Sacred Devil

Chapter 970

Caikong has been honest this time, and dare not give out the atmosphere. With the lesson before, as long as you just move, Jiang Hao will observe him for a long time.

After a long walk, Jiang Hao, led by Cai Kong, came to another secret room.

In the middle of the chamber, there is a puppet in the shape of a human, which emits a faint red light, with subtle lines. He was careful not to let him run away and slowly approached the Dragon Armor puppet. The lines are more and more clear, and the workmanship is meticulous. The fire dragon is engraved on it. It is lifelike. You can see that it is made by a senior craftsman.

A little closer, he looked along the dragon's body. Suddenly, Jiang Hao was startled. He quickly stepped back and threw Cai Kong aside.

At that moment, he had hallucinations in front of him, and a giant dragon raised its head to look at him.

When it was all right, Jiang Hao rubbed his eyes and found that it was just an illusion. In the eyes of the dragon, there is a red gem, which emits pure flame energy and reacts with Jiang Hao.

Rao is so, Jiang Hao or careful a little, waiting for a long time, see just empty when nothing, again close to Longjia puppet.

One step, two steps, three steps

The footstep sound is very rhythmic, resounding through the quiet chamber of secrets, and Jiang Hao's heart is also raised.

He looked at the strange squares and ropes on the Dragon Armor puppet and asked, "what are these things?"

"This is a device specially built to use Dragon Armor puppets. With this device, even people who can't do anything can use Dragon Armor puppets. However, such Longjia puppets can only give full play to their strength during the robbery period. " Caikong explained.

"Then how did you destroy the officials?" Jiang Hao asked.

If the Longjia puppet is only the power to survive the robbery period, it will not be able to destroy the officials.

"With this word, my mother can give full play to the strength of fairyland. "Said caikong.

"I see. Can I just tear down these things?" Jiang Hao said.

He looked at the strange things on the Longjia puppet and frowned slightly. He seemed to notice the displeasure of the puppet. In the flames, he seems to be pouring out his pain, looking for relief, and hoping that Jiang Hao can help him.

"Yes, but if you take these things apart..." Before the empty words were finished, Jiang Hao started directly.

He tore them apart with brute force and threw them aside.


The shadow of a giant dragon appears and roars in the sky. It is extremely proud, but with strong pleasure. The fire dragon sent out a terrible momentum, shaking the chamber of secrets, just empty and paralyzed on the ground, his eyes full of fear, and his mouth whispered, "don't, don't kill me."

"Stop." Jiang Hao orders, fire dragon empty shadow surprised to look at Jiang Hao.

Just hollow in fear suddenly disappeared, in the heart crazy cry: "kill him, kill him, quick, kill him."

The next scene made Cai Kong stunned.

The fire dragon rubbed Jiang Hao's right hand with his head, a pair of clever appearance. The translucent red body, twining around Jiang Hao's body, makes a gentle low song, which seems to be deliberately pleasing to Jiang Hao.

There was a commotion in the puppet, which changed and made a clear metallic sound. Then it turned into a fire dragon. The shadow roared and rushed into the puppet and became one.

But Jiang Hao is still around like a puppet.

"The puppet has spirit." Jiang Hao was surprised, but then he was ecstatic. With the fire of karma surging, the aura slowly poured into the puppet, and the excitement became more and more intense.

He clearly felt that he was echoing the dragon, and the dragon was echoing him. He wants the fire dragon, and the fire dragon wants to merge with him.

Fire is a bridge of communication.

At that moment, the souls of the two touch, stop and blend.

"Dragon armour puppet, it's better to call you Dragon Armor." Jiang Hao said.

The puppet nodded excitedly and agreed with Jiang Hao.

But caikong was shocked. When Xiaoru got the puppet, she didn't respond. No matter what means, the puppet is still, like a dead thing.

It took a long time for mother-in-law to establish channels to communicate the energy in the puppet. But now, just a touch, Jiang Hao can wake up the Dragon Armor puppet.

Rumor has it that this Dragon Armor puppet has terrible energy.

Cai Kong didn't dare to think about it any more. He wanted to seek another chance to kill Jiang Hao, but now he really has no chance.

Jiang Hao has the strength to survive the robbery period. Ordinary organs can't stop him. Even if he starts a powerful mechanism, Jiang Hao can kill him first.

According to Shangguan Waner's method, Jiang Hao constructed the flame mark, which resonated with the flame mark of Longjia. Because the soul of the two resonates, a new channel is soon established.

To his displeasure, the Dragon Armor puppet was seriously damaged. It's not surprising that after thousands of years of baptism by the manager, the later owner of Shangguan family couldn't maintain the Dragon armour at all.

Therefore, today's Dragon Armor is badly damaged, but it can still let Jiang Hao play out of the time of robbery. Although the time is not long, but even if you can't fight, escape is , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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