Sage Emperor

Chapter 186: The Great Extinction Array

Yankee didn't want to leave when he heard about it.

Young Master Shade actually united many demons, as well as the people of the Shade Alliance, in this ancient Tianyuan mineral vein, arranged a great position to destroy the “Prince”.

At the same time, he has gained a lot of knowledge from this demonic conversation. Sky Mountain can actually open the path to "Shura Hell”, where Master Shade can practise and fight.

Shura Hell, of the countless hells, can be called Vicious Weihe, compared to what kind of Happy Hell, Infinite Hell doesn't know how many times stronger. In many ancient scriptures, this vicious god evil Hell is recorded. In this ancient hell-time and space, Shura Demon is also the most powerful fighter, rumor has it that in ancient times, often led the great army, broke through Hell's cage, and fought the gods.

Such a vicious demonic race of hell is simply not something that ordinary people can resist.

If, in ancient times, some of the great ancient Saints opened Hells of Shura instead of Hells of Delight, the entire flood continent could have been so destroyed that it would not have won at all.

Young Master Sheather actually entered the battle grinding, which is not to be believed to be true or false, but Yang Qi felt it was not true. His cultivation of the Goddess Town Hell deeply understood how powerful Hell is. Perhaps the passage that was opened was not a true Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell, but approached the ancient space-time of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell, influenced by Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell of Hell, will also change into a powerful demon.

If it is true to enter Asura Hell, the ancient Great Saint will also be instantly eaten by the mutilated corpses.

However, even in the space close to Shura Hell and some powerful biological grinding, it is no small matter, that Shura Hell itself is a good place to fight, famous for its battles, and any proximity to this powerful world of time and space will be influenced by the evil idea of battle, thus causing evil to become like the Shura devil.

Now, Yang Qi gradually understood and learned something, this rich continent, a small place, a small branch of the ancient floodland, and the ancient floodland, the entire heavenly and earth universe, hundreds of millions of space-time, is also a small piece, a poppy.

The size of the universe is not what he can imagine.

As for the gods on that day, he had no idea where they were, what space they were, what extent they were powerful.

In Heavenly Academy, even the core students now practise royal qi kung fu, royal qi kung fu is the horn of phoenix. As for the Holy Grade above, Heavenly Qigong, I've never even heard of it.

At the moment, Yang Qi quietly lurked and listened to the conversation of many blood demons.

All of a sudden, the voices of countless long whistles in the distance are fluctuating. Then a huge sword light, the wind ripped through the waves, tearing up the clouds in the sky, landing in front of the bloody Great Lake in this Bloody Monster Cave, the swordsmanship can almost roll the whole bloody lake over.

Many bloody demons even retreated and fears appeared on their faces.

Later, the sword light dissipated, revealed a group of people, the head man in white clothing, straight body, pierced the sky dome, the whole body emitted a strong sword, much less strong than the original cold ancestors did not know.

This man is a legend.

Legendary Realm Cultivator.

“Clouds of Sword Venerate! ”

The bloody demon shouted.

“Nice, I am Lingyun Kendo Hall's chief councillor, Lingyun Kendo.” This Lingyun sword, eyebrows like swords, extremely sharp body appearance, the momentum can cut the surrounding blood mist into pieces: “Meanwhile, I also cover one of the eighteen honored members of the Heavenly Alliance, where is Blood Demon King? Let him out? I was ordered by the Master of Heaven to join forces with him and urge the demons of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands to exterminate the corner of the Great Array, waiting for the Master of Heaven to lead the Prince of the Heavenly College into the trap. At this moment, many other dignitaries of the Heavenly Alliance have gone to the other side of this ancient Tianyuan mine, awaiting the arrival of some of the Devil's Counts and Arrangements together. ”

This cloudy sword shouted and sounded like a sword, penetrating deep into the bloody lake, “Bloody Demon King, come out! ”


A huge wave of blood rolled over, the legendary master finally came out, and then a bloody robe, angry as a mountain bloody demon flew out of a bloody lake, the bloody demon was just like a human being, but on top of his head, there was an acre-sized bloody umbrella, spinning constantly, and at his feet, it was also a giant bloody lotus flower.

This is one of 72 Cave Monster King's Blood Monster Kings.

Legendary experts, erupting, can almost submerge the entire cloud sea.

“Lingyun Jianzheng, you're just in time, I've been waiting for you for a long time!” Once the Blood Demon King comes out, the blood red eyes turn: “It is not necessary to delay, let us explain the task completed by Master Tian Sha, you brought the people, put them on that hill, every hill, is a small extinction eyeball, needs to be suppressed. You brought people just fine. ”

“Of course, this task was arranged by the Master of Heaven for an unknown period of time.” Lingyun Sword Honored: “Nature is well prepared, let's begin now. ”

A single command came down, the murmuring countless voices, many separated, and under one command, everyone flew to a mountain peak mine in the distance.

