Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 269: We Can Just Jump Ahead

"That doesn't make any sense." Avion responded.

"It does... for me. You know, when you thought you have reached the peak of your life, you start to think that there's nothing more. It becomes a given that I babysit the princess, that I bow before the king, and do as what the royalties. That's normal, I thought. I shouldn't complain, I have already reached my goal. There's no need to fight anymore." Edora gazed at what was in front of her.

That was when Avion cut her, "What do you mean by fight anyway?"

"You're showing interest?"

"... yeah." Avion simply nodded with took Edora aback.

"Oh... what I mean by fight is the fight to move up. The excitement of moving up, the obstacles along with it, and the effort, time, decision, and sacrifices I must give to overcome them."

"It's not all about the reward." Avion commented.

"Yes, that's it! Since you get it, you should know how much you gave me opportunities to fight again. You went against the king whom I serve, I was very confused back then. But then, I realized, I can do that too. Not every conflict revolves around fighting."

"So then, why do you still need me?"

"Why...? I was hoping you could teach me and in exchange... I can be your slave." Edora smiled.

"You want to give the price too, huh..."


"I still don't get you."

"That's fine. It's also fine that you will never get it. You just need to know and act on it."

Avion frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. It's impossible that you don't have problems on your own." Edora tempted, "Don't you want to release those stress? Don't you want to do something that you just can't do to anyone?"

Avion sighed, "So if I do it to you, I shouldn't be guilty because I know that you like it?"


Avion rested his cheeks as he blankly stared at Edora, "This is very strange. If you tried to kill me now, instead of when I was naive, you would be dead."

"I know..."

Avion reached out his hand and caught Edora off-guard by wiping the blood off her face, "I don't know the difference. I can kill you and since I know that you tried to kill me once, I should kill you."

"You're questioning why you don't feel like killing me now?" Edora squinted her eyes, "That's very easy to answer. it's because you know that I am not the same as before." she held Avion's hand, "Now, I need you and you are sure I will not kill you, but instead, be there for you."

Avion tried to released his hand but Edora pulled and put it on her cheek once more.

"You're not in my way anymore, rather, you've become the way. Quite the change, isn't it? I will pursue you and since we're already here, why don't we try it?"


"Let's do it again. This time, enjoy it for yourself. Or maybe, we can just jump ahead and become lovers. I know that you don't like me... yet. But what is love? It's just the need for each other. I will just have to show you that you need me and you can't live without me."


"I may look older but I'm still pretty, aren't I?"

"Yeah, but just comparing to the princess alone, you will never win."

"Princess Alisera is on another level. It's not a very smart move to compare her to ordinary people like me."

"Ordinary, you? But you're saying that you're older? I am not sure but I can be your great great great great grandfather."

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you're someone from the future or something." 

Avion pulled his hand and this time, Edora finally let go.

"Also, sorry, but I already like someone else. If you want to go beyond friends, you can become a family like Mettany. Moreover, I still don't see you as a friend."

Edora was speechless and it took her a moment before she could reply, "So Mettany is not the one you like? And I can't believe you said all that with a straight face."

"What? Who do you think is the one who outright confessed her feelings?" Avion raised an eyebrow while not answering Edora's first question.

"Eh... who?" Edora's brows furrowed.

"..." Avion looked at her with dead eyes before repeating what she said earlier, "Or maybe, we can just jump ahead and become lovers. I know that you don't like me... yet. But what is-"

"Wait! That's not what I mean! That's just a hypothetical scenario that I'm trying to explain...!"

Avion smiled at seeing this, "I can't believe my first killer can make a cute face."

Edora who had her face reddened was in disbelief, "I-I... that was just a hypothetical scenario. I s-said that I will show you that you need me but that doesn't mean I love you!"

Avion lightly laughed, "What is love again? It's the need for each other."


"Who was it that said she needs me...? I forgot her name... she may look older but she's actually pretty."

Edora's face twitched, "This... this is not what I wanted."

"So what do you want?"

"..." Edora sighed and got her cold face back, "If you still do not see me as a friend, my offer is still up. I can be your slave and you can do whatever you want with me. I must tell you, even at this age, you're my first sexual encounter."

It was Avion's turn to redden, "To be fair, there's nothing sexual about me hitting you... also, how can you say with a straight face that you want to be my slave but then gets flustered by saying you love me?"

"Because the latter is not true!" Edora defended.

Avion laughed, "It seemed that I cannot understand you. Also, I still don't trust you. Once I get in your way, wouldn't you try to kill me again?"

Cooling herself down, Edora answered, "That's a given."

"Is that a threat? So I should be a need for you, is that it?"

"You can take it that way." Edora nodded, "But it's not like I have the power to kill you, son of the Lord Sorcerer. On the other hand, you have. Meaning, from the start, my life is already at your hands."


"So, what's your answer? I already giving myself. You just need to bring me with you. Low price, high valu-" Edora looked at Avion to see that he was not there.

Meanwhile, Tamya was speechless on why Avion suddenly fell onto her arms.

"You!" Mettany angrily roared at Tamya, "What does this mean!?"

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