Sage Emperor

Chapter 148: The Curiosity of the Island {3rd more}

Yang Qi finally reaches the realm of "sensing the star god” to cultivate the Great Sun True Fire in the void and cast the sword energy.

In the future, it becomes more and more refined, and can even lead the sword to God, casting the sword and spirituality, with the help of real fire, to create a Gongkun Fire Palace, whose veins turn into the pure golden color of the Sun, and finally, may even be called the Son of the Sun.

However, Yankee's current bloodline, which has begun to transform into pure glass color, belongs to the blood of the gods, which is a level higher than that of the Sun, but you don't have to convert your own bloodline with flaming authentic gas.

However, using the blood of the gods of his gods to provoke the Great Sun Kankun Sword Art, it is even more powerful, as if the gods made the day, it is born with a great advantage.

Now Yang Qi, with the blood of the gods who practiced in the power of God's Town, aids the Great Sun Gone Sword Art, which is more powerful than absorbing Sun Gems.

It is rumored that the heavenly fierce Japan was created by the gods, who created the world and the gods ruled everything.

Those falling meteor storms, looking down on the island, drowned Peach Blossom Island, suddenly in the eyes of the Peach Blossom Island, an incredibly cold air erupted into various ice crystals, rushing into the sky, condensed into a thick layer of ice to resist the impact of the meteor rain.

Throughout the island, the cold air seemed to trigger something deep inside the island automatically, avoiding the destruction of the entire island by fire.

Yangqi Sun Kankun Sword, reaching the point of sensing the star god, the sword is so vast, the meteor rain, every drop of rain, not only can melt the gold iron, even the rock can be pierced, if it really landed on the island, the whole island could be melted into lava, all the peach trees on the island, once destroyed.

This is also why Yankee doesn't practice at Celestial Academy.

With such a loud noise, Celestial Academy will surely be known to all and destructive forces will mess up the Academy. Be the object of attention.

It's better to build swordsmanship on this rare island.

Anyway, he has the fountain of life, he has plenty of energy, and there's nothing wrong with practicing.

And now there seems to be an adventure!

It's no small matter how cold the islands' eyes erupt into ice clouds in the air to shield them from meteor showers.

Yankee knows the power of his Meteor Rain Sword.

In the sky, meteor fire falls, striking over the ice clouds and cold air. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

All of a sudden, Yankee burst into a long wave, all the meteor showers gathered together, into a flame of tens of lengths. When the sky slashed, the cold ice was broken.

Then, the sword Qi entered his own Dantian Qi Hai, stumbling into a spark. Floating in the boundless air.

The most typical symbol of cultivation reaching the point of "sensing the star god” is condensation into a solar spark. Although the spark is only the size of a silkworm bean, it flashes bright and extinguishes normally at any time, it is actually the most extractive part from the real solar fire, which is equivalent to the soul of the big day.

“Disperse the fog! ”

Yeung Qi broke out again, instantly infinite fire clouds of gold light emerged from his body, turning into many fire crows, firebirds, fire phoenix, fire horses, fire kirin, fire dragon rockets, even fire humans, fire palaces, fire tree sparks...

These flames swept the entire island of Peach Blossoms with great swing.

On Peach Blossom Island, all the fog is dispersed, the weather is clear, the eyes are bright and the sea level calms down.

What's even more amazing is that no peach blossoms have been burned across Peach Blossom Island and have blossomed brighter. This is Yang Qi manipulating the flaming sword to make the fire pure and green, almost every sword has its own soul, able to selectively cause destruction.

This kind of swordsmanship is spiritual, and it is also the high to deep realm of swordsmanship.

Ice clouds in the sky were also swept away by Yang Qi's sword.

The whole island became as if nothing had happened, and the cold air coming out of the bones disappeared in the eyes of the spring, still faint and spiritual, spreading the island and nourishing the peach trees.

“This fountain has strange eyes! ”

Yang Qingquan looked at Wang Qingquan and looked deep into the spring eye pool. A silk wire-like true qi penetrated.

As a result, the deeper this silk thread really enters, the less it can be detected at all.

Besides, the further down you go, the colder the water in the spring's eyes will be, and at the end of the day, even Yang Qi's true qi will freeze. And the bigger the springs go down, the bigger they appear to be a gourd.

On the surface, the spring eye is only the size of a bowl, and Yankee's true qi gradually penetrates into the depths of thousands of feet, already tens of miles wide, larger than the entire island.

In the spring eyes, the water flowing out of the spring is very different from the sea water outside, the sea water is salty, while the spring water in the spring eyes is sweet, fragrant, wash the body and mind, bath and snow spirit.

