Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 120: That's A Hard Question

Every hair on Avion's body stood up at that moment, 'Did I unconsciously turn back time!?' he thought but when he opened his eyes, everything was still black and white.

Avion was greatly shocked. Time was stopped, whose voice did he hear?

He jumped from his meditation form, his defense was up. Avion was no longer as carefree as before... sort of. He had already experienced few dangers to built up an intuition on it.

Compared to normal people, his intuition was still weaker but because the threat right now was so high, Avion's wariness reached an unprecedented height!

Avion looked around and didn't think that he had to look up to see that someone. When he saw the origin of that voice, he was stunned in more ways than one.

"Finally, someone moving in the black and white world!" the graceful woman slowly descended from the mansion's roof.

Aion was paralyzed.

He had finally seen someone as beautiful as Princess Alisera! But most importantly, this woman could move in the stoppage of time!?

"Who are you?" he tried to maintain his composure. His meditation was not for show.

Avion didn't know that he was already seeing the cause of the era's end!


The fairy-like woman with white hair didn't speak. She was frowning instead as she stared at Avion. She walked to him while Avion took steps backward.

But how could he be faster than her?

Darea Irdona "observed" him even though her eyes were closed. Encircling, touching, and even sniffing, she did them all.

If it were Avion from before, he would've been entranced by her beauty but after the princess' case, he no longer looked at one's appearance. Although the more beautiful the better, it still does not mean everything.

"What are you doing? And who are you?" sweat trickled Avion's forehead. He felt like this woman is unfathomable.

"You reeked of sweat." Darea showed a discomforted expression, "But more importantly, why can I not see any energy? Time Elementalist man, there's no way you are a Non-Elementalist."

She paused while she did not stop frowning. Before Avion speak, she continued, "You even have a pathetic Rank Bih Identity Change Elesp."

'Pathetic? Even the Guild Master needed to borrow money just to get this elesp.' Avion stayed quiet since he knew that he was the one in danger here. Since this woman could move in the stoppage of time, he had already lost his greatest advantage.

"You're strange. Someone who could stop the time of the whole world shouldn't be using a mere Rank Bih Elesp."

"Why can't I sense even a little bit of energy...?" after asking that question, an answer appeared in Darea's head that made her feel a chill in her heart. It was unexpected, her hair fluttered and her graceful figure was already a hundred steps behind.

"Are you... a mythical Rank Eses... or... a True God?" she cautiously asked. She thought that she made a dumb move. She had never expected for something like a mythic could be real.

After all, she knows more than the average people. Furthermore, being a Rank Es Elementalist, she first-hand knew how impossible it is to reach Rank Eses even if there is such a Rank in the first place.

Darea had already considered herself abnormally talented. But even then, she had lost her aspiration in reaching that mythical Rank.

She does not expect the Time Elementalist to be Rank Eses. Stopping the time of the whole world? So what, she could freeze the whole world too if she tried.

And even more so a True God. God Centre was only a pseudo-god, far from True God.

If a True God is here on Flasse, why haven't they showed up?

In history, only in the time before any era called the Primordial Era did people think these True Gods only showed up.

There was no record in the so-called Primordial Era so it was not accepted. Only in System Era, the accepted first era had clues that point out the existence of True Gods back before time had ever existed.

There was one point of history that said that a True God showed up and changed the world overnight, turning the Dominion Era into the Peace Era. It was just rumors and many didn't believe it.

But the fact that there is no recorded catalyst regarding the change of era made the overlords in Peace Era think that it may be true.

A change of era is no joke. There must be something big that happened that made the whole world change. The blank page in that period between Dominion Era and Peace Era created the possibility of a True God.

So Darea had not thought that this Time Elementalist is either Rank Eses or a True god. But... how could she explain his lack of energy? She could feel his presence which was normal.

But his energy, where is it?

Only Non-Elementalist has no energy which is impossible for this Time Elementalist to be one. Meaning, it must be one of those two earlier guesses.

If any of them is true, Darea knew she is doomed. Although she didn't feel anything special towards this man, she had never met a Rank Eses Elementalist, much less a True God in her entire life so how could she know what it feels like to be near them?

This time, she was the one who sweated.

She's proud and confident, mighty and dauntless, however, she knows her place. It's just that, she knows that she is already at the highest in the absence of Rank Eses or True God.

So even if she's at the peak of the world, she was still under those beings who are "beyond the world"

Avion saw this and felt a chance. Countless thoughts appeared in his head before answering, "That's right."

Darea shuddered, 'That's right what? Rank Eses or True God? If he is Rank Eses, I still have a chance if he only has one Element. But if he's a True God...' she gulped.

"So w-who are you?"

Avion suddenly hated himself for stuttering.

Darea frowned.

'Did he just stutter? Although he admitted it, vaguely, he does not have the demeanor of a strong person. Furthermore, I can feel his fast heartbeats. It is as if he's nervous...'

But even though she had her suspicions in her head, she didn't dare delay her answer, "My name is Darea Irdona. I would like to know good sir's name too." her attitude turned a hundred and eighty degrees.

'Darea Irdona!?' Avion greatly tried to restrain his reaction and answering, "My name is Avion Teller."

He didn't lie, he didn't feel the need to.

The woman in front of him was Darea Irdona. It explained why she belittled a Rank Bih Elesp and how she can tell that he has Identity Change Elesp. Since he was already seen through, what's the point of lying?

"Sir Teller, I'm sorry about my behavior earlier but if you don't mind, I want to clarify something." Darea slightly bowed. She didn't care about reputation if her life was probably in the line, "Are you a Rank Eses Elementalist or a True God?"

"Hmm..." Avion rubbed his chin as he tried to keep up an act, "That's a hard question."


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