Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 155: Fighting Against Gravity

With Overclock, his speed doubles. Even though his strength is insufficient, force is an output of mass and speed.

Swoosh- Crack!* Not only did the already trembling slide broke, Avion knew that upon impact, but his foot also exploded!

No matter how much he trains, his bones will never get any sturdier.

'Revert!' Avion thought while he jumped out of the slide along with the two.

Alisera had never stopped shrieking while Kalin had already passed out. Different from Avion, Kalin was already a Rank Cee Elementalist, but a huge boulder could still greatly injure him or even kill him on the spot. So much for his fearless character.

Behind them were the collapsing tower, its pillars were turning onto rubbles as they heavily fall onto the ground.

It was as if everything was in slow motion but for Avion who has Overclock, he could move and think fast enough to act normally in this situation.

He cannot stop time. Not only because if someone saw him, he will be discovered before he even begins his mission, but also because of his momentum. Alisera was tightly clutching his neck as if choking him. If he stopped time with his downfall momentum, something may crack.

However, his training is not for nothing. 

Although this was the first time he will have to apply his movement techniques to a real dangerous situation, Avion didn't falter and just went with it.

They were still far from the ground. Avion's kick towards the slide sent them flying towards the ground and not the pool. He, at least, needed to make them land onto the pool.

Many looked at them with their heartbeats rising.

Can a Rank Bih Elementalist fly? Some of them can and some of them cannot. But, unfortunately, none of the Rank Bih there could. If they can fly, why would they need to rely on their tamed Elemental Beasts to travel?

Avion's thinking quickened. Immediately, he Underclocked the air on his foot, and Pop* kicked it while he is on Overclock. The air lightly boomed and slightly reduced his speed.

'Wait...' Avion figured something out. He immediately stopped time. He was falling downwards but Alisera and Kalin still in the air froze. So Avion jerked down, dislocating his shoulder but his neck was still holding its own.


If he didn't hit the air earlier, he would have so much momentum that he might've slipped down or cracked his neck.

Avion rested for a bit before he returned time back. Underclock and Overclock!

Pop* now that his momentum disappeared, it was as if he was hovering in the air before beginning to fall down again. But he continuously kicked the air before stopping Alisera and Kalin's falling momentum.

This would've been very easy without them. But Avion finally succeeded. Afterward, he barely fought gravity off and ran on the wind, descending smoothly onto the pool as if there were invisible steps until they reach the surface!


But Avion didn't rest. He swam and pulled the other two to escape the falling rubbles.

There was a lot of process in Avion's case. Yet, in other's views, everything happened smoothly and fast.

This masked person jumped from the slide and walked down the air as if there are stairs!

Reaching the safe zone, Avion dropped onto the ground together with Alisera and Kalin while gasping for air.

Although he kept reverting his body, at the last moment, he was still Overclocking himself while Underclocking the parts of water he was kicking to make his swimming as fast as others running.

And if he were to be seen fine after all of that, isn't that a little bit abnormal? But most of all, the mental energy and endurance he used are just too much.

Overclock and Underclock needed focus to be used on a specific object. He already realized that by stopping time, the Overclock and Underclock would disappear, so he has to reactivate them again after returning time.

Of course, what he did was impossible even with those two abilities. It was thanks to the movement skill he learned from the assassination skill book.

Same with Edora's mastered skill, Avion has learned bursting movements...

"Are you okay?" a thin voice asked but there was not a tinge of worry behind it.

Avion glanced at the princess. Compared to him, she was still lively as ever. 

"Yeah, just a little tired..." he  deeply  breathed.

"How did you do that? You're not even an Elementalist..."

Avion paused as he thought, 'So I have to use that card this early, huh...'

It is truly insane for a Non-Elementalist to perform what he did. No, let alone commoners, even Rank Cee Elementalists have little ways of repeating that!

"I'm actually a martial artist, not an Elementalist."

Soon, many nobles went to the princess to see what she is doing. The queen was the first to rush, next by Edora and Prince Harold before a shout resounded underneath the rubbles of the collapsed tower.

"Alisera!?" the King of Karan came out of it, his head bleeding while there are a few scratches from his body. But that was nothing. They were immediately healed.

He ran on top of the water and quickly arrived on the spot.

"Papa, mama, I'm fine. But what about him?" Princess Alisera is an Elementalist as well. Even though Avion got a little bit harsh on some processes, she was unharmed.

Normally, she would be very angry at that but fully-knowing that if this masked person did not act fast, they would've been stuck in the rubbles by now.

"I'm fine..." Kalin woke up and said, "Hahaha, I wouldn't be hurt from that."

"Who asked you?"


"Pa, it's because you suddenly become crazy and now the slide is broken!" the princess scolded the king but the latter was actually repenting of his actions.

Afterward, the queen gave Avion a hand to stand after thanking him, "If not for you, the princess would've been hurt."

"No, no, it's my fault for not explaining it properly, Your Majesty." Everyone knows its the princess' selfish demands and King Isero's impulsive character that got into this mess. But Avion just wanted to leave the spotlight when Prince Harold asked;

"You say that you're a martial artist, right?"

Nobody thought bad of the prince being respectful to a commoner. After all, this commoner just surpassed most Rank Cee capabilities.

'That's my Avion!' Mettany shivered from excitement. Before, Avion could only appear and disappear but now, he could actually walk on air!

"Yes, Prince Harold." 

Nobles muttered with each other as eyes were laid on the Romen couple.

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