Sage Emperor

Chapter 204 Body of Dominator

Yang Jingxing was very excited, but also had a steady part. His body was full of war spirit, martial arts seemed to have improved, and his breath was ten times stronger than just now.

He succeeded in overcoming the battle in Shu Luo Qianqi, which amounted to a hundred life and death struggles, and also greatly helped his true qi, martial arts upgrading.

“Well, Father, you don't have much energy to absorb, so you can survive, and if you absorb a little more, you have to demonize and become a battle madman, but with me you can dispel all evil, nothing.” Yang Qi nods his head: “After a few months of training, his father can definitely promote to five fatalities and concentrate on his true cheerfulness. ”

“What, five kills? Really, Shelley?” Yang warfare shocked: “It's impossible. It takes hundreds of years for a strong man who generally takes his life to raise the realm. How can we resist hundreds of years, thousands of years of painstaking? ”

“It's nothing. Because this is the Great Emperor's Tower, and the legendary Asura flesh.” Yang Qi said: “These things, even the four colleges, don't have, they do their best, there can't be such a practice environment. ”

“Yeah, who can bring out the legendary, immortal flesh to practice? Who can get the Great Emperor's Tower?” Lu forgot Xianxian: “My father didn't want me to deal with the brothers, but when he heard that the brothers had been compensated by the leader and the Great Emperor Tower had been acquired, he changed his mind. ”

Spring and Autumn Master, like the worshipper, knew the prince's horror.

However, Yankee was informed by the news of the Great Emperor's Tower that they could only observe the change, while supporting their son and Yankee in their dealings, and while they went to repair the gift for Yun Hailan.

This is a matter of right and left. There is no way.

Yankee also understands this approach very well, nothing *. I can't ask a prince to spell you dead.

“Well, let's practice together, remember that you can't inhale too much energy at once, slowly.” Yankee also sat on her knees and pressed her palms to the ground, letting her true breath into the eyes of abundance.


This input, ten times more fierce than all of us combined, actually began to create a slight explosion on the flesh of the vast circle of the sky, a dragon-shaped blood gushing into the sky, infiltrating the sky, and then passing through the Great Emperor's Tower, rushing into Yankee's body from the eyes of abundance.

Yankee immediately felt the divine power of Shura, a hundred times thicker than the flame of Shura.

This Shura divine force burst into his body, causing countless particles to explode in between. There are forty particles, thoroughly sprouted, resuscitated, and then the Big Bang, and each particle explodes, and behind the body, there is a giant elephant of real air that can blow up a mountain.

Fortunately, in the Great Emperor's Tower, if outside, I'm afraid between every real gas explosion, the entire Yan Du City will be completely destroyed, and countless people will die in this real storm.

But now this is the Great Emperor's Tower. Every time a real Qi erupts, the rich eyes beneath him begin to erupt, and a dense force emerges, holding back the real Qi softly.

Makes Yankee's true qi not leak a little, but also has a smell that helps Yankee concentrate his true qi.

Every time the real qi erupted, every bounce, Yankee felt that his real qi condensed a little, crystallized a little, that real qi poured into the body, even the bones, flesh, changed again.

With the power of forty ancient giant elephants awakened, together with the previous two hundred and sixty, Yang Qi has now reached 300. That is, striking with one hand is equivalent to the impact of 300 ancient giant elephants. Think about it, an ancient giant elephant nose can suck all the water out of a stream, spray it up to the sky, turn it into pouring rain, so that the square hundred miles of ground fall down Ganlin. Such a force, 300 heads on one side, is already a legendary force.

General legends, such as the fire sky, are not as powerful as a third of Yankee.


The power in his body boiled, and Yankee once again put his true qi into the rich eyes of the bronze rune ground. Immediately the array in the eyes of abundance was completely motivated, countless forces began to penetrate and jump, among which the prohibition was more intense than just now, so that the flesh in the air once again melted some, turned into more dragon-shaped true qi into Yang Qi's body.

Yankee's body exploded again!

As such, Yankee's true temper, like a snowball, grew bigger and stronger. Those real qis are injected into the body, flowing through the blood vessels, the blood vessels, the meridians, the fields, even the bone marrow.

Yankee's body is microscopic and has a sense of continued awakening.

His flesh, his bones, all changed, and his pocket tricks began to shift, creating new changes, constantly changing, the true human figure in each pocket trick, is also undergoing an overturning change, creating a close connection with his own flesh.

