Sage Emperor

Chapter 112 Serial Kills {7th Gen}

Peerless Spike.

This is a real epic prick.

When Yankee arrived on the black sheep, a spear killed them, cutting off all the chances of the black sheep. The spear of the Underworld God seems to have really resurrected the Underworld God who ruled life and death, taking life and soul.

Hu Hu...

Looking at the completely extinguished blackness, and a great black demon nucleus, Yang Qi suddenly burst into great satisfaction and pride deep in his heart.

The blow he brewed just now, deep in his heart, was a fierce struggle, amounting to a demonic mass of hearts. Once retreated, he was almost certain that his situation would be difficult to improve in the future.

How can a cowardly man harness the power of God's prison?

Suppressing the existence of Hell requires a brave and sophisticated, almost invincible mindset of the strong to be able to deter, master all sorts of demons, and retreat with little difficulty, which is cowardice.

Yankee is not a coward. He broke through a difficult cultivation.

The rewards are generous.

This time the strength of cohesion, brewed for a long time, took an ultimate blow, his life climbed to its most intense peak, and deep in his heart, a strong self-confidence thus condensed.

The breath in his body seemed to have changed bones, and any true temper of God's prison power seemed to have completely bowed to him and recognized him.

Previously, he practiced true qi, always had an untamed ambience, too fierce, a little carelessness to run away, difficult to control, but now it can be controlled like the Four Seasons Swordsmanship, but it is flexible.

This is equivalent to hundreds of refined tempered to wrap around the fingers.

“What a black demon nucleus, but how powerful is a real dragon?” Yankee looked at this demonic nucleus and played with it in her hands, like a round of moons, emitting a clean moonlight.

It was just a round of the moon in your hand, illuminating the pitch-black waters.

There was silence and no fluctuations.

At the moment of the slaughter of a mighty blackhead, all the true qi and vitality were extinguished by a spear, absorbed into the Hell Furnace, now that the blow succeeded, the true qi of the participation of the blackhead began to boil in his Hell Furnace, seemingly to flush out.

This Fae Qi is fierce, like a dragon flickering.

Yankee immediately sat down on her knees to refine this Fae Qi and transform it into her own essence.

It is this powerful blow, if someone else, even if it can kill this black blackness, but at the moment of the black blackness death, the huge real air explosion in the body must cause fluctuations.

And Yankee's Hell Furnace absorbs the fae gas that's about to explode.

The Fae truly vaporized into a black dragon, traveled through the meridian and operated for three weeks, suddenly the inches collapsed and blended into the bloodstream.

Yanchiton felt that there was an extra dragon-like force in his veins, stretching his muscles and winds, which could soar for almost nine days or hide beneath the sea.

With a little breath, the abundant air in the water penetrated his skin.

He seemed to be able to breathe in the water and become like a seaman, without using his true breath.

These are some of the characteristics of the true black Qi, which is blended into the bloodstream, which greatly increases Yankee's ability in the water.

Breathing in the water.

After a long time, Yankee stood up and was full of energy. Not only did his strength recover, but his true qi cultivated, reaching an unprecedented peak.

The blow was the essence of his life.

“Yun Hailan, no matter how powerful you are, I hit this. Surely it will kill you silently, just wait.” Young Chi's confidence grew dramatically, and he felt that with such a blow again, few of the elite students at Heavenly Academy were able to resist.

He is now a second-degree killer, counting even five or six killer masters, under the sudden defense, secretly attacked by this attack, even if he is not dead, but seriously injured.

“Find the black one again, kill it! ”

Yankee became a dark shadow, completely mixed with the waters of the Black Sea, perfectly breathtaking, regardless of each other. He lurked in a valley of bars, like a world assassin, invincible, once conceived, striking and plundering life.

Half an hour later, he gradually approached the crystal palace. In the underwater canyon, the lurking atmosphere was getting bigger and bigger. Yang Qi even sometimes found two black giants lurking deep in a ditch. One mother in a row was practicing, and they were all the powerful ones in the realm of death.

He can assassinate one without being discovered, and assassinate two at the same time, that is, force without arrest, 100% exposure, which is beyond his ability to consider.

This place is a stepper machine, inches dangerous.

Yang Qi just saw a huge increase in the state of affairs, controlling the power of Goddess Town is becoming more and more responsive, but just soft, this is not discovered. His all-body armor of the underworld god, under the influence of true qi, has become no longer hard, but very soft, like the Black Sea water, silk smooth, blended into the water with the waves, let alone no one can discover.

Long after, he finally discovered that an extremely ancient black beard was practicing, lurking in the shady river beneath the sea, and that the practice seemed to reach a critical juncture, to strike twice to kill.

