Sacred Devil

Chapter 920

"Do you want me to help you?" Dong Tongfang did a wipe neck movement, the meaning is very clear, is to kill the Wei water.

"No, sooner or later, I'll take care of him. I don't understand why this man keeps staring at me." Jiang Hao said.

Jiang Hao became the first and broke the records of the Dragon Palace.

It has become the topic of many nuns' gossip. Many people on the road look at him, and their eyes are hot.

Generally speaking, powerful women like it. This power is divided into three aspects: first, power; second, appearance; third, power.

In this world, only power is the final determinant.

"Brother Jiang, you have become the focus now. I'm a little embarrassed to follow you." Meng ran said with a smile.

"Just call me brother Jiang." Jiang Hao said.

"No, no, no, I'm just older than you. You're so much stronger than me. How dare I talk nonsense?" Meng ran said sincerely.

"Are you a little older than me?" Jiang Hao discovered Meng Ran's plot.

Meng ran was stunned and laughed at random. He scratched the back of his head and said, "ha ha! A few hundred years old is really just a little bit for the monks in our concentration period. "

Jiang Hao is speechless. This guy is really cheeky, but what he says is reasonable.

"Meng ran, if you care, you'd better call me Jiang Hao! Don't worry! I won't be too rigid about these things. The name is just a code name Jiang Hao said.

The monks who took part in the trial were more or less injured, so the Dragon Palace gave them a week's rest.

During this week, Jiang Hao stayed in the Inn and practiced hard.

He didn't worry about Wei Shui's trouble. Not only did the city master of Tiandu City, but also the three elders were watching him. He would never let anything happen to him.

However, Meng ran found Jiang Hao several times on the way, and wanted to have fun with him.

Jiang Hao didn't talk nonsense and refused him directly because he wanted to practice.

Above the white clouds, there is a table with a set of fine blue and white porcelain tea sets.

The three old men sat next to him. Jiang Hao's Inn is just below.

"For a week, this guy is good-natured and can stand loneliness. I asked Meng ran to try him several times, but he refused. " Zhengchu said.

Long eyebrow habitually touched his eyebrows and said, "have you checked it out? Are they spies from other places? "

"Oh! All of them have found out, which small village may have come out, provoked Wei Dan city, was pursued and killed, and later disappeared, may have been recovered to the village. They all know Jiang Hao. As for the other women, they don't say any more. " Zhengchu said.

"The identity is clear, there is no unclean, we must keep this man." Said long eyebrow.

"Well." Zhengchu nodded and agreed with the long eyebrow.

Long eyebrow saw Zhengchu open his mouth and interrupted: "I know what you want to say. There's no need to worry about Wei Dan city. Wei Tian is just a monk during the robbery period. He doesn't even deserve to carry shoes to our dragon palace."

"What about Wei Shui?" Zhengchu said.

"Kill, as a gift to meet." Long eyebrow simply way, this Wei water is too much, even repeatedly make trouble for Jiang Hao, he also can't tolerate such people.

For people like Wei Shui, there is no need to be pitiful at all.

"No My heart is cold.

"What's the matter?" Zhengchu doubts that he knows that although there are not many cold hearted words, each one is very useful.

"According to Meng ran, although he got along well with Jiang Hao, he felt that Jiang Hao was a proud man in his bones. If we really kill Wei Shui, he won't like it, just won't show it. " Cold heart said.

"It's true that if I don't like it, if Wei Shui offends me, I'd prefer to screw his head off myself." Zhengchu said.

Wei Shui was playing with a woman when he sneezed several times and his whole body softened.

What he didn't know was that he had just escaped.

Since then, the water can no longer be lifted.

A week has passed.

Many monks who have passed the first level are waiting for the newly built site early, hoping to leave a good impression on the elders.

Different horizons, different patterns, and different things to see.

In Jiang Hao's opinion, such a thing has no meaning at all.

Good impression, good impression can serve as a meal?

The elders didn't care about this kind of thing at all. These thoughts are just wishful thinking.

Everything is allowed as long as you are not late.

It's better to sleep in and save more energy than to wait so long.

The handsome man, dressed in white, walked to the center of the field, his face still cold and arrogant.

As soon as he appeared, he became the focus of the audience, and people began to talk about it one after another.Although Dong Tongfang's face is rebellious, he still enjoys these praises in his heart.

Several larger families, who wanted to establish relations with Dong Tongfang, were directly rejected.

All of a sudden,

Dong Tongfang's body disappeared and his eyes became eager. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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