Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 302: 302 Inside Avion's Body

"Well, we just need to find a living body without a soul. A dead body is dead. If the soul entered a dead body, it will be treated as a dead soul and will be forced into the Realm of Souls where the soon-to-be God of Death resides."

"If that's so, why can Haliviana just chose any other person?"

"Her case is a totally different topic. She is trying to ascend, after all, she needs the evolved Life Element which she placed inside Alisera's body. When the princess became a Rank Bih Life Elementalist, her body is already half-compatible with Haliviana."

"What about you? Why didn't you need to take another body?" Avion pointed out.

"It's because I used a different method than her. Much less effective and needed a lot of great energy veins only talented youths have. This appearance right now is superficial. My real body is the fire one. You could say I'm a sentient element like the origins back in the day. I don't have internal organs nor blood." Arcansas' shoulders drooped, "So even if I attack you right now, we wouldn't be able to do it."

"I don't think that a necessary example..." Avion awkwardly laughed while Arcansas heaved a long sigh.

"So do you want to try it? We really need more power right now."

"I think we should ask Alisera about that. I don't make choices for her." Avion then went to Alisera as she was still arguing with Nequinn.

"I can breakdance!" Nequinn then danced, spinning his head on the solid ground.

"I... I can't do that." Alisera frowned.

"Ha! I finally won!" Nequinn made a victory pose. Seeing that Avion walked up to them, he confidently proclaimed, "Master, I will be the most useful on the dancefloor!"

"Ah? O-okay... I will rely on you in that matter." Avion then looked at Alisera, "Alisera, we need to talk about something."

Seeing that it must be an important matter, Alisera's attention was focused on Avion

Avion saw Alisera's distraught mood and tried to cheer her up first.

"If you want to defeat Nequinn, we can learn how to dance together!"

"What about the important talk!?" Arcansas shouted while Alisera blushed.


"That's not romantic at all!"

Nequinn rubbed his face where his nose should be.

"Heh, even if it's Master, I won't lose."

"Why did it develop to a challenge!?"

While Arcansas rested, Avion told Alisera what they talked about earlier.

"No way!" Alisera strongly denied, "There is no way I'm going to let her take my body!"

Arcansas was about to persuade her when Avoin interceded.

"There you have it, she doesn't want it so let's find another method."

Seeing the seriousness of Avion, Arcansas gave up.

"Then we'll have to look for another method. I hope we have enough time. I thought it would be easier if we temporarily place Alisera's soul in Avion's body. However-"

"Wait..." Alisera suddenly stopped her.


The other three looked at her. She hesitated at first before saying.

"What do you mean my soul will be temporarily in Avion's body?"

'She's hooked?' Arcansas couldn't believe it but still explained, "Since we need a compatible living body, we can't force any person and remove their soul. But if we have a willing person, we can incubate your soul in that person's body. But I don't know much about this method because I didn't stay that long in the Spirit Realm and-"

"I'll do it!" Alisera raised her hand.

"Really!?" Arcansas smiled.


"Then let's do it!"

At that moment, Avion realized something.

'Did Alisera already forget about her resolve last night?'

"But before that, Avion, you agree to this right?"

"Umm, tell us everything about the process and its effects first."

Arcansas nodded.

"Sounds fair. Once Alisera holds the crystal and poured energy into it. She will link herself to Haliviana again. Once her energy is depleted since Haliviana will use it to make herself comfortable in Alisera's body, that's when the changing of souls occurs. During this process, your body must be... connected. So that when Alisera's soul is pushed out, it is easier for Avion to accept it."

"Connected?" Alisera's face turned red again.

"Yes, you two will do it." Arcansas said with solemnity.

Alisera gulped while Avion was about to refute when Arcansas continued.

"You have to hold hands during this process."


There was a brief silence before Alisera exploded, "What's with the suspense? At least, there should be a kiss- I mean, from how you said it!"

"No, I just think the word connect sounds lewd so I paused."

"For that reason!?"

'I thought it's men who are perverted. I guess a lot of women are too...' Avion internally commented.

"Stop teasing Master Avion with so many innuendos! If you want to do it, offer your body right here right now to master!" Nequinn protested.

"Shut up!" both Alisera and Arcansas shouted.


"So the possible effects, if I'm correct, should be that once Alisera's soul is temporarily inside Avion, she will get a share of everything that Avion experiences." Arcansas said to the other three who were sitting like students.

Alisera nodded without any rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Avion's face paled.

"Furthermore, if you are not careful, your souls will influence each other while trying to fit in one body. That is why we need Alisera's soul to be recessive and Avion's dominant."

"I'm fine with that." Alisera said while Avion is skeptical.

"Finally, there are some random times where Alisera will get control of Avion's body."

"I think that's a little..." Avion wanted to point out something.

"I think that's okay!" but Alisera was too inclined with the idea.

"So how about it?"

Arcansas finished explaining and looked at Avion. He seemed the only one skeptical about this.

"I have a question." Avion raised his hand.


"You kept mentioning it's temporary. Does that mean Alisera will get back to her body?"

"Yes, Haliviana will become a Rank Eses Life Elementalist, she can certainly make a new living body for herself. According to her anyway."

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