On this ancient black body, a layer of dark fire was actually set ablaze.

Obviously in the shadow fire body, exercising the true qi. Used to prepare for a second kill.

“The heavens are really helping me! ”

Yang Qi snuck into the underground yin river and brewed again, suddenly a silent blow erupted.

No suspense at all.

This ancient blackness split between flashes, torso inches, into ashes, immense true qi was just about to burst away, was sucked by a great suction, the power of Hell Furnace again showed.

A demonic nucleus like the moon fell into his hands again.

Yankee felt that the power absorbed in the Hell Furnace was much stronger than the young black one just now, almost unbearable, and was about to burst away.

Fortunately, he was already ready and immediately began to suppress, his whole body was in a state of tension, between gas and blood movements, suppressing that force and slowly integrating into his own veins.

With the last experience, this time light cars are familiar with the road.

The Fae Qi was reintroduced, and the blood strength was nourished. Yankee even saw in her own blood, the platinum color sparkled and actually evolved into various dragons.

“Well, every time you kill a black beast, in addition to getting its demonic nucleus, you get its own Fae Qi. It does me a lot of good, I can't practice in the Little Ganquin Realm, so I cut off the demons to practice. ”

Yankee Zhenqi swept away, putting some muscle, skin, and horns into the wrench. These are great materials, make armor, weapons, crossbows, all god soldiers.

Contribution to the College is also a tremendous asset and reward point.

He won't let go.

“Unfortunately, these demonic nuclei are for the brothers to use, or else contribute to Heavenly Academy, and that credit will be enough for me to get the pointer of a legendary master.” Yang Qi was very satisfied.

These blackheads, especially those that take their lives, are covered in treasures.

Needless to say, there is a powerful essence of life in its own demonic nucleus. The body also has real qi, skin, muscle, bones, meat are all excellent.

A demonic beast, the true qi of the whole body is found in two places, the first in the nucleus of the demon and the second in the pulsating sea of the body.

So every time a demon beast is slaughtered, when they are dying, the tremendous true qi in their bodies will dissipate. Normal masters can only let them disappear between the heavens and the earth, and some powerful masters can refine some babies, collect these Fae Qi and refine them into a variety of powerful babies.

However, like Yankee, it was collected directly from Hell Furnace, converted into its own gas, and reversed into the source of life, but it was not.

The absorption of Fae Qi into the body can create a real Qi conflict, or it may blow up into powder. Nobody dares to take that risk.

Once again, Yankee's origins are powerful, absorbing the true qi of this ancient black beard. Goddess Township moved vigorously and could be described in two words: Ruyi, his body flashed, he continued to swim, and there were no demons to discover him.

He has the same aura as the Black Sea, who notices a difference in the water around him?

It's like living on land, not paying attention to the air around you.

Killed two black beasts in a row, Yang Qi became more and more powerful, more and more swimming blade, and was able to handle it. He has entered a pleasant realm, swimming on the perilous edge and continuing to kill.


A grown man died silently, not even knowing how to destroy himself. It's like it's dark in front of you, and you don't feel it anymore.


In another underground yin river, an old black man died, flashed, no blood came out, disappeared, it was Yang Qi's mighty sincerity that turned his body into ash.

Now Yankee's true qi power, cold as it is, hot as it is, concentrates on a little outburst. A small mountain can be melted into lava, which is definitely not comparable to what the average fateful can do.

In two or three successive years, some of the individually practiced desperate darkness even died without a sound.

Yankee like the reaper hiding in the darkness, Pluto, harvests. After harvesting the lives of five black heads in a row, he gasped slightly.

His heart was also very shocked. What he did today was so counterproductive, it was like an extinct demon, lurking into the Academy of Celestial Talents, killing five elite students, what would the entire Academy do? I'm afraid I'll be a master, hunting to reach the corner of the sky, and I'll kill them all.

In the future, when so many black masters are found dead, will the Black King seek his own mad revenge?

Suddenly, a misfortune led to the thought, appeared in Yang Qi's mind.

“To blame the Yunharan? Anyway, she has Sea Gods blood and can swim freely in the sea. It also makes sense to blame.” Yankee's idea must be to look at the nearer and nearer Crystal Demon Cave, and he's wondering if he's going to get in there and see the secrets of the Sky Mountains.

But there are legendary demon kings sitting in town, if found, die without a burial site.

Just between these thoughts, suddenly in distant waters, a violent fluctuation erupted.

“Has anyone entered the Black Sea? Killing demons.” Yankee looked at the past in the distance, "such a big move. ”

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