And Lingyun Sword, as well as Blood Demon King, is united in the center of this bloody lake, laying down a true qi, seems to trigger the holy vein of the earth.

Yankee snuck away and approached a mountain peak.

Because in the mine cave of that mountain peak, an acquaintance was assigned to repress, this acquaintance is the cold ancestor!

“Damn, if I hadn't been robbed of the Ice Spirit Divine Sword, it would be a legend now, and swordsmanship wouldn't be under this Lingyun Sword, but now I can only be a little. ”

In an abandoned mountain peak mine, dark and sunken, the cold ancestors entered the depths of the mine, and saw that there were many pictures painted in the mine, all of them a kind of human misery, vivid and vivid. If people enter the depths of hell, they are subjected to ancient torture.

And in the center of these patterns, there is a totem column, above that totem column, drawing the heads of many demon gods. These demon gods' heads seem to be real demon gods, and they keep spraying demons, shouting, and being trapped on top of them, they can't move.

The cold ancestor looked at the demon god Totem Column, a little scared, but sat down beside him. "I wonder if this time the Master of Heaven can kill the legendary prince, the prince is a goddess, very small. Above this totem column, the souls of many Hell Demons are confined. At the moment of the Great Battle, I will feed them with blood, and I will lose my power. Although the roar will compensate, if the Master can't cut off the Prince, there will certainly be no compensation. ”

“Shit! If I ever meet that boy again, I must use the power of Master Sky to tear him to pieces!” Cold Ancestors again harshly said.

“Really? I'm right here. Let me see.” Suddenly a powerful atmosphere sealed off this abandoned mine, and Yang Qi appeared in it.

“It's you... you, you! ”

Suddenly, this cold ancestor jumped up, quickly attacked Yankee, and then tried to rush out of the cave to get outside to alarm others.

But this is simply impossible. Yang Qi was already ready. Once the big hand suppressed, Boom Lung suppressed, and directly pressed the cold ancestors on the ground.

He looked like a toad, beaten hard by Yankee Qi's real hand, crawling, unable to stand up.

“Ancestor Chill, I was able to surrender you that day. I am now more than a hundred times stronger than I was that day. I can kill you between my fingers. You are like a bunch of dough in my hand. Pinch as much as you want. Got it? Again, I'll blow your soul apart.” Yankee warned.

“Dare not, dare not resist.” Old Ancestor Cold hurried and begged for forgiveness.

“That's more like it.” Yang Qi nodded, during the conversation the real anger big hand has taken back, let the cold ancestor stand up, the old ancestor respectfully, he dared not to come out, he did not understand why this evil god appeared here.

“I ask you, what the hell is going on here? Are you going to kill the prince?” Yankee asked.

“Yes, Master Sky Shade has distributed all the people of the Sky Shade Alliance in this ancient Tianyuan mine, prompting a Tai Gu Killing Formation to deal with the Prince.” Ancestors of the cold dare not hide, 1510 ways.

“How could I not know that there are too many ancient killing formations deep in the Tianyuan ancient mine?” Yang Qi's eyes flashed.

“This is the secret of the demon clan, only the mountains in the sky know.” Ancestral Chill Ancestors hastily replied: “I also only recently learned that the Great Saint of the Upper Demon Nation buried a very strong power in the depths of the Tian Yuan ancient mine to gather into a position. This time, the Master of the Shade gathered all the men of the Shade Alliance and all the demonic kings of the 72 holes, in addition to the countless demonic Viscounts in the demonic void deep in the Island of the Devil, and the mighty Earl of the Devil. ”

The Viscount of the Devil has been a master of the land more than five times, and the Count of the Devil is a legendary master, something Yankee has truly understood on the Island of the Devil.

“Really? Do you have a map of the entire Nine Heavens Ten Earths Demons Extinction Formation? Let me see how the whole thing works. ”

Yankee raised her hand.

“Yes, I was in the Heaven Shade Alliance, and Master Shade taught us about the evolution of the entire battle, and the practice day and night, and now I'll paint it for you.” Between the words, this cold ancestor hastily outlined a painting with his true qi. The whole painting was very large, vast and infinite. A mountain peak, abandoned mineral veins, mine caves, all showed up. Soon Yang Qi discovered the strange part of the painting.

“What's that?” Yankee pointed to the center of this map, and there was a huge plain, the center of the plain, a deep pit, like an eye, staring dead into the sky, and scared the whole sky.

“This is the central hub of the entire Great Array, called the Shura Demon Eye.” Chilly Ancestor Road.

“What?” Yang Qi shocked deeply in his heart.

For it is also the place where the leader seals the demon's head.

Between moments, Yankee seemed to think, what exactly does the leader mean?

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