Sage Emperor

Chapter 171: Capturing Kui Chung

“This competition, the Prince has long been secretly manipulated. Neiding Yunharan is the champion, who dares to rob her, who is the Prince's enemy, the power of the Prince, all over the four universities, Yang Qi, think carefully...”

Yunhe left.

But the words went deep into Yang Qi's mind.

At this time, Yankee realized that the prince was not so small. Previously, he had heard that the prince had power in various colleges, but thought it was a small force, because it was impossible for colleges to let a powerful figure from another college manipulate the students.

But now, that's not the same thing at all, and many college masters fear the prince as a tiger.

Even this worldly genius, Yunhe seems to admire the prince with joy and honesty.

This is not something that ordinary forces can do.

Yankee even has the illusion that the Prince is the future leader of the Four Universities? Nevertheless, it is impossible to imagine that all four universities are apparently on the right track and are in fact on the same page.

The only explanation is that the Prince is very powerful and has unwittingly infiltrated university institutions to establish prestige.

Is it possible that this time the Crown Prince let Yunharan take over as a way to build prestige?

Yankee suddenly had a feeling in her mind.

But now, one of his wishes is to be fulfilled, and in front of all eyes, he chopped off Yunharan. He would never retreat. Even if the prince himself arrived, he could not reverse his resolve. At this moment, his heart is unwavering. It is really man who blocks the killing, Buddha blocks the killing of Buddha.

“Yunhe, you piece of crap, you call yourself a master of the world, and you still have to lift your nose. And he tried to shake my heart, and when I seized the chief, I would surely have cut you off. ”

Yankee also fought back, powerful sentimental fluctuations that passed into the mind of the cloud river.

“I'll wait, as long as you don't die, I'll kill you!” The Cloud River also seemed to be provoked by Yang Qi, whose voice was transmitted again, striking back.

“Get lost.” Yankee knows that this man has become an enemy.

He is a strong man of the Sea Theological Academy, also known as Yun, and may have some unclear relationship with Yun Hailan, a hill of the hills.

“Yankee, the cloud river is advice to you. ”

Throughout the ring, there are only two people left, Yang Qi and Yun Hailan, opposite each other, one of which is a killer brewing, about to strike out the world, the other is Cheng Bamboo in the chest, high above, looking down at Ling Yun, seems to have the taste of everything in hand.

Yun Hailan was the one who was in control of everything, and she looked at Yang Qi: “Stand down, it's not easy for you to get to this point, offend the prince, die without a burial site. ”

“Yunharan, what do you do besides rely on men?” At this moment, Yankee is about to fulfill a big wish, but her heart has calmed down: “Today, I will return to you what you were meant to say, and you are the real place to die without a burial. ”

“So? Are you really going to kill me?” Yunharan smiled lightly: “Aren't you afraid I caught you in the handle? ”

“Joke, nothing can stop my determination to kill you.” Yankees is not moving at all: “You will surely die today. Yun Hailan, you can't save you if you say anything. Cut the crap, I'm going to see what you've got. From a tiny Qigong figure to this point. ”

“Yankee, you're gonna regret this.” Yun Hailan faintly said: “I have given you numerous opportunities, but unfortunately you are blinded by hatred, lose your mind, think that you have been encountered, you can be invincible in the world. Unfortunately, in this world, millions of people have been encountered, some are countless times bigger than you, you dare to fight the Prince for a little hatred. ”

“Enough! ”

Yang Qi suddenly said two words and swallowed up the sword in his hand. He was not in the mood to continue talking to Yun Hailan, and did it directly.

A sharp, straight throat.

a sword seals the throat.

This sword, without hatred, some are just absolutely calm.

Yankee swords like wind, like electricity, like light, like a first line of spring rain, infiltrate the night, lurk in dreams. Makes people die unconsciously.

On the face of Yunharan, a heavy light appeared, suddenly the whole human body, blowing up into a mist of water, letting the swordsmanship stab the top, emptying.

Then there was her shadow all over the place.

Yanchiton felt that all sides were attacking forces, and that each Yunharan was a real person, with an unparalleled sense of authenticity in the palm of his hand and a sense of kingdom.


One punch down, Qi swallowed mountain river, behind every shadow of Yunharan, a huge vortex appeared, purple air flowed in the vortex, the figure of an emperor, if hidden, seemed to communicate heaven, underwater, Tianwei-like energy, collapsed from the air, all over the site, all up and down the dense and numb energy rain point!

No mistake, it's Yuan Qi Rain Point, those heavy rains are not water beads, but concentrated to the extreme point of Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi.

Among the energy of the heavens and the earth, countless water beads are roaring constantly, including the noble purple gas, which is the Qi of Heaven and does not belong to mortals.

“Heavenly God Fist! ”

Emperor Qi.

Yunharan, the prince actually exhibited the great earthquake eight desolate six times, the ultimate Qi kung fu of the five lakes and four seas, Tianzi Shen Fist.

