Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 287: The Exchange

"Do anything towards me and I will put all my energy into this. What is faster, your action or my thought?" Alisera threatened.

"This old fool..." Gamon glanced and glared at Galion.

'Everyone has their intentions and goals. Leaving the most important part in person that doesn't have their goals aligned is a big mistake!'

'However, this missy is underestimating a Rank Es Elementalist.' Gamon thought, 'The problem is, even if I take the crystal away from her, I am not sure that is enough to sever the connection between them.'

Thus, Gamon was in a disadvantageous position since he cannot kill Alisera. He can make her faint but he doesn't want to underestimate a person's instincts. A desperate mind is the most dangerous, she may unconsciously do what she threatens to do.

"Princess, you don't know what you're doing." Gamon solemnly, yet, passively said.

"Hmph! You don't know anything about me too!" Alisera calmed down after seeing that her threat worked.

Alisera gaining her composure was a bad thing for Gamon.

"That is correct, Princess and we also don't know what will happen Haliviana succeeded. Are you sure you want to continue this? What if you are to be sacrificed so that Haliviana can succeed?"

The princess frowned.

"I... I don't want that. Fine, I won't do it..."

Gamon raised his eyebrows, 'Should it be this easy?' he felt something amiss.

"Under one condition."

'Here it is!' Gamon perked up, "What is it, we'll give it to you if we can."

"Avion!" Alisera declared.

"... Avion?"

"Yes, Avion! He killed my mother and I want you to capture him!"

Gamon gulped, "And... what would you do to him?"

"Kill him and get my revenge, of course!"


"What...?" Old Maytan reacted once he received the news. He then asked Cojier beside him.

"Cojier, do you know where Avion is?"

Cojier was in his human form. Old Maytan was surprised to see that the wolf was not in his wolf form in the night. It was as if he wants to hide from something which was very unusual.

He and Sheran are said to be the best people to ask where Avion is. After all, Avion's presence was wide according to them.

"The monster? He's right there." 

Cojier pointed while having an unpleased expression.

"Hm?" Old Maytan looked and saw Avion.

Avion noticed his gaze as well and waved.

'So that's the reason!'

Old Maytan then nodded and took the attention of the others by saying, "Gamon found where Arcansas is holding. You are correct, Alisera is there too with Haliviana's core. Follow me!"

"NO!" Matriarch Quiare and the other Crome Elders tried to hold them but unfortunately, they were outnumbered.

"Sheran, can you please fetch Avion? I'll tell you the plan after that."

Sheran nodded and came down.

In the midst of the panicking people, Sheran came down. Everyone stopped in their tracks when a teen asked.

"Sheran, what's happening?"

"Avion, Old Maytan told me to get you. Grab onto me."

Without hesitation, Avion nodded and grabbed onto her, leaving other people puzzled on why a mortal like him seemed important.

But when Sheran transformed into a dragon that made Avion ride her back, the crowd froze before panicking more than before.

With a flap of her wings, she was able to catch up with the Might of Torge.

Seeing them go in the correct direction, Matriarch Quiare was enraged and didn't care about the others anymore.


The phoenix-like flame she has flew and burned everything on its path, even their own people.

However, how could she deter the other heads who are as strong as her?

Just the other Supreme Elders have already outnumbered them. With Old Maytan as the lead, the other three heads of the Supreme Royal Families hurried.

With their speed, it didn't take them that long to reach the lab Gamon instructed.

Old Maytan waved his hand.

Underneath the ground, Alisera asked.

"What are you doing right now, go get him for me." her stubbornness couldn't be stopped even if she was talking to a Rank Es Elementalist.

But Gamon was unaffected as she knew Alisera's character.

"Princess, he's on his way here." just as he said those words, the roof of the lab opened, letting the moonlight in. The roof opened as if it was an automatic door to begin with.

Heat was the first they felt even though Matriarch Quiare was a bit far.

The other elders that were petrified from fear looked up to see that all hope was lost.

"Let us handle this." Old Maytan said to the other three family heads before coming down with the dragon.

Sheran turned back to her human form as she caught Avion.

The three of them landed amidst the lab.

"Alisera?" Avion got down from Sheran's arms.

Old Maytan waved his hand again and the capsule Alisera was in opened like the roof earlier.

Alisera was surprised but soon got out and demanded, "Give me Avion first, restrained."

Gamon coagulated a rope and gave it to Sheran. The latter then tied the unsuspecting Avion onto one of the pillar.

"Eh? Sheran?" Avion resisted but there was no way he could fight back against a Rank Ey dragon.

Meanwhile, Sheran knew Avion's weakness. As long as she held him, he wouldn't be able to get away.

"This is our payment, Princess. Please, honor your words and don't do anything to the crystal." Gamon said when the Haliviana's core was thrown to him.

When they were about to relax, Alisera walked to Avion then said.

"I have been talking to Haliviana. She said that Arcansas was about to ascend with just a little push."

"Huh?" not just Gamon, but everyone heard it. At the same time, Old Maytan projected with the last of his strength.

"Separate World!"

In the next second, Old Maytan regretting not doing it earlier than planned. Was it because he wanted to know what the princess wanted to say or is it because he was tired. Whatever the reason is, the ground trembled as energy had reached its sufficiency to help Arcansas!

Meanwhile, Alisera, who has a Rank Bih strength, was stuck within the Separate World with Avion, who was tied.

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