Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 306: Woman -> No Aura -> Strong -> ???

"Just lead me to your creator!" Jmsdwefshiuwen had enough of Nequinn's obnoxious face and attitude.

"Shouting is very rude, Sir." Nequinn replied.


"But I'm very sorry for the disappointment, Sir Jimmy, but my creator is now gone." Nequinn said with a sad tone.

"What do you mean by Ji-wait, gone...?" Jmsdwefshiuwen didn't expect this answer.

"Yes, my creator is now gone. Master Avion is not my new master."

Nequinn pointed at Avion which Jmsdwefshiuwen looked.

"Him? I don't sense any aura from him.'

'The Lord Sorcerer is gone and his servant now has a new master. Does that mean that kid defeated and killed the Lord Sorcerer!? I don't sense anything from him, does that mean that he's a Rank Eses? I know for sure that Arcansas is a woman, not a pretty man!'

"Of course, Master Avion is a mortal, after all."

"Huh!? Then how did he...!?" Jmsdwefshiuwen then found it suspicious, "Are you really related to the Lord Sorcerer or are you just joking with me!?"

"Joking? I would never! I will only joke in front of my master. As my creator said, jokes are only for those who are important to you. As of now, you are nowhere near important to me, Weird Sir." 

A nerve popped out of Jmsdwefshiuwen's forehead.

"Ah... I had enough of this. I'll just talk to that woman." he was about to walk past through the strange creature when Nequinn blocked his path.

"You cannot pass through here, Sir Jimmy. Master Avion is doing something importa-"


With a punch, a wind blasted the whole area as if a typhoon suddenly appeared in the peaceful sky.


Jmsdwefshiuwen lifted his head as he passed through Nequinn's body that was reduced to half.

But after another step, he heard another voice.

"That was very rude, Weird Jimmy!"

"Huh?" Jmsdwefshiuwen saw Nequinn ran to block him from behind, "How did you...?"

"Ah, me? I'm immortal." Nequinn casually said before having a grim tone, "You shall only pass once you got through me-"


The wind was thrown into a chaotic mess again.

Jmsdwefshiuwen watched how this destroyed body will return to its original state. Just as he expected, a moment later, the body expanded and shifted into its original state with its obnoxious face.

"An immortal...?" Jmsdwefshiuwen was intrigued.

'I kind of want to study him.' he was not the person to study but curiosity makes anyone studious. Furthermore, if he learned the solution to Nequinn's immortality, he may also apply it to himself.

His sight went toward Avion.

'If I kill him, I will become this thing's new master, right?'

Forgetting his original purpose,  Jmsdwefshiuwen went straight to Avion.

Nequinn blocked him again and again but the strange creature was just blasted away until Jmsdwefshiuwen got closer when another one blocked him.

This time, it was the woman.

"What do you want?"

Jmsdwefshiuwen analyzed the woman and determined.

'No aura, must be a mortal like this Avion.'

He thought that the danger that he sensed from earlier was from the Lord Sorcerer's remaining scent here so he said.

"Move, woman, or I'll blast you away like that strange creature."

However, the woman didn't move.

"Hmph, although I'm a demon and you're a pretty woman, I have more important things to do. What a waste."

Jmsdwefshiuwen then casually punched the woman.


He waved his hand to move the dust away and stepped forward.

"Ah... what's still in front of me?" he looked down and saw the woman glaring at him.


There was a pause as sweat dripped from Jmsdwefshiuwen's forehead.

'No way, right?'

Wanting to deny the thought that wanted to pop into his head, Jmsdwefshiuwen went on full force as he retracted his hand and swung it-


When the dust settled, Jmsdwefshiuwen's face paled as all of his body hair stood up.


'No aura'

'Lord Sorcerer's base.'


All these pieces of evidence led to one name.

"Ar... cansas?"


"Rank... Eses?"

Arcansas' glare was pushing the soul out of Jmsdwefshiuwen's body.

"What do you mean I have a pretty face and you're a demon?" she then raised an eyebrow. Her eyes have no colors, "You think I'm just a pretty face? What are you going to do if you don't have more important things to do?"

"Um..." before he answered, in less than a split of a second, he turned back and was about to fly away but Arcansas's hand was faster. She caught his arm and whispered.

"Since I met Avion first, I forgot that all men are like this. Good thing I focused on training back then, huh..."

'Who hurt this woman!?' Jmsdwefshiuwen thought. Out of fear, he had no choice but to force his body, detaching his arm before flying off.

Seeing him fly off, Arcansas then removed her solemnity.

"Hahaha! Weaklings would run away once they think they offended me! So funny!"

Arcansas laughed as she could since it was such a long time she played with someone weaker than her.

Meanwhile, Jmsdwefshiuwen was sweating and bleeding.

'I escaped, I escaped a Rank Eses!'

He was happy about his escape. He didn't know that Arcansas only let him go because she doesn't want unnecessary death.

"Who is that guy anyway?" Arcansas asked after laughing her lungs out. It was especially satisfying since she scared a Rank Es Elementalist.

"His name is Jmsdwefshiuwen, he said."

"Jimsdef Shuhen... I don't know a Rank Es like him back them. Since he's a demon, he may be from a different continent." Arcanasas shrugged her shoulders as she turned back to Avion and Alisera who were so focused, nothing disturbed them.

"I think I know him. My creator had been checking out this one woman called Darea. He was asking why Absol Mind was placed onto her. From that, I overheard about her Nine Generals." Nequinn answered.

"Is that so... Conqueress Darea... she must be special to catch the Lord Sorcerer's attention."

Arcansas then squinted her eyes towards the crystal.

"Since Alisera's soul is trying to get into Avion's body who already has a soul. The process will get slower. At this rate, they will only finish within the next day to next week. I'm not sure, this is the first time I saw it."

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