Each punch annexes the eight wilderness, encompasses the six-inch, crushing the atlas. Originally, in the true spirit of Yunharan, there was no possibility to support this vast Tianwei boxing method, but there seemed to be something in her body that could continuously supplement all kinds of true qi for her.

It must be an almost invincible treasure, possibly the mysterious "Thousand Illusions World Bead”.

Yang Qi felt tremendous pressure during the bombardment of Tianzi Shen Fist. His own swordsmanship instantly collapsed and was completely suppressed.

However, focusing on himself, swordsmanship concentrated into an aperture, blocking the erosion of Heavenly God's Fist, and Yun Hailan could not help but gain him.

“This Yun Hailan is so powerful, I can't even breathe down Yang Qi.” In the space of high-rise observatories, countless elders of the legendary world are watching the discourse, after all, this is the last battle.

Whoever triumphs can take the lead, and whoever triumphs can get the last powerful and mysterious shaft of treasure.

“It's not the cloud sea lantern that's powerful, it's the Prince's thousand fantasy world beads that are powerful.” Another legendary elder said: “But this woman is not so small, she has the blood of the gods of the sea and even the blood of the gods of dragons, creating a dragon return to the sea. Feng Yun Er Ancestor, you took this woman as your apprentice, but you put a lot of effort into her? ”

“Nice, we used Fengyun Qi to wash the medulla of women's hair for seven, seven, seven, 49 consecutive days, and then used Bagua Fengyun furnace to strengthen the meridians, penetrating the congenital Bagua Gospel into this woman's meridians, strengthening to reach the incredible realm. But even more powerful is the Prince, far apart from time and space, the emptiness transmitted a power of the world, making her Dantian Qi Hai, all a micro world. ”

Wind and Cloud Two Ancestors said proudly, then looked at Hundred Flowers Saintess: “Hundred Flowers Saintess, how many rounds can you support this Yankee? The power of the Prince really seizes heaven and earth. ”

“Humph!” said Hundred Flowers Saintess: “I'm sure this Yankee can defeat Yun Hailan. ”

“Really?” Fengyun Erzu suddenly said: "Hundred Flowers Saint, you just bet, you won a lot of our things, dare you bet again! ”

“Okay, gamble.” The Hundred Flowers Virgin is not weak at all, "I pressed all the treasures I had just won. I wonder what your two ancestors' bets are? ”

“We bet on Hao Tian Holy Weather!” All of a sudden, Fengyun Erzu took out a gourd and shook it slightly. There seemed to be liquid in it, and the noise sounded loud and loud, such as the mountain overturning the sea, such as the eruption of volcanoes, which gave birth to an unbeatable power. Everyone heard the sound and it changed color.

“What, Hawthorne Holy Weather?” Many legendary elders stand up: “It is truly Hao Tian Holy Qi, rumored, from the true Qi derived from the supreme Hao Tian void, absorbing this holy Qi, is very good for reaching the realm of the ancient Holy Qi from the legend. ”

“Nice, this Hao Tian Holy Weather is a lot higher quality baby than Jiuyang Immortality.” The wind and cloud two ancestors faintly said: “The prince, with great power, senses countless voids, ingested from a mysterious time and space, we have not absorbed, Hundred Flowers Virgin, do you think you can qualify? ”

“Okay, now that you're giving me this gourd ho weather holy weather, you're welcome.” Hundred Flowers Saint nods her head, waves her hand, and a ring is on her palm, "this is a storage ring, and all the babies I just won are in it. ”

“Okay, let's see the two of them fight! ”

The wind and cloud two ancestors chewed their teeth off.

At this moment, in the field, the attention of the crowd, Yun Hailan and Yang Qi were constantly fighting each other, the real qi exploded, Yun Hailan's heavenly divine fist became more and more fierce, atmospheric, every move accumulated enough power, even triggered the weather, in the field caused the energetic rain.

And Yankee swordsmanship, swimming in the heavenly divine fist, broke the cleavage of the divine fist.

On the surface, Yankee was suppressed. Of course, if the battle continues like this, Yun Hailan's true temper is weak, Yang Qi is likely to turn upside down. Unfortunately, many legendary elders present know that Yun Hailan cannot be really depressed, because many of the legendary masters have understood the way space has changed. In this Yun Hailan's body, there seems to be a power to communicate with the opposite space, continuously drawing a huge amount of energy, the whole person is the heavens and the earth. As long as the heavens and the earth are not exhausted, her energy will not be exhausted, and she will always remain in the most brutal state of battle, and even become more powerful.

“Yankee, admit it! Once activated, the Heavenly Fist will not rest. The breath will become bigger and bigger, and no one can resist it. Do you want to go against the sky? ”

Yunharan's body has vanished from sight and her shadows are everywhere in the air, fisting like a mountain.

“Joke! ”

Suddenly, Yang Qi moved, and he was searching for a broken blossom, at this moment, finally in the fist, locking the location of Yunharan.

One Sword!

The Twilight Band went off.

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