Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 243: Flipped Upside Down

Underneath the Grand Colosseum, the only Rank Ey guards were stationed in front of the Penta Elementalist.

The two Rank Ey Elementalists, at first, were not too happy being just mere guards even though it is the legendary Penta Elementalists that they were guarding.

But they have no choice as it was the Matriarch's order. Now, they were rather than not being happy, they were scared and uncomfortable.

'I want to get out of here now!' one of them inwardly screamed. Meanwhile, the second Rank Ey had a sour face with a few tears on his eyes.

The reason for their state was because of the aura that was naturally being exuded by Gamon.

The Penta Elementalist's cell was the biggest and heaviest there is. There was only one lighting stone above the far ceiling and fortified bars in front of the three hardened walls.

Underneath that spotlight inside the cell was Gamon who was sitting cross-legged. His face was a bit stern, however, that was already his natural expression.

He was in deep thoughts.

'Looks like Lady Sheran is doing great up there.'

He then looked around. As if his sight was a sharp dagger, the two Rank Ey Elementalists felt goosebumps.

No matter how strong they are, if they met someone stronger, they will feel pressure and fear.

Unknowingly, these two guards found a new lesson in life, and starting from there, they will try to become humble. It has been over a week since they were guarding the Rank Es prisoner.

Although the pressure was lifted off a bit when the Rank Ey dragon lady came out to try an impossible challenge, if compared to this Rank Es, it was like a mountain on top of them and a beast behind them, ready to devour them whenever it felt like too.

'No! Don't think anything that will make my morale down! This cell is not only fortified but has multiple layers of Binding Rank Es Elesps. We are only guarding here to watch and report once any layer was broken. Yes! We are not here to risk our lives but we are only here to report when there's something that happens.'

'The Four Supreme Royal Families of Reruon Mountain Lands are just above us. There is no way there will be any delay in them responding if there is something that happens!'

Not just one, but the two of them were always keeping positive thoughts. The anxiety and fear were in the back of their heads. They have long realized that it was being detrimental to their mental health if this keeps long.

Why wouldn't be scared and anxious?

In the back of their heads, the scene of the Penta Elementalist secretly discovering what the Binding Eleps are around the cell. Maybe tomorrow or later, the Penta Elementalist destroyed them all in one go, escaping after killing the two of them.

What strong Rank Ey Elementalists? In front of a Rank Es, Rank Ey is just nothing!

What fortified bars and hardened walls? The Rank Es Binding Elesps is the real prison, the physical cell may be able to hold a Rank Bih or if strong enough, a Rank Ey, but never a Rank Es!

Furthermore, they have been feeling that there was something wrong.

Normally, if one is imprisoned, they would be filled with complicated emotions. On top of that, a Rank Es was imprisoned. He is an overlord on his own. How could his pride let himself be contained in this cell and be guarded by Elementalists whose ranks are lower than him!?

However, contrary to that logic, the legendary Penta Elementalist Gamon was strangely quiet. Although he has a stern face that was definitely scary for these two guards, they knew that he was calm and peaceful.

If he was frustrated, it means that he knew he had lost and is desperate to come out. However, if he's this quiet and calm...

The two guards gulped and readied themselves.

Hearing the gulps, Gamon lightly smiled. After a while, he thought, 'I wonder when Old Maytan will come here?'


Crossing many countries and seas from the Reruon Mountain Land is the Manuio Isle where the Danhan Royal Family is. With their Patriarch successfully reaching Rank Es, they are now considered a Supreme Royal Family.

However, because of one person, this new Supreme Royal Family is no more.

"Impossible! Against four Rank Es Elementalists, how can he be still standing on his own!?"

"Just how monstrous is this World Elementalists!?"

A whole army of Rank Ey Elementalists cowered. This strength of an army is alone to take a large area of land in any of the Great Countries of Arcansas as long as they do not provoke the Supreme Royal Family.

However, even this gigantic and seemingly unstoppable army could not help but scatter and fear for their lives as the height of the battle that they were witnessing was too far from their current level.

"Old Maytan, don't think that this is enough!? At this point, you will die! Is there any point!?"

After days of fighting, one Rank Es had enough of it as the lands have already been turned upside down. Countless lives have been lost and the range of this battle was so big that it concerned the whole Manuio Isle!

Even their respective Families were taking damage from this battle!

All of the heads of the Supreme Royal Families all thought the same. If they defeated the Might of Torge, what do they gain?

Of course, the Rank Es elesps weapons and tools that Old Maytan possessed, augmenting his World Elesps were the grand prize.

However, there were four of them, no, three. No matter how valuable these Rank Es Elesps Weapons and Tools are, How are they going to split it? Going to war?

But that will still not pay for the catastrophe that happened to the Manuio Isle as if was almost literally flipped upside down by one elesp of this Might of Torge.

That's not all. Old Maytan have helped many. If he died, not only would Manuio Isle fear the attack of the Torgians while they were recuperating, they will have to expect countless powerhouses that was personally helped by the Might of Torge!

Thinking of this, other three Supreme Royal Family Heads all glared at the Patriarch of the Danhan Family.

In response, this patriarch could only lower his head. But soon, he passed the blame and looked at Freniard who brought the Three-Tailed Prismatic Wolf there!

'Why me!?' Freniard wanted to cry, 'I just reported that I'm arriving home with the Prismatic Three-Tailed Wolf.'

'You're the one who said I should trick him after I learned that the legendary beast has a mind of a child! I was scared when I learned that the teenager was the legendary beast when night came, you know... I literally peed myself!'


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