Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 179: Waking Up

While Galion Romen uses his full power, the giant, the former prince wanted to get up.

Despite his Rank Ey Earth Element, the other Rank Bih Earth Elemental Beasts' souls are too much for him. He was not part of Haliviana's bloodline, his abrupt rank up is unnatural.

After this, he may even be crippled. Of course, Haliviana wouldn't leave a loyal servant like him. Once she reached Rank Eses, she will have more ways than one to reopen his soul to manipulating the elemental energy.

But right now, he was struggling. Even though the beasts were cooperative, his capabilities and experience were lacking too much. He couldn't control much of his new form and that resulted in him falling.

'This is hard!"

'It's like guessing the color of a girl's underwear blindfolded!'

'But no! I can do this!' Prince Julio's will spiked, he was not the person to easily give up. Especially now that his parents may disappear forever, it's do or lose everything!


The mouth of the giant opened letting out a light growl that was like a round of thunders to the surviving mortals.

The nearer they are to the Trading-Hills Resort, the more destructive they've fallen to a state. Houses were blown away from the wind and those that still stood strong were not spared by the following shockwave that traveled through the ground.

"Avion, if you do not wake up right now, you're seriously going to die. You are very lucky that this guy didn't hit you." Darea crouched down and said towards under the rubbles.

Avion's face was peeking out. It was dried and dark, some of it was already turning to ashes.

Darea paused for a while, silently 'looking' at Avion's burnt face. After a minute or so did she continued, "Hey, I am not that patie-"

"I'm up."

Darea then raised an eyebrow while her lips subconsciously lifted but soon turned indifferent again, "Get up now."

Avion's ugly face returned. As soon as he had received his senses, he reverted his body as fast as he could. He could not bear the pain and even though he was crushed underneath the rubbles, he felt like he was in heaven.

Finally... it ended... he gave a very satisfied face. Placidness could be seen deep in his pupils.

Pushing the rocks and fragments of the ground away, Avion stopped time.

"Good thing, I have my eyes always close." Darea smirked.

After being bathed in happiness and satisfaction, Avion's senses came back and he felt the cold touching every part of his body. He looked down and saw that his private part was just dangling in the air.


"Also, I thought you would become a retard after that"

"I thought so too... but I don't know. After experiencing that... suffering..." Avion shuddered at that thought, "Everything feels lovely without it." he smiled.

"Well, you will forget that soon enough."

"And master, you really care about me... huh..." Avion laughed. He was not totally unconscious earlier. Darea was in her Immaterial Body the whole time so her thoughts were directly entering his head rather than her voice.

He was actually shocked at what he was hearing earlier. The voices the was entering his thoughts goes like this.

"... he died..?"

"Wait, no, time is not turning back..."

"Should I help him?"

"What should I do? He's not responding...! Did he really die!? NO!"

"Galion Romen, I will remember this!"

"For you to do this to Avion, you will burn using your own fire!"

"Why is he still not waking up...? I'm going to make that Haliviana kneel and sacrifice that princess to revive Avion!"

She had been repeating these thoughts for some time until, "If Avion were to disappear then what would I do? If I'm just going to seat on that throne alone and in no way to know what is beyond the world ever again... then what's the point?"

"Am I going back to that boredom...? If he doesn't wake up now, I will... I will... KILL EVERYONE..." 

That was when Avion forced himself to wake up. Yet, hearing that made him joyful for some reason.

'Do I want the world to be destroyed?' he frowned, not knowing the reasons for the joy he was feeling.

"Huh?" Darea lifted her head up and crossed her arms, giving him a cold tone, "Whatever do you mean..." and also a cold shoulder when she snapped her head away.

Avion grinned at this. He then looked around and saw one dirt. Time was resumed and he Reverted that dust for nothing to happen.

"It's not this, huh..." he continued this for a while, stopping time and resuming it again.

"What are you doing?" Darea then asked.

"I searching for my clothes to revert it back and wear it again." Avion's face turned reddish, knowing that he was butt naked at the moment. He just hoped that there was no one looking at him.

Fortunately, even if he danced in front of Darea, he wouldn't feel any embarrassment. Once she opens her eyes, he will die. So as long as he is alive, it means she does not see him.

"Don't need to put some effort in something like that. Here, put this on." a black cloth similar to Avion's outfit earlier materialized from nothing.

"Woah...  I didn't know you can do that."

"Of course, you know too little of me." the Conqueress said smugly.

"Yeah... I wish I know more." hearing this, Darea's ears twitched and her waist swiveled, hiding her face once more, after Avion took the clothing she offered.

'What? Is she giving me privacy? Although she doesn't see anything, she should've done that from the very beginning if that's her intention though.'

Right now, Darea was in her physical form. Avion couldn't hear her thoughts. If he hears it, he would be more shocked than before.

Hearing the rustle behind her, Darea pondered and remembered something.

"Wait... what do you mean you want to Revert your clothes? I thought you can only revert your body?" 

Avion nodded, "Yeah... I thought so too... but it seemed like I can do it now."

"Why?... Because of the flame?" Darea then pondered, "It is true that near-death experiences release almost all your potentials... this is true for everyone since lifeforce will do anything to escape death. But... you have already died a few times."

"Yeah, but this is the first time that my body resorted to Revert without me willing it."

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