Sage Emperor

Chapter 183 Gate of Hell

After opening the seal, the Eternal Stone actually begins to brew a demonic tire, which is a living thing, not a simple stone. Yet Yang Qi knew long ago that this stone had been contaminated with the magic sperm blood in ancient times. Some of the magic was unusually powerful, even a drop of blood could be reborn if it absorbed enough energy.

Blood Drop Rebirth.

So it's not unusual to brew a demon tire in such a long time.

And for generations, many legendary masters have reinforced the seal on this Eternal Divine Stone, but the seal will be eroded by evil air and will instead nourish the magic sperm's blood inside.

So the accumulation of months and months, on the treasure, many legendary Qi is absorbed, which makes the treasure stone more and more difficult to suppress and seal, because of this, the elder Kung Fu is a winner, both sending the plague god and striking Yang Qi.

But it's all about him.

The birth of an evil tire, the overthrowing of heaven and earth, and the annihilation of mankind.

The magic stone tire is constantly changing, black gas rolling, it seems to want to collapse the space of the Jiuyang Immortal Qi, contamination, sharp screaming more than a single sound, to reach the end of the sound almost to consume the human soul, a powerful like evil god appeared.

To be precise, after the seal was opened, the evil Qi condensed into an evil god.

“Believing in me, must have infinite joy, not believing in me, must suffer infinitely...” This demonic god made up of demonic stones seems to have awakened his own remaining will in ancient times, in which the infinite demonic ideology compels people to submit.

This evil god is very powerful, much more powerful than any nine-time master, even more powerful than some legendary elders' breath, and the evil spirits Mori, specializing in the suppression of any famous and decent work, and most powerful, when evil spirits appear, deep in the Divine Stone, a mysterious space seems to have been opened, innumerable evil spills out, it is like the Eternal Spirit Stone has opened up the passage of Eternal Hell again, and is summoning to absorb the evil in it.

This involves reaching the enlightenment of space change. Originally, the Eternal Divine Stone had no space power, some of it was just the origin of evil life, but there were some magical sperm blood on it, but it possessed an incredibly powerful space power, and it was reinforced with a seal on it, and there was a shadow of space law. In the long absorption infiltration, this evil god also possessed space divine power.

So it's able to do things like the Too Vain Gate, the Thousand Illusions World Bead, unlock the shackles, draw energy from a particular degree of alien space-time, the cosmic energy against many masters, and even cultivate itself.

“Evil God Submits! ”

Yang Qi saw the appearance of evil gods, and their power grew stronger and stronger, and he immediately started to do it, because if the evil gods continued to develop, their potential was enormous. Once they broke through the seal, even if they did not pose a threat to themselves, they would destroy all the land, leaving their own bamboo baskets and water empty. Instead of reaping any benefits, an extinct demon was released on this rich continent.

The armor of the underworld god penetrated his body, the glass color, the light flame burning, like the angel, purifying everything, and the spear of the underworld god has been held in his hand, this spear increasingly reveals a precious breath, once the ordinary evil, divine, with the power of judgment, is the weapon used by the gods to judge the evil in hell.

At the same time, the Devil's Wings are boiling in flames, the pure fire of heaven burns everything, and the Hell Furnace is getting bigger and bigger, inspiring all power and fighting evil gods.

“Twilight Medal! ”

Once Yang Qi took the shot, he realized that the world spear technique, the dusk movement, when the sky strikes between the stabs, the light of dusk covered the evil god, making the evil god fall, the power of the god township has a natural restraint on evil air, especially when encountering spear technique such as the dusk movement, immediately all the breath of the evil god, all the smoke dissipated, shapely shaped.

“No!" the evil god's ferocious foetus was struck, never willing, suddenly shouted a wave of ancient demonic sounds, his palms grabbed, suddenly the meatfin like evil claw, hard grasping the spear of the underworld god.


The spear hole of the Spirit God penetrated the claw meat fin, Yang Qi's whole body of heaven purified fire, burned evil gas, essence evil, his Hell Furnace expanded again, refined and nourished that Eternal God stone, and the flesh mark on it began to turn into green smoke.

The origin of the evil god's fertility was damaged and his body was dimmed.

However, between moments, the Eternal Divine Stone became more violent. In the process of peristalsis, countless space cracks were created. Deep in that space crack, the evil gas penetrated again, making the power of the evil god truly powerful, that control.

“Believe me, infinite joy..." Evil God made a rolling sound again, one pair of eyes looked at Yang Qi, seemed to exercise the deepest control of his mind, at the same time, this Evil God rolled and oppressed Yang Qi, in the hands of Evil God, a weapon appeared, but it was a sickle, a long handle sickle, a sickle blood red, an air soldier, but with harvested soul to gain symbolic significance.

