Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 176: More Violence on top of Violence Creates Peace

"Father... Mother..." the fat prince, Prince Julio opened the door to his parent's bedroom.

Back then, his worst fear was to see his father in action with any of his wives or concubines, or the combinations of the two, when opening the king's door. However, at that moment, he had wished he just caught them in action instead.

Prince Julio laughed as tears poured from his eyes.

"P-prince..." one of the loyal subjects crouched down to him. The Hansheles Kingdom prioritized strength overall. Their belief was 'Violence will always be the last resort since every conflict will eventually lead to it. Rather than prolonging the conflict, why not resort to violence as soon as possible?'

Their key to everything is violence. No right or wrong, only violence. Every decision is made by the strongest or the stronger, no exception. But contradiction to beliefs, this created a more peaceful kingdom.

Although there are some dumb decisions, there is some peace between people.

Hatred was fixed through violence. Honor above all. Accept defeat and revere the champion.

In their kingdom, there was little to no conflict. Even though they prioritized violence, they also kept kindness along with it.

"Use strength to help. Use violence against evil, against corrupt. Once I became corrupt, come at me! Use your fear, fear that using violence for your selfishness creates war! Now that we are threading on the verge of war every day, every single one of us becomes careful! We will become kinder than everyone else! We beat each other for fun, not due to hatred!"

King Geriahan's words reverberated within Prince Julio's mind.

"Appreciate the strong so that the strong will appreciate the weak! Without the weak, there will be no strong. Everything ends in violence so we will go ahead and make a shortcut! HAHAHA! No more everlasting conflict. A single fight that solves hundred of years of enmity is way much better than hitting two birds with one stone! HAHAHA! Women will admire strong men and men will admire strong women! Since I am the strongest here, it means that every single woman here is mine! Don't you all agree!?"

Amidst the tears, Prince Julio laughed, "Hehehe... We were about to respect him only to hear his true intentions... sob... hehehe"

"Prince..." the nobles looked at each other. All of them have intimidating muscles that could be seen through their clothes. Even some women had heavy muscle mass but this doesn't mean that they are brutes to their very core.

"Did you know?" the prince then talked to them, "I forgot my old man when I came here. Months passed and I didn't even miss him that much... but now... even though I just saw him this afternoon, his stupid grin turning into a perverted one when he brought mother to his room. I didn't think I would miss that... so much..."

Their prince became so emotional that even they, the loyal nobles had tears sliding down their cheeks. Their jaws clenched and teeth grinding to each other while they were forcing themselves not to cry, resulting in ugly expressions.

[Descendent of Hansheles]

"Huh?" Prince Julio looked around. They were now in the hallway. The scene behind that door was too much for them that they had to pull the prince out, lest they want to traumatize him.

When the prince suddenly had a shift of reaction, the nobles sipped in cold air, 'Did he finally broke?'

Prince Julio was about to think the same when the voice called out again.

[Your current master and your ancestor's master need help.]

"... Eh!?" Prince Julio jerked as he sat from his kneeling position and kicked his legs out of fright. His pale face that was filled with mucus looked around in fear.

"Prince, are you alright!?" 

He didn't hear the nobles' worry to him as he asked, "Do you hear that?"

[Your current master can revive a dead person.]

"What!? Who's my current master!?" Prince Julio no longer felt fear but instead, hope. He blasted from the ground, startling everyone. They were having concerned faces as they were thinking that their prince broke.

He was the only royalty with the potential to reach Rank Bih, without him, how could their Kingdom resist that other two?

[Princess Alisera, a Life Elementalist. You must save her for she holds the power to save your parents.]

"Pri-princess Alisera!?"

Suddenly, all eyelids dropped.

'Is this prince thinking about his fantasies after mourning his parents' deaths? Even if it's a joke, it's a terrible joke!' they all thought.

But soon, Prince Julio changed his expression, he looked at them and shouted, "Get the King and Queen. Get them complete!.. Ah... I mean! Just get everything of them! Their heads and their bodies!"

When one of the nobles was about to speak up to the prince's rudeness, a glare was stared back at them.

"Why are you hesitating!? Princess Alisera just became a Life Elementalist! She can revive the dead! Father and mother still have a chance!"

The nobles were standing still as they were in great doubt. Seeing their stillness, the prince roared, "GO!! IF WE BECOME TOO LATE I WOULD DO EVERYTHING TO CHOP YOUR HEADS OFF!"

Although they weren't threatened by this little Rank Dih fat boy, he was still the prince and there was seriousness behind his words.

"What could I do, Mistress Haliviana!?" Julio frantically looked around when he felt great heat approaching them.

"Huh?" he looked through the opened doors and the opened windows, a sea of flame was approaching fast.

[Swear fealty, return as a servant, and I will give you Hansheles' true power.]

"I accep-"

The sea of flames washed the resort away as if they were all made frail and combustible.

[Blood of Hansheles, the blood of Haliviana's servant, my servant, receive the complete founding elesp of your kingdom, Hundred Beasts Assimilation.]

Underneath the ashes, a hole opened, letting the moonlight be seen by the nobles of Hansheles Kingdom.

"We're saved?" a Rank Cee burly noble who was crouching, trying to cover the fat prince felt a push.

Once the aura of the fat prince spread, beasts roared from under the earth as it shook. The nobles all stared at him as if they saw a ghost.

"Rank... Rank Ey..? Huh?" the nobles all thought if they were actually dreaming instead when a large beast rose from the ground as if jumping out of water.

A Mountain Lesgor appeared and stared at down them. It has the shape of a gorilla but as big as a small hill, made out of different earthen minerals.

Before these burly nobles shrieked in fear, different more Earth Elemental Beasts that reached Rank Bih prowess came out of the ground, creating a sinkhole on their way.

"Hundred Beast Assimilation!"

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