Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 273: Arrogant, Narcissistic, and Generally Insufferable


With a locked door in between of Marin, the mysterious writer of the letters who came from the mortal association, Dark-Bladed Shadow, and Avion, there was a hush the befell the deep underground cellars.

There was nobody there as if this part of the labyrinth was left unused for a while now.

Marin was locked inside while Avion was locked outside.


Avion placed one of his ear on the door and heard nothing. A wide smile stretched from his lips, trying to restrain the burst of laughter within him.

Only after a while did Marin gain composure, "Who are you?" she faced the wooden door, "Do you think I can't break this door by sheer force?"

"Try it." a voice replied beyond the door she faced.

"Tsk! You're underestimating the wrong goddess!" Marin raised her foot and brought all her weight forward together with a pushing force from the other foot, bringing a tremendous strength despite her slender limbs.

"Ouch-!" a sharp exclamation was then produced before a confused shout, "Why is it so hard!? Are you an Earth Elementalist!? You're at least Rank Bih Elementalist!"

"What? Shouldn't I be a Plant Elementalist for strengthening the wood?"

Avion held the door and Underclocked it multiple times before reverting it right after.

As long as he is in contact with it, he can cast infinite times of Overclock, Underclock, or Revert just like his body.

Abusing Overclock is very dangerous since it will become exponentially volatile but Underclock is fine as long as it's stationary.

Hearing Avion's confusion, Marin was dumbfounded, "Are you dumb? Plant Element uses life to manipulate plants and is closely related to Beast Element while Earth Element manipulate the lifeless matter itself." she explained with a very condescending tone.

"Why do you think the Plant Element evolves into Life Element while Earth Element into World Element? I know that you're not perfect like me but even children should know this. Did your parents left you in a cave where you became a Rank Bih Earth Elementalist or something?"

A nerve popped out from Avion's forehead, but he didn't let het get to him, "I see, very informative."

"Seriously... who are you?" Marin asked since she was sure that what she said earlier was just for insult and the chance was very slim.

"What about you? The Majestic Marin from the Dark-Bladed Shadows who thought I was someone important at first."


'That actually made her silent?' Avion thought.. Earlier, while time was moving like always, Avion had stopped time a lot. The guard was too busy being scared and crying to noticed Avion suddenly appearing in less than a fraction of a second to take the crumpled papers.

There was even one letter which says,

[Sir Avion Teller, I am very sorry for my rudeness, I was too blinded by my glamour to see that you are someone Rank Es Elementalists would kneel to and actually gave you the usual letter of our association. I am already too full of knowledge so I didn't know. I wish someone like you who are only second to me be magnanimous and not spread the secret of our association.

I, Marin, sincerely thank you.

P.S. You are the only man who actually match my greatness, if you want, you can invite me to a date and I will think about it. I saw your entrance, and I'm not going to lie, my heart throbbed a little.

Your reply here:


That was the first letter then after reading for a while, Avion found the second one.

[It seemed that it was just a mistake! You're not that great at all! However, you are still a mortal so I approve of you, lowly mortal. By now that you're reading this, you may not know what I'm saying, so anyway, I bless your fight so you should've already won by now...]

The third should be.

[You're not a mortal you sneaky snake! How dare you deceive me!? What kind of skill is that!?...]

[So you did win. It is surely my blessing and it's wasted on someone who's a sneaky snake!?]

And the other letters were just edited versions of the first ones.

"You've been writing this since morning?" Avion raised an eyebrow, "You're a perfectionist. Due to that, I caught the guard still replacing the letters."

Marin's eyes widened in realization, "So you're Avion Teller."

"... it looks like I have to kill you- no! Erase your memory-no wait! If I erase his memory, how will I interrogate him? I will kill you after I interrogate you!" she decided and continued.

"My new temporary slave will come back here after a while. I may not know what technique you're using on the door that it does not even produce sound, however, don't forget that you're still a prisoner! Once he sees you out there, he will alert the others and many will come to you!"

"If that happen, wouldn't they see you too?" Avion asked.

"So what if they see me? I have abilities that transcends your perception. I can be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. As soon as they open the door, I am gone." Marin confidently said.


"Hm? Scared now?" she smiled hearing nothing from Avion.

But at the next moment, she heard ringing from the outside, like small metal colliding with others.

"Ah yeah, I got the keys now and also knocked the guard off. I didn't even do much, he seemed to be pretty tired and immediately slept on the ground." Avion casually said.

"W-what? How did you do that?" Marin then remembered the report about how Avion can disappear and appear at any moment, "What technique is that? You're at least a Duo Elementalist with Earth Element... what is the other element? I'm sure that there's no space and especially time abilities in this era..."

"You know about the other eras?"

"Why would I tell you, ignorant fool."

"So you're a mortal, right? Is everyone as fast as you in the Dark-Bladed Shadows?"

"I... I'm the best, of course! Even the old Leader Long Hair couldn't match me. Although he defeated me thirteen out of thirteen battles, I was just messing around. However, if I go all out, I can easily defeat him."

"Is that so..." Avion nodded, full of doubt, before he continued, "So here's the plan. You're going to tell me everything you know or I will not open the door, agreed?"

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