Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 235: Rising Stars

On the other stadiums, there were fewer people as this fight was highly anticipated.

The newspeople would certainly look at newsworthy events like this one. 

Although Mettany and Edora were still new and haven't even been there for a week, that is also the reason why they were so popular. They have only been there for less than a week but they were already domination their respective Colosseum!

They were the rising stars, the dark horses that came out of nowhere. Suddenly, due to their frequent matches, as if they didn't feel any tired, they have finally matched up against each other.

But before their match was announced to the people, the higher-ups thought of something.

Mettany, the One Punch Woman, and Edora, the Merciless Beheader. Both of them were too strong in their field. 

They are both rising stars. If they were to fight each other, surely, one loses and one wins.

"The hype is not enough! We need to separate them first!"

"But their matchups are already aligning to each other, Manager! The people's eyes are already on them. Someone will figure it out sooner or later. If the word got out, even if there are no pieces of evidence, we will be pressured."

"Let them pressure us... hmm... but it is still displeasing if we force them to separate. How about this, let's change the type of match to cover this up. To also reduce the prisoners to have more manpower rather than using them as guards, we will have battle royales!"

"Oh! That's a very good idea, Manager!"

"Hmm... yes... however, that two is indeed too abnormal for their ranks. In their matchups, let them face one of the Rank Dih Top 10 each! There will be two winners in the end so that we will not lose either of them. And if either of them is too overqualified, we will pass them onto the Rank Cee stage like what the Matriarch of the Crome Family herself asked."

"Yes, Manager! Wait... Rank Cee? The Matriarch of the Crome Family?"

That night, both Mettany and Edora received the news that made their mood sour.

Sitting on a soft bed, unlike what a prisoner should have, Edora has her own room specifically for her. 

That was her reward for consecutive victories. Mettany has her own too. There were Rank Cee guards there that made the higher-ups comfortable giving them rooms.

"Does this mean the special reward is gone now?" Edora clicked her tongue, "Now that we've detached ourselves from those Rank Es monsters, this is the perfect time to ask Avion something... But I want to ask it in front of Mettany and Tamya. I wonder what kind of faces will they show up." she turned reddish as she hotly breathed, thinking about it.

Meanwhile, Mettany pouted, "What are they thinking? Begging me then cancelling later. Maybe they're not too right in the head."

""It seemed that I have to become more serious.""

The next day, the battle royales have been announced.

"What?! The Top 10 will be there!? Isn't that overkill?"

"They haven't thought this through..."

"No, maybe they want to cull the prisoners down."

"That wouldn't happen, idiot."

"No, listen, listen. At the same time, with two winners, it isn't just the Top 10 that will win but also one more who is formidable enough too!"

"Hahaha! You're overanalyzing it. But what Colosseum would you watch?"

"... I would go where the Merciless Beheader would be."

"Really? I want to follow the One Punch Woman."

"What are you two talking about!? We should all watch where the Top 1 would appear!"

"Okay, the four of us will go separate ways since I will watch the Top 3, the Nudist Rabbit."

"You mean the one that takes off her clothes to get faster?"

"Is it too late to change my answer?"

There are exactly ten stadiums for Rank Dih Gladiators, five for Rank Cee, three for Rank Bih, and one for Rank Ey.

There are more for Rank Eeh and mortal ranks, that goes without saying. But they are much smaller.

Meanwhile, on the mortal colosseums, Avion had been fighting without using his time ability. But his opponents seemed to be leftovers.

Although he has more than twenty consecutive wins, he hadn't got any reward. For the mortal stadium, they are just disposable. That is why their fights are more brutal.

It is popular among the commoners and the entrance fee is dirt cheap. Just for 50 brons, you get one seat for a whole day!

"Teller" when Avion was about to go back to his cell after another boring fight, a Rank Dih man approached him.

"Yes?" he indifferently replied.

"I'm Jemer, the manager of this mortal stadium." the Rank Dih Elementalist, Jemer arrogantly snorted as he exerted some of his aurae.

"Okay..." but Avion didn't notice that this man was asking for respect.

'This mortal... they're always like this! Just because they win the first battles, their heads get larger! Hmph! But since the higher-ups got their eyes on this man, I wonder who he offended?'

"If you think that all battles in the mortal stadium are low-levels like that, you are completely wrong. The people you are fighting are just leftovers and trashes that couldn't fight. They were only brought to the stage since the guards have unanimously vote them off."

'Knew it!' Avion wasn't so surprised as he commented, "Don't call them trashes. Just leftovers are enough."



"Since you clearly knows how to fight, how about you step into the stadium where you fight real fighters and killers? If you still win like you always do, you may get out of this colosseum." Jemer offered with a smirk.

'Stupid arrogant brat, you will get out of this colosseum but enter another, which is for Rank Eeh. hehehe. There you will die a painful death.' 

"Really? Sure, I will try. I'm getting bored anyway." Avion answered.

"Good, good, tomorrow, someone will get you. Prepare yourself until then." Jemer looked at Avion with scorn while inwardly laughing.

'It is so fun to see arrogant brats meeting reality! I wonder what he will do tomorrow after he founds out that mortals are actually so strong with martial arts!? Hahaha!'

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