Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 207: When You Die Because You Revere The Healers Too Much

'Where is he?!' Edora sharpened her eyes as she followed the Romen Family. They were in a mass panic running.

The survivors were not few in number at all, easily reaching a few thousands of them!

Numui was currently carrying the barely-breathing Kalin on their back. They have tried the greatest healers of the capital but their son's injuries are too fatal to be healed.

At that moment, they didn't know the one that caused this heart-wrenching predicament was already shamelessly following their back, hidden behind the dense crowds.

At the front were the noble families, not because they nominated themselves to lead the way but because they were the fastest. They are noble families for a reason.

"Aren't you the Royal-Knight Captain!?"

While Edora was looking around, trying to find Kalin's supposed bodyguard, someone called out to her. Looking in that direction, she found one of the capital's beauty and young talent, Memi from the Lesan Family.

"What is it, Young Lady?" Edora tried to be polite but miserably failed as she was continuously scanning everywhere.

'We are both Rank Dih but why is it so hard to follow her movements?' Memi could not keep up with her relatives at the front and that is why she is there in the middle.

Her relatives are not cold-hearted to leave her there, but instead, they have their hands full, carrying the injured ones and children on their back. Also, she is already an adult, so she should be fine as long as they are out of danger.

"Where is Princess Alisera? No, actually, where are the Royal Families?" she curiously asked while thinking of what happened to their prince that became a giant and exploded.

"Tsk!" meanwhile, Edora remembered something else.

It is how Queen Teresa just left her after she risked her life for the princess just ticked her off. However, she wouldn't say anything against them as that would still be considered treason even in this state of emergency.

"All I know is that they are having a fierce battle back there, Young Lady Memi."

Ignoring Edora's click of the tongue, Memi's interest was piqued, 'Just what is going on?'

But while they were running away, they heard swooshing sounds from behind them. Many hurried in fear without looking back while some turned their heads around. This made others clumsily tripped and got stepped on by the others.


A calm voice resounded.

But not a single individual didn't heed to its word.

Whatever they were feeling; fear, worry, anxiety,  confusion, or even excitement, every single person stopped.

"A lot of them are injured... Woren." Gamon gazed upon these people like an immortal.

The Rank Ey Plant Elemental Disciple, Woren nodded his head, "Yes"

Their exchanges could be clearly heard in the silent land.

These people that arrived were all up in the air. Only Mettany and the Guild Master couldn't fly. The former was carried by Sheran's binding elesp, getting pulled through the air, while the latter was still far away, trying to keep up from these monsters.

As for Avion, he was just there, inside the hovering Storm Prison Gamon had casted on him.

"Who are they...?" this was the first time any of these people on the ground felt this kind of power. It was also the first time they saw people flying without the help of the Elements.

Woren spread his arms and four elesps came out of his hands; Soul and Body Healing Woods, Rank Bih Book Synthesis.

Simultaneously. spiraling roots came out of the ground and blossomed like a flower when they reached the height of two men. Dozens of these spread through the area and its four large leaves gave a relaxing aura that hastened the recovery of every person whether they are a mortal or a Rank Cee Elementalist.

"A-a Rank Ey Elementalist!" a noble pointed upon realization.

But wait, if that man is truly Rank Ey, why is he obediently listening to the old man in front?

However, this Book Synthesis, even if it's Rank Bih, it has abnormal power. There is no doubt that this man is Rank Ey. For him to be so obedient to the middle-aged man at the front. Doesn't that mean only one thing?

Every person who thought of this was shaken.

A Rank Es Elementalist! They dropped on the ground, deeply prostrated.


Edora and Memi looked at each other.

"There are some people who needs special treatment, Master." after casting a giant Book Synthesis Elesp, Woren reported.

Gamon nodded and said, "Umu, spread out."

As soon as he finished words, his five disciples came down. Even if they are not all Plant or Water Elementalist, they still have sufficient healing elesps as disciples of the great Penta Elementalist.

Being specially treated by Rank Ey Elementalists was out of the imaginations of some people that a few of them had strokes and... fucking died! Literally!

The disciples were dumbfounded at these encounters while their master, Gamon, sighed, "They lived under the rule of mere Rank Bihs. Their whole lives, they treated Rank Bih as the highest existence. With critical conditions, they actually died from shock." there was nothing they could do from that.

If these mortals are going to die from something like that, then it's just a matter of time before they die from something else. This is the kind of world they are living.

This was an eye-opening situation for Avion and the others.


However, there were still shouts of celebration all over the place. Since a Rank Es Elementalist was already there to help them, what is there to fear!?

The Romen Family was among them when Kalin opened his eyes.

"No... Angels don't have horns! Don't deceive me, demon!" Kalin dropped onto the ground and he moved like he was having a seizure.

"Huh? What's happening?" Woren asked with a worried voice since even he doesn't have any idea what happened. Soon, that worry became confusion when he saw the seemingly possessed person's parents were rejoicing.

"Thank you very much, great benefactor! Please be at ease, this is normal. This just means he's back to full health!" Numui brightly kneeled in front of the Rank Ey Plant Elemental Disciple.

"Don't you fade away with a middle finger up, you demon-!... huh?" Kalin stopped when his senses came back to him.

'This is normal and healthy!?' Woren didn't want anything to do with them anymore so he flew off after a nod.

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