Sacred Devil

Chapter 994

Wei Tian sneers. This big array is said to be able to withstand the impact of thousands of people. It's not a joke. Unless it's the peak of the robbery period, it's just like a fool's dream to break the big array by one person.

Jiang Hao readjusted his breath and dived down again. The flames could make people feel the intense high temperature across the big array. Unfortunately, after the shaking of the city head, Jiang Hao was shot away again.

"Boy, you know there's a day out there! Ha ha ha, "Wei Tian laughs wildly," you rush a few more times, don't need me to start, go to hell. "

Jiang Hao was covered with fire. Ordinary people could not see him. At this time, there was blood on his mouth, but Wei Tian could see clearly that the unique feature of this array was that how much power you exerted on it, he would bounce back to you.

He had two violent shocks, and in the end he hit himself.

Are the two shocks of the peak of concentration period extensive?

Jiang Hao breathed heavily, the blood of the undead bird, and quickly repaired the wound. He must find the steel of the soul of heaven and enter the city of Weidan.

This belief made him stretch his wings again and attack the tower fiercely.

The guardian gave it a sneer.

However, under the repeated impact of Jiang Hao, some guards couldn't stand the high temperature and fainted. At first, there were only one or two of them, and then more and more.

Wei Tian is not so optimistic at last. It is not because he has damaged more than a dozen guards, but Jiang Hao should have been seriously injured at the moment, but the impact force has not weakened each time.

Is Jiang Hao crazy? Or something else?

Jiang Hao once again hit the border with a raging fire. This time, the tower did not shake so badly, but Jiang Hao flew farther than the previous times.

Wei Tian's heart is happy, still can't support it!

However, he didn't feel happy for a long time. With Jiang Hao's flying, there were signs of loosening.

Any large array in a closed space will be like this after being strongly impacted.

"It's impossible," Wei Tian exclaimed, "how can you have the strength to survive the peak of the robbery period. Only the friars at the peak of the robbery period can be destroyed by one person

There was a sneer in Jiang Hao's mouth. He didn't pay attention to Wei Tian, and he didn't need to pay attention to the old man. Wei Tian only knew that the array could withstand the impact of the peak monk during the robbery period, but he forgot that Jiang Hao's repeated impacts had already exceeded this strength.

However, there is no other peak monk of concentration period who has the body of immortal bird, and the impact time after time has been killed by the power of large array.

"All ready," thundered Wei Tian, "shoot the arrow."

Wei Tian was not willing to admit defeat. After Jiang Hao's dive, he ordered the arrow to be fired. His own realm was higher than Jiang Hao. Without the big array, Wei Tian would not have lost.

The rain of arrows shot at Jiang Hao in the form of undead bird. It's so powerful that it's just where the fire of red lotus is blocked.

As soon as the arrow rain touched Jiang Hao, it turned to ashes.

"Boom" a sound, Jiang Hao and the city protection array violent collision together.

The city's head swayed more violently than before, and then the great battle ground collapsed, and the flaming fire suddenly overtook the city head.

Countless guards screamed violently.

Jiang Hao folded up his wings and looked at Wei Tian coldly: "old man, I'll give you a clear account of our gratitude and resentment today."

Wei Tian, holding a spear in his hand, was furious. "If you want to die yourself, I'll give you a ride."

Jiang Hao couldn't help saying that he had already taken the lead.

"Protect the city Lord," all the guards of Weidan city are here. When they see that the city master is in danger, they rush in one after another, not because of their loyalty, but if they don't do it, they will die even worse.

At this time, Jiang Hao had already killed Wei Tian. It was not that he wanted to kill Wei Tian, but Wei Tian was forcing him. Anyone who prevented him from looking for the steel of the heaven soul would die, even if he was in the early stage of crossing the border.

Like Jiang Hao, who was a tiger in the sheep, he killed thousands of people, and his blood flowed down along with the wall, and instantly became a blood city.

Wei Tian of course knows that these ordinary guards are killed when they stop Jiang Hao, but he still doesn't make a move. He is looking for Jiang Hao's flaws.

Finally, Wei Tian's spear came out of his hand and shot at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao had been prepared and urged the fire of Honglian industry. The fire suddenly covered the heartless sword. He waved the heartless sword and chopped into Wei Tian's spear.

The spear has the power of Wei Tiandu's accomplishments during the robbery period. Jiang Hao failed to split it with a knife, but changed its direction. The spear stabbed at his chest and crossed his shoulder.

Blood spurted out.

As expected, it was just the cultivation in the period of concentration. Wei Tian was pleased and quickly stepped forward and punched Jiang Hao in the chest. Jiang Hao didn't know whether he was hurt too much, or he couldn't avoid it. He took the blow.

"Ha ha ha," Wei Tian laughs wildly, "go to death!" He wanted to add gravity and hit Jiang Hao's heart with one punch, but he found that he couldn't make any strength.

Jiang Hao's heartless knife, I don't know when, runs through his , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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