His power this time, it was too fast, too intense. Finally, the power reached the frown ancestral cave and awakened the little golden man.

The little golden man, suddenly, the infinite amount of golden light erupted on his body, seemed to be because the power of Yang Qi reached its standard, yet another set of countless words, the image passed over.

“This is…”

Yankee instantly felt in her head that she seemed to be in an infinite pitch-black void, and deep in that pitch-black void, countless lights gathered in heaven into an infinite world, the place of the gods, the heaven of the gods.

And beneath the void, countless darkness, forming dense and numb positions, these faces are as much as the sand of the sea, powerful demons are transmitted out, is the hell where the demons are.

Light belongs to the gods in heaven.

Darkness belongs to the demons of Hell.

God and the devil, in the universe, are ancient beings, fighting endlessly. Infinite time and space, countless digits, are trembling constantly, constantly evolving.

Suddenly, a great power emerged from heaven in the deepest depths of light, and in light and darkness evolved an incarnation of strength.

At first, it was a faint human figure, elephant head, human body.

Yankee watched, countless lights and shadows, begin to shape, concentrate. Great power, going on in the void, not knowing how many billions of years have passed, suddenly that shadow turned into a great god, boom! This great god stepped out, the whole heavens and the earth turned into chaos, and countless darknesses were trampled under his feet.

Since then, the forces of darkness and chaos have completely occupied the downwind, the gods of light, in the upwind.

“The body of the god is condensed and shaped. This is how the body condenses!” Yang Qi's heart gave rise to a stock of enlightenment. He watched the process of the creation of the idols, while enlightening the little golden man's mantra, it was a process of rebuilding the body. It is the authentic kung fu that leads to the legendary road.

To practice to reach the legendary realm, you must have a secret method, that is, body shaping.

At the moment of the promotion legend, there will be a big explosion in the body, where all the points, the meridians, the air sea will be blown up, transformed into chaos, and then the body will be reconstituted in chaos according to various cultivation techniques. For example, when the Great Sun Kankun sword cultivation reaches the end, and the legend first changes, when the blood changes, it will turn into the Great Sun Sword.

And now, the little golden man in this eyebrow conveys many times more powerful than the Great Day Sword.

It is the body of the god in the power of the god township, which the gods have given the name “the body of the Lord”.

Lord of all things, short for "Lord”.

With all their strength and essence, the gods have created an elephant to suppress Hell and suppress the demons of the masses, so that light may prevail in the universe. This “body of dominion” is very powerful. The work Yankee now gets is only a small part of the legendary realm, but it is already magical. He is enlightened and then finely rotates the body, trying to change the meridians and build the body of dominion. Not long ago, it produced an effect. The first thing that changed was the blood, Yankee, even slightly noticed that the structure of his own blood had changed essentially, absorbing the true qi, where incredible changes were constantly occurring, and each drop of blood contained countless little lives, like human demons, like ghosts, like immortals, like Buddha, like emperors. It has all the greatest atmosphere and power in the world.

They run in the most perfect way possible, side by side with each other.

Buzzing..... Yankee's body, bone joints, bone marrow, is also shaking, in the arrangement, combination, the blood on her body all seem to be transformed into a path of wax, in distortion, revealing Taigu Hongmong's environment.


In the depths of Yang Qi's eyebrows, a vertical eye appeared. It was a flesh and blood transformation that produced the eyeball, which was like a heavenly eye, deep, vast, with endless starry skies, countless digital surfaces, and space died in this eyeball.

This is more powerful than the Prince's "Angry Eye” in essence.

This is the unique eye of the Body of Domination, the Eye of the Lord.

And when the elephant opens the eyes of the Lord, the mighty demon God, who is in the deepest depths of hell, will not dare to move. He represents the world, the past, the present and the future, the most powerful “Lord”, the incarnation of the power of the “Lord”.

“The Lord," he said, existed indestructibly.

“The Lord” says disappear, and the meteor falls.

“Lord” holds the world and “Lord” creates the universe.

This vertical eye of Yankee, in mythology, is the “Lord” who blesses his eyes with the gods, gives them statues, triumphs over darkness, sees through infinity and hell, so that no powerful demon god can take shape.

Yet, while Yankee has now gathered into this “eye of the Lord”, the true power cannot yet be demonstrated, and only by waiting to reach the legendary realm can we kill everything with this eye.

Moreover, the body of his dominion is now slightly condensed, only the great destruction, the legendary moment, can become small.

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