This is a bit odd, the spring eye reaching deep, bigger than the island, but the water inside is not sea water.


Finally, after going deep into three or four thousand feet, the spring water inside was frightening cold, and the real qi was frozen directly, making it difficult to get in. Yang Qi shook his head, suddenly provoked the power of Goddess Town. The silk wire was reinforced, the layer of ice broken, the momentum like bamboo, and went deep into thousands of places again, enough to reach the depth of 10,000 people.

Yangchitung saw that deep in this spring eye, there are ice layers everywhere, it is a perennial brown ice, harder than any steel, cold air enough to freeze all true qi, not his cultivated divine qi kung fu, can not penetrate the real air silk thread into the spring eye.

Even a hundred Flowers Saintess is unlikely to take nine lives at this level.

Stacked with ice, it seems like an ice-covered country where death is silent, indifferent and empty. Yankee silk thread runs through it, swimming around, wasting a lot of real breath every time you breathe. But he was so bold and supportive.

“For no reason, there should be something lying in the frozen kingdom deep in this everlasting spring eye, otherwise my meteor shower will descend and no cold air will erupt from the spring eye.” Yang Qi Zhenqi is his own pair of eyes, wandering between, suddenly a fiend evil qi, the tide came, actually began to attack his true qi.

“That is!”

He instantly “saw" that deep in the ice, a huge "ice dragon” appeared.

This ice dragon, hundreds of feet long, swims in the ice, does not consume a bit of strength, seems to be a nothingness, blue all over the body, such as a blue gemstone sculpture, exhales a lot of cold air.

“Ice Dragon? A true dragon? ”

A true dragon, which is not small, will only appear in ancient legends, even legendary masters have to retreat.

Now all that is powerful is a dragon, not a dragon.

There is a fundamental difference between dragons and dragons.

At the depths of this peach blossom island, there is an ice-covered kingdom, deep in the kingdom, hiding an ice dragon, which is a wonder of heaven.

“No, it's not a real dragon, it's like a sword, a sword!” Yang Qi Zhenqi was attacked almost to collapse, but he sat on top of the fountain's eyes and suddenly a breath of real air jetted into the fountain's eyes, yelling: “Goddess Town prison, sweeping the stars, swallowing the moon. ”

The whole body of real gas boiled, and the fierce bombardment went into the fountain eye, and the real air filament line swelled, turning into a thick true weather nose.

And on top of Yankee's head, there appeared a figure of elephant head, the nose of the divine face, that is, the coarse and true weather nose, as if to suck up all the treasures in the spring eye.

This spring eye is too deep, even the strong ones who have taken nine lives cannot penetrate the real Qi into the frozen kingdom, let alone subdue the treasures in it with the real Qi.

No mistake, that giant ice dragon in the depths of Fountain Eye is not a true dragon, but a sip of the sword.

Yankee looked through the body of the ice dragon, a three-foot long sword, covered in turquoise, seemed to be a whole jade carved, in which the breath was strong, almost not beneath the crab-like demon, the ice dragon, is the shape of the cold air coming out of the sword's body.

This sword, already psychic, has no power whatsoever hidden deep in the fountain's eyes, has been nurturing, like an immortal demon practicing.

“What a sword, this sword is...” Yang Qi shocked. “Baby, the real baby, Fa Bao. I have never seen such a sword before. I don't know which monastic tall man left it behind, sealed it in the eyes of the Eternal Springs, warmed in ancient Xuan ice, never born. Now I discover that it must be captured in my hands. Once I have this sword, it matches the fire of my great day Kankun sword art, naturally shaped, it is powerful enough to laugh at the rivers and lakes. ”

At the moment, Yankee's heart warmed up.

However, the sword is powerful and in the land of brown ice, no one can surrender except legends. Yankee can now only punch true qi deep into the fountain eye and fight the sword, trying to surrender the sword and “fish” it out of the sea eye. Because Fountain Eye was only a little big, he couldn't have drilled down.

In this way, the use of power is limited.

He also has the ability to do this, otherwise he can't see the brown ice, let alone discover the sword.

Without legend, don't move your mind.

This sword cannot be made naturally. It must have been left behind by the ancient predecessors, and the ancient predecessors are at least legends. Not only can they not build such a sword.

The divine sword has spirit, it is naturally made, the sword spiritualizes dragons, and stumbles on the blue ice.

Yang Qi's genuine long nose went through the layered spring eyes into the deep blue ice kingdom, suddenly exploded and swept over towards the ice dragon.

The ice dragon of the sword appeared to show a disdainful deity on his face, his claws moved, and he bombarded his true Qi long nose continuously.

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