didn't ask much. She turned her head and looked at her long eyebrows. If long eyebrow's opinion is consistent with him, even if Leng Xin disagrees, he can't do anything about him.

Long eyebrow understood his meaning and sighed: "I agree with the cold heart's view, it's not too late to have a look."

Jiang Hao contracted all the aura, gathered in the elixir field, and the breath all converged, as if he were an ordinary person. In the cold eyes, the murderous spirit flickered, revealing his intention.

He squatted on the ground, shrinking his strength. The fire of honglianye had a change and wanted to break out, but he was forced down by his divine consciousness.

Finally, it becomes a small ball and becomes an invisible point.


Terrible energy!!

God flame shakes the sky wings!!!

A terrible smell appeared, enveloped around, broke through the sky, smashed the space, and dyed the whole world red.

Shenwen appeared and floated in this space.

Above the white clouds, there is a ghost shadow, as if from another space, king in this world.

The sound of strange ballads appeared in my ears, which seemed to be the sound of chanting scriptures.

The tongue of fire danced wildly from Jiang Hao's back and spread all over the world. The space is broken, and the fire goes, there are countless scattered dots, like fireflies in the night.

These fragments are engulfed by the flame, and the rest are attracted by the outer space law, assimilated again and re transformed into a part of the heavenly way.

The forest of elements turned into a sea of fire, and a large number of elemental life was broken.

The token on his waist kept making sound, and the rhythm became faster and faster. Soon, he could not bear the temperature of the fire and turned into a pool of mud.

In his eyes, there is a red flame, burning blazing, as if to turn the world into ashes, all return to oblivion.

Destruction, total destruction.

Jiang Hao looked at the crowd and said, "die!"

As soon as the word came out, it was like thunder, and the earth and the mountains shook violently.

A flame appeared in his palm, spread out, turned into a huge blade, and cut directly at the area where the people were. The heartless sword blared wantonly and wanted to join in the battle, but it flew to the blade of fire and integrated with it.

A lot of space is broken, countless pieces splash, light is ignited by the flame, burning blazing. The earth becomes like water, flowing down to lower places, and constantly dissolving. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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