Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 134: Getting the Diary met with Failure

"Relle! You are such a funny guy, here, one more cup!" Kalin poured Avion's cup a fine beer.

"Hahaha! And you are so fun to be with too, Young Master!" Avion laughed as he slapped his thigh.

Kalin then sighed, "If only Heitu can come here and see the grandness of life..."

"He will mature, he will mature! Don't worry much about it!" Avion raised his cup and drank it in one gulp.

Darea clapped while in her Immaterial Body as she thought, "Sir Teller is so great at acting, it is as if he's really drunk."

Avion was drunk at the moment.

"I'm sorry to hear about your sad life. If only I know that earlier and your arrival, I should've welcomed you in our household."

Kalin cried while he dropped face-first on the counter Thud*. The bartender looked at this with a numb expression.

The bartender then took the bottle that they had been pouring in each other's cup for a while. But when he took it, he realized it was still half-full.

'Huh? Am I imagining things?' he placed down the bottle again.

In normal times, women would flock Kalin, trying to get money out of him. However, with Relle's appearance, using the word's two meanings at the same time, no one, even men came near them.

However, the party in the background never ceased. It was like a modern night club, but instead, all the furnishing are all wooden with some cushions. There are live performance of musicians and a Light Elementalist making the atmosphere.

It was wild and loud.

'Finally, he's dead drunk.' Avion became sober after reverting his body back.

After his initial report to the Romen couple, he was tasked to get Kalin's diary. After that, they will send Kalin off to a mentor to train him in using elesps, while they inspect that diary.

Avion had never got the opportunity to get the diary until now. These past few days, he made contact with the Young Master.

Since he cannot use his usual spying tactics since it was easy for him to make mistakes, it left him with no choice but to take the alternative route and become Kalin's main bodyguard.

The Ugly and the Beast. That nickname was spreading in the capital. Beast refers to Kalin's having the annoying trait of a monkey. Ugly refers to the bodyguard, plain and simple.

Meaning, he can't just barge into Kalin's room since he was just a bodyguard. However, this time, Kalin was finally dead drunk. If Avion didn't bring him back to his room, that would be strange.

Good thing Avion made a contest on who can drink the most beer. This is, after establishing friendship with Kalin through the past few days.

This is a direct challenge to Kalin's "achievements" so he accepted it.

It was not an easy win for Avion. He didn't like the taste of alcohol.

Carrying Kalin on his back, Avion asked Jamina and unlocked the Young Master's room.

"Relle, you're so pitiful, becoming the Young Master's bodyguard. Don't worry, I'll prepare a dinner for you again. Come in our dining room, okay?"

"I'm excited, I'll immediately go there." Avion waved his hand. With time, his relationship with Jamina was getting increasingly better and better more than Kalin.

Zzzzz... Kalin dropped dead on his bed. Meanwhile, Avion took a key from Kalin's pocket and opened the drawer.

But at that moment, a light enveloped Kalin's body as he jerked up and looked at the drawer. He was completely sober after that flash of light.

"Eh?" he frowned, not suspecting anything, "Did I put the key there while I'm drunk? Must be becoming a habit."

After locking the door and taking the key back again, Kalin dropped on the bed and slept with a tired face.

'I failed!' Avion was deeply frustrated but kept a calm face. Normally, he wouldn't be so worried since there would be too many chances in the future. However, the problem was the ghost behind him.

"Why didn't Sir Teller just cancel the Clear Mind Elesp before taking the key?" Darea thought but soon just shook her shoulder, "He is really so mysterious."

"Humans have the greatest reactions..." Avoin sighed with a smile while inwardly, 'Darea, tell me how to cancel it~'

"Ah, I forgot that Sir Teller is studying the human mind. This concept is too deep for me." with her Immaterial Body, her thoughts could be clearly heard by Avion Teller.

This was a great advantage. Avion knew that without this, Darea's suspicions will accumulate until she will try to probe him.

As long as the slightest suspicion appear in Darea's thoughts, Avion would counter it. Such as him, studying the human mind.

Through mutters and talks, he ingrained to her mind that he was doing something deep and profound for her to understand.

Together with his vast knowledge about the past, present, and the future, Darea's suspicion never grew and accumulate.

Avion was really thankful he can read her mind!

He then walked down the hall and saw an opened door with light coming out of it.

"You're earlier than expected." Jamina was still stirring a small pot before adding another batch of ingredients. Soups are just too convenient to cook in this age.

"Well, since the Young Master is already asleep, there was not much trouble." Avion and Jamina chatted for a while.

After eating, Jamina suddenly asked, "Oh yeah, I remembered that I have something to ask you."

"What?" Avion rubbed his stomach, completely satisfied. As the head maid of the Romen Family, Jamina has great cooking skills.

"I don't know but I always see you together with a super beautiful woman from time to time. It's like a hallucination but it's getting frequent."

Avion smiled but his head was in a wreck.

"I... don't know what you're talking about." he just shook his head, "I thought you said no woman would like me?"

"Hmph! I'm not crazy! But, you must've a guardian angel. Her snow-white skin is just so refreshing to look at." Jamina was not an Elementalist, she does not know the image of Darea.

Only nobles have the privilege.

"What a great mortal. I will make you my maid someday too." Darea's chin was lifted. Jamina had been indirectly praising her nonstop while cooking something that made the Conqueress salivate.

However, she just couldn't make a request. Good thing that Avion was bringing her food.

"Here's your midnight snack. Goodluck on your night meditation!" Jamina waved goodbye afterward, "Goodnight!"

"What a good girl." Avion and Darea thought at the same time. Meanwhile, after turning to a corner, Jamina stopped and peeked at Avion's back.

Entering his room, Avion locked the door and opened "his" midnight snack.

"Yes, dinner!" Darea turned into her physical state as she feasted on the leftovers. If others saw this, they would believe this woman is an impostor.

"She's great at cooking, right?" Avion smiled as he sat on the floor again.

"Yeah, I've decided that I will make her my personal cook someday." Darea happily chewed on the meal.

Avion laughed but abruptly stopped when he heard a knock.

"Relle, can I talk to you?"

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