Sacred Devil

Chapter 963

Jiang Hao did not answer immediately, but looked at the distance to calm his mood. Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, red lines appear in the forehead, intertwined into a simple stroke of the head of the undead, emitting a faint red light.

His anger rose to his heart and ignited his lungs.

Indeed, it was not because of her stupidity that he disliked Shangguan Wan'er. Whether she is stupid or kind has nothing to do with him. But he can't tolerate that the people he saved with great efforts only stabbed himself in the end.

Now, he did not kill her, is the greatest tolerance.

His sanity is coming back on track to continue to think about it. Although he said he didn't care about Longjia puppet, if he could deal with the robbery period, it must be his desire.

As long as he has this, he will no longer be afraid of Wei Dan's pursuit, nor need he be afraid of such people as Cai mother-in-law.

He was able to avenge openly and was no longer bound by power.

It's true everywhere, and strength is the most important thing.

Only by strength can we be respected and protect everything we want.

He smashed the brick with his fist, controlled the strength, and did not use aura, but the brick still lacked a corner. A corner gradually expanded, spread like a cobweb, spread to all the walls, the walls collapsed.

"Good! I'll go back and talk to her Jiang Hao said.

He was very calm, no more anger, no longer desire, as if to say a very common thing. Even the old monster of thousands of years, encounter this kind of thing, the mood is also very strong, but Jiang Hao quickly controlled himself.

This kind of determination is not what ordinary people can have.

Naza did not say much, and continued to follow Jiang Hao, but her heart turned to waves, feeling Jiang Hao's control. To be able to control myself in this situation is really rare at this age.

Shangguan Wan'er was overjoyed to see Jiang Hao come back. She put forward her own conditions. It is to let Jiang Hao save his father and several of his father's confidants, who are her closest friends.

Jiang Hao was already mentally prepared to go through the appearance of those people, which was remembered in his mind.

Shangguan Wan'er was not a procrastinator. He told Jiang Hao how to activate the Dragon Armor puppet and asked him to activate the flame pattern in the Dragon Armor puppet.

Jiang Hao understood why Shangguan Wan'er wanted him to steal the Dragon armour puppet because he was interested in his flame power. Although Shangguan Wan'er didn't know how strong Jiang Hao's flame was, she thought that Jiang Hao's flame was not low by virtue of Jiang Hao's strength.

As to what level, she did not think too much.

The Longjia puppet was made by the ancestor of Shangguan family. At the beginning, the founder just came back to Longzhen and heard about the legend here. He was very interested in it and took root here. As expected, the volcanic resources under Huilong town can be used to make excellent weapons.

that flame essence is very rare, pure and incomparable, and contains enough burst smell. The effect of refinement is that the energy of some other attributes will affect the quality of forged weapons. For example, the earth attribute, after entering the sword, will affect the hardness and sharpness of the sword.

Therefore, weapons must be made with pure flame. The more pure the flame is, the better the weapon will be.

The other is the need to burst the power, will be artificially controlled, all impurities will be destroyed. This force should not be too strong, or it will destroy all the iron. What weapons will be forged? It should not be too weak, otherwise it is not enough to remove impurities.

Therefore, Shangguan Yinyue, the founder of Shangguan family, as a forging madman, naturally takes root here.

At that time, it was not a town, there were only a few families.

"in Yinyue, Xiaohu has been out for so long, and he hasn't come back for half a month. Can you help my aunt find it, or I will not know what to do in my old age? " The aunt, wrapped in a plaid scarf, cried.

"OK, auntie, don't worry. I will help you find the tiger." Said Yin Yue.

Xiaohu is not only the mother's child, but also his nephew. Naturally, he should try his best. He followed the trace of the tiger, and accidentally entered the depths of the magma, and found the virtual shadow of the dragon.

This is not the real dragon, but the Dragon passed here, leaving the law of the road between heaven and earth. As time goes on, the power of these laws is gradually assimilated by heaven and earth and gradually weakened.

But under certain conditions, it will be excited, forming the illusion of light and shadow.

Yinyue was a wise man, so she wrote down the shadow and recorded it in her book. With the fragments of the rules here, we can deduce new rules and construct the Dragon Armor puppet.

Although the Longjia puppet was created, Yinyue died of illness because of too much energy expended.

Longjia puppet is very powerful. It is not a puppet in general sense, but an object between puppet and armor. It can be worn on the body or guided by divine consciousness, which is equivalent to having another person to help fight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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