This is an artifact in hell. It seems to have an intimate connection with the spear of the underworld god. The evil god held a sickle and waved it violently. He aimed at Yankee's neck. He wanted to cut Yankee's head off. Between the sickles, his soul was at war chestnut, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Unfortunately, Yang Qi's soul specializes in restraining Hell Qi. The power of Goddess Township has penetrated deep into his heart. At this moment, Yang Qi is a god, and Goddess is Yang Qi. He is able to fight against the powerful presence of evil gods, and cannot seek it. In the course of the battle, he can better understand Hell's true intentions.

“Twilight! ”

His spear was painted continuously in the air, a lane note was low, but it spread to the sky bright, vibrating, with a kind of hollow mind power.

However, on the sickle of the evil god, it was eroded by the dusk movement, and it also sounded a grudging, grieving movement, “Soul Song! ”

It is the evil gate without ancient music, can suppress the soul into Nine Nether Hell.

The two great weapons from Hell were killed together, slaughtered violently, weapons handed over, squeaked, then started exploding, the explosion caused by intense friction!

Evil God Extremely Strong!

He is stronger than the average legendary realm master, but Yankee's strength now is infinitely closer to legend. Although he still has seven killers, the whole killer realm is invincible, unless someone who has also practiced divine Qigong can fight him. But even so, he couldn't fight the evil god.

However, Goddess Town is innate in restraining any demons. Once Yang Qi hits and kills, each spear can absorb a lot of evil spirits' evil air, even causing his body of Eternal Divine Stone to explode. The blood imprint inside is abrasive, and the vast source of life is leaked.

Thus, Yang Qi and this evil god, in the formation of Jiuyang Immortal Qi, rolled over, and kept fighting, Yang Qi was getting stronger and stronger, every move was to destroy almost all evil, at the end of the day his whole human body disappeared, the intense true Qi wrapped him, the ghost was unpredictable, the Xuan Machine was countless, he became a giant god like the head man, on his body, long nose swept, sucked, the evil god entered his body, but became his nourishment.

The stronger the fight, the stronger it is.

And the evil god gradually became a little overwhelmed, but the evil god became more and more vicious.

“Soul Reaper? ”

All of a sudden, this evil god didn't know where the word came from, it came from the underworld of hell, the evil Sensen, the blood red sickle in his hand, the broken sky cut out a perennial long arc, this arc followed a death trajectory, the trajectory cut the void, and once again wound up on Yankee's body.

“What an opportunity! ”

When Yankee saw this scene, he knew from time to time that his unique opportunity had come, his whole person buzzed, the secret disappeared, let the blood of the soul-cutting red sickle weapon, completely disappeared, then his body appeared on the head of the evil god, huge statue body, suddenly sat down.



The evil god emitted a terrible scream, the whole person was raw repression into the Hell Furnace, and then the Hell Furnace flame became more fierce, burning the Eternal Divine Stone directly open, a thick black gas, dark golden airflow, and a lot of space carrying on the Divine Stone force, the evil force, into Yang Qi's body.

“Gate of Hell, gather around! ”

Yang Qi didn't even want to think about it, so he inspired the sincerity in the power of Goddess Town. The cultivation of Hell's Gate began to gather behind him into a faint portal. Deep inside this portal emerged a vortex, endless atmosphere of death, evil, destruction, extremes...

This portal is a gateway to Hell, Hell of Delight.

To cultivate the Gate of Hell, there must be space power, and space power must be a master of legends in order to be able to understand and carry out it. Yankee is not promoted to the Gate of Hell, it is impossible to understand the powerful presence of Qi Kung, but now possesses the Eternal Stone, which contains the blood of the ancient demons, the abundant space power of blood, and the breath from Hell of Eternal Pleasure, which makes Yankee cultivate this Gate of Hell, and his mind seems to be in the underworld, connected to an extremely evil space.

Euphoric Divine Stone has melted.

The evil god fertility born on the stone also melted, through the refining of the Hell Furnace, casting the Gate of Hell behind Yankee. Gate of Hell 10%, Boom! Yang Qi only felt his body, and the space around him was a shock, and countless evil gases emanated from the gates of Hell, in addition to which the evil gas had a strong source of Hell's life, evil, powerful.

Just like that Thousand Fantasy World Bead, the Gate of Too Vain, can draw true Qi in the space of divergence, far beyond the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, now Yang Qi's Gate of Hell also communicates the world of Hell of Extreme Pleasure, and draw from it the true Qi of Hell of Extreme Pleasure.

This Qi is fatal for ordinary Qi Gong practitioners and even demons, but for Yang Qi, evil Qi can be completely ignored, and the powerful life source of the activity.

Life in hell is so powerful that it would not have survived in such a harsh environment.

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